You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. A good show for you today. We’re gonna go over Grants women officially being announced yesterday, and I have a message for grants women And I have a note to point out of the 25 women who were announced yesterday We are also going to talk about the premiere of deal or no deal island and what is driving me absolutely nuts There’s a couple things about that show.
They’re absolutely driving me nuts through the first episode one that it was two hours We didn’t need a two hour premiere way too long anyway You We will get to that. And then the most comical and ironic movie is coming out on Netflix next month. We’ll get to all that momentarily. Grants Women officially announced yesterday on all social media channels.
BachelorNation. com has their headshots and their bios, the answers to their questions. The Instagram account, Bachelor ABC, Bachelorette ABC, Bachelor in Paradise, all the Instagram accounts posted videos and photos of the women. So everyone can see 25 women when they gave the possibility cast, you know, how they give that cast on Facebook, usually two to three days before filming begins, there were 27 women that were given out that day.
And two of them obviously did not make the cast final cast. It was Andrea Vignolo and Rebecca Lee. Those were the two using process of elimination that didn’t make it. And with the cast being released yesterday. Not only was it Grants Women Release Day, it was also a day I like to call Grants Women Repost Everyone Who Includes Them in an IG Story Day.
Because that’s what we got. So, you go to every single one of those 25 women yesterday and they are reposting every single thing that any friend or family posted about them on their IG stories and they just hit repost. This is nothing new. We see this every season. It’s just funny to see who posts the most.
I think the leader in the clubhouse right now is Juliana. She seems to have posted, reposted more Instagram stories yesterday than any other woman, because what I did was I kind of just wanted to go through it real quick and see how many of the women are reposting stuff and even acknowledging the fact that they’re on the show.
Most of them did. In fact, 24 of the 25 women are now, well, I shouldn’t say that. All 25 women are public on Instagram now. And 24 of the 25 women either posted their cast photo on their Instagram feed, or they posted something from the show on their Instagram story. There is only one woman. Who’s posted absolutely nothing at the time of this recording, which is 10 30 central time.
And she literally just posted because I checked before I started recording 10 minutes ago, she posted some, I think she’s cooking something was Zoe. Zoe, we know finishes third this season. She has posted nothing. All every other woman on this cast has posted something today, acknowledging I went on the show.
As of 10 30 central time last night, Joey has not, Joey, Zoe has not posted anything. Now, if you take that with the information I gave you a couple of months ago, and I said, look, I’m not going to use the word villain anymore. Cause it’s pointless because people completely take it out of context. But I said, if there is one woman this season that is going to be painted in a light where she’s not there to make friends with anybody else.
She’s marching to the beat of her own drum and doing her own thing. From everything that I’ve gathered, it was Zoe. And here we are the very first day that these women can acknowledge the fact that are on the show, 24 women did. And Zoe hasn’t posted anything. She hasn’t posted her cast photo. She hasn’t reposted anything from the bachelor ABC account.
Nothing. So, I just thought it was interesting, might mean nothing, I don’t know, maybe it does line up with what I heard, maybe she didn’t have a fun time there, I don’t know, why wouldn’t you, everyone else in the cast did it, why wouldn’t you acknowledge that you were on the show, why wouldn’t you post your phone, it’s not like she didn’t have her phone yesterday, because she posted as of 10.
30 central time last night, three Instagram stories yesterday, One was at the gym and I think two were about food doesn’t even post her cast photo doesn’t post anything So it could mean something it could mean nothing. I just figured I would point it out because It’s not like she’s one of five one of ten women who posted nothing.
She’s the only woman I went through all 25 Went to bachelor data’s Instagram account because she has all the women tagged in her Instagram page So I would just go to each picture hit their tagged Yeah Instagram account would bring me right to their page and every single one of them either posted a their cast photo on their feed With a little caption of their own or they put it in their Instagram story and Zoe’s posted absolutely nothing Take that for what it is so I do this at the beginning of every season, especially the day that the women are announced and It’s kind of my message to the women of this season.
It’s also a message to the fan base of this season, because obviously the day the women come out, even though they’ve been on my Instagram page since literally the middle of September. And I just want to talk about and pass along a message to the women of Grant season, and just tell you this you’re in for a ride, not all 25 of you.
