I think people need to understand it’s not because they don’t like Grant and that’s why they’re only giving them nine episodes.
And next season, we’re going to go back to 11. I’m pretty sure that this is going to be the bachelor format going forward. Only because. This all has to do with scheduling. This all has to do with the fact that ABC has the rights to the college football playoff. And when they went to 12 teams, that means they had to push back their national championship game.
And I said it before I even knew when grant start date was, I said, look, guys, the college football national championship is January 20th. They can’t start Matt grant season before then. So the first Monday after the 20th is the 27th. And I guarantee that’s when we’re going to start it. But they’re not also going to add on the back end and go into April to end the season, because then you’re competing with college basketball national championship, which is usually the first Monday in April.
So this is ending at the same time as it usually does mid to late March, but it’s starting two weeks later. That’s why there’s probably only going to be nine episodes. And I think this is going to be it. Not it for the show, but it meaning this is going to be the format. You’re not going to get your first bachelor season because for the longest time, it was always first Monday.
In January, a couple of seasons ago, it went to, Oh, now it’s in the second Monday. Now it cannot air. It cannot start in because you’re not going to start it on January 13th, take a week off for the college football national championship, and then come back. You’re going to do that week one into the season.
So bachelor season is not going to start until the week after the college football national championship, which is now. the third week of Monday in January. So we’re going to get nine episode seasons. They’re just going to be shorter. It’s just the way it is. And
something I wish that they would do is the episode before hometowns.
I wish that was a half an episode. And then the second half of that episode was the men tell all, and then we go into hometowns overnights. finale.
Oh, okay. So you want men tell all before they even show the hometowns
or just like a half episode somewhere. Like we don’t need a full episode for men tell all we don’t.
And we’ve seen the last few seasons. It’s getting, they haven’t done it
right. Well they haven’t, they’ve never, they, they, they’ll do, they’ll end the hometown date episode in the first half hour and then go into tell all. So it’s only 90 minutes.
Yeah. I’m fine. I’m fine. So much filler and it, it has historically every single season, every single season since like, since my Brad Womack, Brad Womack is my, my point where it’s like, that’s the new era of the show.
The Men Tell All, The Women Tell All is historically the worst episode performing ratings wise all season. It’s a dip. The season will go up towards the end and then there’s one episode that goes bloop. And that’s always the tell all episode
and then it goes back up for the finale because people want to tune in to see what happened at the end.
But yeah, outside of Ben Flanick’s women tell all, which is the only time in the history of the show, they had one of the final two there because they had to bring Courtney on because she was such a lightning rod that season. You just can’t find many memorable ones. And the other thing is you also got to remember, we bring this up every season.
When you film that tell all, we know now it’s basically a precursor and an audition for Bachelor in Paradise. That’s why you get night one and night two men and women speaking out. And you’re like, who is this person? Well, you, you really can’t chime into anything. You weren’t there during the season. You got sent home in episode one.
Or episode two, but they gas up these contestants and tell them literally you ask any contestant who was a night one or night two elimination. Did producers tell you, Hey, yeah, we promise you paradise. Sometimes they followed through sometimes they didn’t, but that’s why you hear night one and night two eliminations speak up on the tell all show because they want to make a name for themselves and they want people to remember them.
Hell, even in their intro package on paradise, they might even say I was the one at the tell all, and they’ll go back and they show the tell all clip, but essentially. You also got to remember grant season, as we said, ended last week of October. So these women who will go back to film grants women tell all in end of February, it’s been four months since they filmed.
Does anybody really hold that much of a grudge four months later? Maybe some women do, but most of the time for the men, they’re just over it. And to dredge up stuff from four months ago, you’re really just, you’re begging. And it just seems contrived and forced. And that’s why the episode is really never any good.
Yeah. And there’s really no way to, it’s like putting lipstick on a pig. There’s really no way, so what can they do during the tell all?
I have an idea. I have an idea what they need to do. Producers, if you’re listening, yeah, click this, Steve, for the, for your stories. Let
me write down the timestamp on it.
53. 53
minutes. If producers are listening, the way to make the tell all episodes actually dramatic is to let these women go on podcasts and do like, we’ve seen this with other shows when they let them go on podcasts throughout the season, then everybody’s really excited for reunion episodes. We saw this with Love Island.
Like they were, they were all going on podcasts before the reunion episode. And then that made it more exciting to see them duke it out at the reunion, letting, And then letting them go on things like call her daddy, which we’re now seeing bachelors relevant enough again, that it’s being part of call her daddy, which is a massive podcast.
