Now with this winter storm, that’s coming to Dallas today and tomorrow, probably not gonna leave my house for two days. So I won’t have a hell of a lot going on, which means I’m going to get caught up on a lot of television and Hey, perfect timing traders. Season three starts today. It’s dropping today on Peacock.
So I will finish those three episodes and I will talk about that on tomorrow’s podcast. And I don’t need to get caught up on what aired last night because I watched both of them. Both of them were well, the challenge finale part two was an hour and a half special forces. First episode was two hours.
Let’s talk special forces. First 16 people. This is season three of it. Bachelor people did well last season as Nick Vial and Tyler Cameron were two of your final three winners. And in season one, Hannah Brown won. With Carly Lloyd. So they’ve done really well. We have two bachelor women from the franchise on this season, Trista Sutter and Allie Mano Fedotowsky or Fedotowsky Mano.
However, we don’t have Allie Fedotowsky Mano anymore. Because she’s gone. So now when special forces first came out and we knew that Allie was on the cast and we knew that Tristan was on the cast and they started running their first trailer for the season. I think you remember me saying like, I have no idea about the spoilers of this show.
I don’t want to know who lasts and who doesn’t judging by the trailer that they gave for the season. I said, I don’t think Allie lasts very long on this season just because she was nowhere to be found in the trailer. And she lasted the first episode, not because she quit, she didn’t vw, she didn’t voluntarily withdraw.
She was medically taken from the game. They didn’t really go into details. We just knew she had a hand in injury or a finger injury. I’m sure if you go to Ali’s Instagram page or her Facebook page or something, I’m sure I haven’t gone to it tonight. I’m sure she goes into more detail about what the injury she suffered was.
It looked like maybe she had a broken ring finger. And obviously, if you have a broken ring finger, you’re not going to have much of a grip, and it seems like in a thing like this, you’re going to need some sort of grip, and if you can’t bend your finger, and it’s taped to your middle finger that would really, really hinder you in a lot of ways.
So sucks for her. She was very disappointed. It looks like she was, you know, she was doing well. She failed both of the first two tasks, but it’s not like she was terrible. Jumping onto a moving helicopter from a, you know, a helicopter that’s hovering from a moving boat. I can’t say I expected Allie to be able to accomplish that.
She locked onto it. But then she just couldn’t pull herself up, which is understandable. But yeah, she was disappointed. So she’s not in it. The last we saw of Trista, she was in the doctor’s office thinking she had hypothermia. She’s still there as of right now. I worry about Trista being physically ready for this.
So I don’t. Predict Trista will get to the end of this. So it looks like this is going to be our first season where no bachelor people make it to the end, but there were two others that were eliminated from the show, Steven Baldwin, who came across exactly as how you probably expect him to come across on a show like this, just a weird, weird guy.
Not surprising whatsoever. And Denise Richards, both VW’d, just voluntarily withdrew. Denise said her back hurt, and Stephen said he’s got a gig that is going to pay ten times more than whatever he was making on Special Forces. So, one of the caveats was he was not going, he couldn’t get injured in Special Forces or else he would lose that gig.
At this, who knows, first off, who knows if that’s true? And secondly, What did you expect? Like something, something about that just seems very fishy and just the way that guy is and how slimy he is. It’s just hard to buy what he’s selling. It’s like, why come on the show in the first place? You knew there was a chance for injury.
Have you ever watched this show before? There are numerous, numerous people that were medically taken away off special forces because of an injury. So to sit there and say, well, I can’t be injured here. Okay, great. Then why did you join? You know, just not a fan of that guy, but those two and Allie are the three that were eliminated in last night’s episode.
Two of them voluntarily Allie was medically taken from the show. So we have 13 people left. Now, how many people went to go see the staff for interrogation? It was Steven. It was. Kayla, who is Travis Kelsey’s ex and Jordan Weber, who was a member of the U S women’s gymnastics team 10 years ago. And she was one of the women, one of the numerous women that were, was sexually assaulted by Dr.
Larry Nassar and the biggest. Doctor athlete, sexual assault case in the history of sports. And I didn’t know she was one of them, but I assume when they brought her in and she was talking about her past, I assumed, Oh, wow. She’s going to have to talk about and tell them about, she must’ve been one of those gymnasts that were assaulted by him, which is like literally one of the worst stories ever.
So, but she’s still there. She’s, she’s hanging in there and. You know, it’s, it’s kind of too early to tell. I mean, there’s only five episodes, so I’m not going to wait till the episode before and be like, yeah, I think they’re going to win. I think we know who are the stronger competitors out there. The football players are always going to do well.
But when you look at it, no football players ever won. So maybe Cam Newton and golden tape don’t get to the end of this thing. I, I, I can see. Jordan making it through this, honestly. And I just, I don’t know. I don’t, I don’t feel like Brody Jenner is going to win. Like I said, I don’t believe Trista is getting to the end.
I don’t know. It’s tough to say. I need, I need to give me one more episode and I’ll write down who I think is getting to the end of this thing. And we end with the challenge finale. Pretty anticlimactic for the men. I mean, unless Jordan literally got injured and had to be medically removed from the game, there was zero chance he wasn’t winning.