If you’re eliminated on the first night, first row ceremony, probably even second or third row ceremony. You know, unfortunately, you’re not as relevant to the season and the people on social media, which I like to call Toxic Bachelor Nation, probably won’t have a lot to say about you. But there are going to be women this season that, because they dressed a certain way, because they talked a certain way, because they walked a certain way, because they wore their hair a certain way, Toxic Bachelor Nation will find a way to insult you.
And they’ll either say it in a DM to you, they’ll either write it on your captions, just know it’s coming. I can’t tell you which one of you is gonna get it the worst, but it’s coming. It happens every single season, this is what you are signing up for. I know when you initially signed up, you probably didn’t think you were, but I’m just warning you, it’s coming.
You might think you’re the nicest girl in the world and you’ve never had anybody say anything negative about you online. I can tell you right now, it’s coming in some way, shape, or form. It might be subtle. It might be directly in your face. It might even be a fucking death threat because that’s how crazy this fan base is.
I could call out the fan base. Like I do every season and just say, leave these women alone. How about just not saying anything negative? You don’t have to sit there and kiss their ass, but I don’t see why you need to take to someone’s Instagram page or their messages and DM them something. So over the top, rude, if not threatening, I can say that until I’m blue in the face.
It’s going to happen to women this season. And at some point this season, somebody on this cast, if not the show itself on their main bachelor ABC, Instagram page is probably going to leave a message saying, these women are real people. They have real feelings. We get it every season. I just want to warn you it’s coming.
Hell, the cast was just. Quote unquote officially announced yesterday. There’s already people hiding behind screen names that are making snide comments about the women this season Because they have no life and they have nothing better to do other than judge people behind a screen name and the reason they judge People behind a screen name and they don’t want to reveal who they are is because they don’t want to be judged themselves Which is laughable if you think about it.
But it happens. It’s going on right now. The second Grant season starts airing on January 27th. It’ll pick up even more. The ball will start rolling downhill. It’s coming. Because, and it, this isn’t because anything like major that I have some inside information on is, I just know because it’s a bachelor season and this fan base is completely toxic.
This fan base is already calling out people on this, on the show this season. This is what they do. They have nothing better to do other than to dig and find something about every single person and make sure that other people in their giant echo chamber don’t like them. That’s what they do. So, unfortunately for the women of this show, it’s almost better if you got eliminated in the first few episodes because people aren’t going to harp on you that much.
But yes, the women who make it to the final seven, the final four, three, they’re going to get it the most. Just because they’re on our screens a lot longer and it happens every season. I can’t tell you what particular incident or what particular saying or what particular scene is going to set somebody off, but it will, it does every season.
So congratulations to the women of grant season. You are now indoctrinated into this crazy world called bachelor nation. As many perks as might come from this, as many guys from the franchise that might slide into your DM, as many chances you may have of getting on to bachelor in paradise, just know there is a very, very negative downside that is not fun to deal with.
And unfortunately, some of you, I don’t know who yet, but some of you are probably going to feel a wrath of toxic bachelor nation more so than others, and I feel for you, you won’t be getting it from me, it’s coming. And. The other thing with the bios coming out yesterday, I know that a lot of other podcasts, I say this every season and each podcast can do their own thing.
I just don’t like doing cast bio breakdowns because I know that those three facts, not all of them are even true. One might be true. One might be exaggerated. One might be completely made up. You talk to former cast members, they will tell you. I never even wrote any of those facts in my bio, which is completely made up.
So I’m not going to sit here and speculate. Well, with this girl, was this right? Is this real? And I know a lot of people are going to do that. And a lot of podcasts do that. I just, I just don’t. You got the women, you’ve seen their faces. You want to go read their bio, go to bachelor nation. com. You can read it.
All I will tell you is when you read their bios and you read those three facts about themselves, just know that. A lot of those aren’t even true. And they’re made up by the production team that puts those bios together. Some might be true, but if we don’t know what’s true and what isn’t, it’s kind of pointless to speculate and maybe rip into somebody because they wrote this as one of their facts, which unfortunately a lot of podcasts are going to do.
I wish they wouldn’t, but they will. And that’s why I stay away from it. We see what they look like. We know their names. We know their Instagram. I think their Instagram accounts say more about them than any facts that they wrote in their bio for the ABC bachelor nation. com website.