Let these, let these women, the villains, the heroes, let them go onto these podcasts to drum up more. Interest for the show, but also so we can hear their thoughts after the show. Cause then we’re going to want to see them duke it out more on the tell all.
They do let them, but they let them go on bachelor happy hour.
And it’s just a fluff. Nobody listens to
that. Nobody listens to bachelor happy hour ratings. It’s not, I mean, the data’s the date you can’t fight the data. I would love, I would love for more podcasts to do well on this franchise. What’s that noise.
Oh, is it me?
Yeah, that was something. Did you hear that in your headphones?
Yep. Amazon’s delivering to my garage, which is right under me, but I’m going to lift up my my microphone. So you can’t hear it. Is that
better? Is that your, no, now I hear it. Is that your, what’s that noise? Is it your, is it your garage going up and down? That’s what it sounds like.
Yeah, because I’m using a Yeti mic and because it’s touching my desk, my garage is just below.
So if anybody knows about myQ, it’s like this thing you can install in your garage for Amazon delivery into your garage. So they’ll just come and deliver stuff in there.
Yeah, it was just a vibrating, it was just a vibrating noise I heard in my ear and I was like, I didn’t know where it was coming from.
but yeah, that’s, that’s the only reason that’s the only way that I can see the tell all episodes actually be excited because that’s why they had Courtney on, on that episode. And I actually just looked at the ratings. So the demo went down for Courtney Robertson on Ben Flajnik season. Flajnik, I think that’s how you say it.
It went down 0. 1, but the viewership actually went up like, 140, 000 viewers, which it’s pretty rare for viewer numbers to go up for the tell all episode. They all just, it’s all blips. But that’s, that’s the thing you need to drum up the drama and the interest in the buy in into those storylines.
And unfortunately the villain storylines on the show are always just so overdone. And everybody’s like, can you stop? This is so annoying that when it comes to the tele episode, everybody’s just like, I don’t, I don’t care to watch them fight anymore. Like this was so annoying.
So I see what you’re saying.
The problem then becomes exactly what we know. And that’s toxic bachelor nation. If one of these girls goes on somebody’s podcast during the show, while it’s airing And starts talking shit on the other girls. I think we know now that these contestants opening themselves up to harsh, harsh criticism and a lot of trolls.
I mean, there’s a difference between criticizing, Hey, maybe you shouldn’t act this way on the television show versus you should die. And we know, I think, I think everybody now is hypersensitive and hyper aware of. I don’t want to ruffle feathers and I don’t want to call other girls, bitches. I don’t want to call anybody names.
And I think that’s why we’re never going to get it. It’s because they know the second they start doing that toxic bachelor nation is going to jump down their throat and build
up other storylines. If we have besties, remember like Becca Tilly and Jojo on that season with her, them blow drying each other’s extensions, have them go and call her daddy together to talk about their friendship on the show.
And then on the tell all episode, they talk about their plans moving forward, invite one of them to go on paradise and then they’d be like, I won’t go unless my bestie goes. Cause we’re a package. Like, you know, there’s so many other like storylines that they could build up that will make the audience excited.
That don’t necessarily have to be negative fighting storylines. Like we need. We need buy in and we also need these contestants making content on TikTok. Like that, we need a combination of all these things to make it successful.
Yeah. And I just, you never know what we’re going to get with them, what they’re going to allow.
Sometimes it seems like they’re, they allow more things than others, but you know, how many women in this show’s history? How many contestants in the show’s history have been on Call Her Daddy? Two? Is it Jen and Maria? Is that it?
No, we’ve had others. So Colton, I think Colton went on Nick Vial, but Colton went on regarding his scandal.
Nick Vial went on because of his podcast. I think that’s it. And then, yeah, Jen and Maria. Did Tyler
Cameron go on Call Her Daddy? Mm mm. He’d never be on, and even if he did, it wouldn’t be
on some other big, he’s been on some other big ones, but I, Call Her Daddy wasn’t, At the point of interviewing other people back when he was super popular Caller daddy broke up.
And then alex cooper became a i’m going to interview other people podcast Instead of two girls talking about their escapades podcast. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean that’s Yeah, that podcast has done a complete 180 from what it used to be it used to be yeah Talking about because it was like you said it was two women that As far as I know, her and Sophia Franklin did not do interviews when it was the two of them.
It was just two girls talking about their sex and dating escapades in New York City, right?