There was no, no drama there whatsoever. It’s why when they announced the men’s winner, they went first and they just said, our winner is Jordan. Then they went second with Derek and. Third with bananas and fourth with Kylan pretty much. We knew Kylan was finishing fourth. He finished fourth in every single round.
Checkpoint, except for one because he couldn’t swim, which was just, it just seemed like, I mean, I would think Kylan is never going to go back on a challenge until he gets much better at swimming because he knows, I mean, that had to be really frustrating for him. I understand like. Hey, you have to know swimming is involved at some point.
I don’t think he knew it was gonna be so much swimming in the finale.
I don’t think I’m him. If I’m him, I go back on that show until I am a way, way better swimmer. What’s the point? Because you could get to a finale and the same thing could happen to you. Now, that seemed to be one of the biggest finales in terms of swimming. How much swimming was involved in a finale that I can ever remember.
Usually it’s a lot more running. Endurance. And then your checkpoint it’s running and then getting to a checkpoint and then having to eat gross stuff or put a giant puzzle together and stuff like that, and then running to the next one, making it a swimming one. It was like, they just hand wrapped gift wrapped this title for Jordan, who I don’t see how that guy ever loses another final that he’s ever in or loses any other challenge that he ever competes in, because even if people say, look, we got to get him out here early, who’s beating him in a, Certainly no one’s beating him in a final.
The guy runs triathlons, unless you get someone else on that show that runs triathlons, he’s great at swimming and he’s great at long distance running. I just, the only way, the only way Jordan doesn’t win a final from this point forward is if he’s on teams and his teammates are weak, let’s say they do a rivals or they do an Xs and they put them with somebody, I don’t know.
He didn’t win the season with Anissa, right? Anissa was the one that slowed him down, when Anissa was on his team, or maybe she was on his team, I was, maybe that’s when they switched partners for every checkpoint or something like that, regardless. If he’s on a season where you have a partner or a team the whole season, that’s really the only way he can win, but if they’re gonna do a one man winner and one woman winner, and Jordan gets to a final, who’s beating him?
Nobody has proven they can match him, anymore. The CTs of the world, I don’t think can beat Jordan in a final. We’ve seen bananas, you know, even if it, even if this one wasn’t swimming and every single thing they did in this finale was running and doing the checkpoints that they all did. I still don’t think it matters.
I think Jordan boat races, everybody as for the women, the karma points did come into play. So we find out that the karma points counted for two checkpoints. So somebody, the best karma point getter was going to get eight points. Like winning a checkpoint got you four points, second place got you three, third place got you two, and fourth place got you one.
So, the winner of Karma Points basically got two checkpoint wins. Eight points. Second most points? Got six. Third most got four. Fourth most got two. The women’s ended up being a tie. Because Jenny had six more points than anybody else in terms of the checkpoints that she had won over the eight checkpoints.
She had 22 points and Rachel had 16, but Rachel won the karma points. She had eight out of the karma points, which brought her to 24 points. And Jenny only got she got dead last in the karma points and got two. So you added that to her 22 points. They both finished with 24. And then Michelle. Finished with 23 points.
I mean, that was the closest final in challenge history. So that was intriguing. I didn’t think they were going to have co winners. So those two, instead of the first place getting 400 and second place getting 75, 000, they combined first and second and they split for 75. So they get two 37, five each. I mean, I’m sure they’ll take that.
I mean, I’m sure they would have, but they can both call themselves challenge winners. Jenny has been, I think this is only the second challenge Jenny’s ever competed in, right? So she’s two for two. She’s a beast. And Rachel. Has now won three titles and she hasn’t played in 10 years. So congratulations out to them.
It just seemed like they got to do something about these five month seasons. That’s it’s too long, too long to run. This is started airing in August. Why are we getting a finale on January 8th? I just didn’t make a lot of sense to me too long. Bananas probably going to be tough for him to ever win a final and less.
It’s a season that doesn’t have Jordan in it, but I, I’m, I’m kind of still amazed by what happened with the women’s. So, I mean, I did not see that coming. I didn’t see two people getting 24 points and Michelle only finished a point behind. Now we get two weeks of reunion shows where they can all scream at each other and spill tea.
So technically the season isn’t even over airing. It’s not going to be over for another, I’m assuming two weeks of, of reunion shows, but. Hey, I’m into it anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily.
Comes out an hour from now, 9 15 a. m. Eastern time podcast number four 25 up on my YouTube channel and in your podcast feed with Susanna Summers, who is bachelor data on Instagram. Again, if you can donate in any way and help any of the victims in the Southern California fires, There’s so many links online.
Go to anybody in bachelor nation. A lot of them are reposting links. Those are probably people you follow and just make sure the link is good. I, most of them are, I don’t think anyone’s trying to get scanned, but there are some scammers out there and donate in any way you can, if it’s five bucks, 10 bucks, whatever, it’ll all add up because this is one of the most devastating things I’ve ever seen.
Ever seen in terms of natural disasters you know, outside of Katrina and some of the other big hurricanes. This, this is, this is big time. So anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.