Yeah, I don’t. And if they did interviews, it wasn’t like a comment. I didn’t listen back then though.
And now we know it’s Alex Cooper getting a lot of big names in the entertainment world, the podcast world. Hell, she got Kamala Harris on, you know, she, she dove into the political side.
So yeah, it’s different, but we also know it’s the number one, if I’m not mistaken, it’s the number one female hosted podcast.
Yep. It’s, it’s the number two podcast in the United States and globally behind Joe Rogan is the number one women led podcast, woman led podcast.
Although it was Kylie Kelsey. I keep hearing numbers about Kylie Kelsey now having the most listened to podcast out there.
I don’t know if that’s true or not.
She’s, no, so she’s only a few episodes in, but it’s performing really well. Every time it drops, it gets more, it gets higher on the ratings list than Joe Rogan, but it’s also a different quantity, right? Her goal, I listened to the first few episodes that her goal is to only put out, I think, 25 minute episodes to make it easy for moms to listen to don’t have too much time.
And they don’t, she doesn’t want them to feel left out. And it’s 1 episode a week. I think Joe Rogan does a bunch.
Does she do interviews or is she just talking mom stuff for 25 minutes? So it’s half her
talking and then half her interviewing somebody. So the first episode, it was Allison Kutch, who her husband is, was in the NFL.
He’s just not on a team right now and they create really good content. I, I love her as a content creator. She’s had really great guests on so far. I love Kylie Kelsey.
And it’s only 25 minutes. And she does an interview, half interview and half regular.
I think it’s like 25, 35, it’s under 45 minutes, but it’s definitely not an hour.
And she intentionally talked about in the first episode that she wanted to keep it short, specifically as a mom, like it’s tough to feel like you’re missing out on content.
Gotcha. Yeah. I just, I just hear that she’s doing really well. And I hear the numbers about, Oh my God, she’s surpassed Joe Rogan as the most popular podcast in America.
I’m like, She literally just started.
I think she, I think moving forward though, Alex Cooper, we’re going to start seeing her like, I think we’re going to start to see it go down because she, it’s probably, I think she’s getting into the phase of her life that she’s realizing, like, the content creation hamster wheels a lot, and she isn’t going to be as relevant with.
You know, sex and going out and partying as she’s getting older. So she’s created a podcast network. So she’s signing on tons of influencers and stuff and bringing them on to her podcast network. So, what that does, if people are wondering, you get a portion of that person’s podcast revenue to host them and to give them the name and get get them their brand deals.
She just launched on well hydration. Which, unfortunately, is through Nestle. If people don’t know this, Nestle actively lobbies in Congress against paid or mandatory maternity leave for women after having pregnancy because it will decrease the amount of money that they make off of formula because when women have to go to work, they have to convert to formula.
So. Unfortunately, like, I was really excited that, that Alex Cooper got Kamala Harris, and I think it was a really powerful episode to talk about women’s rights, but unfortunately she signed with Nestle. She also has a patent pending for a vodka brand under Unwell Network, so it seems like she’s trying to build up other businesses to possibly pull back.
Did she just bring in Grace O’Malley? The one who’s from Brianna chicken fry. Okay. 24
hours after. So Grace, Grace O’Malley went on Theo Vaughn’s podcast. Saw
clips of that.
And apparently Alex Cooper’s team reached out to her like 24 hours after this whole thing. And the deal was done a few days later and they’re, she’s getting paid way more than than she was at Barstool.
She said, yeah, she said on, well, Portnoy came out after she went on Theo Vons and said we were paying her, you know, because on Theo Vons podcast, Grace O’Malley said, you know, my partner, she didn’t mention Brianna, Brianna by name, but we all knew who she was talking about. She’s like, she was making way, way more than I was.
And, and Portnoy came out and said, I’ll just tell you what she was making. She was making one 70 base to do her podcast. He didn’t say what Brianna was making, but he also said Grace O’Malley, when she came to Barstool. Nobody knew who she was. She was a nobody. Of course, Brianna is going to make more.
Brianna was the name. She was, she was the one that was the star of the show. Grace got paid 170 and she got, and then she built up her brand from there. People started knowing who Grace was because she was on this podcast. And then he said she was in the last year of a three year deal. Grace was, and then obviously the falling out with Brianna happened and she was allowed to go somewhere else.
And now she’s probably gonna make more.
I, I didn’t care about any of these people before the job. I didn’t listen to their podcast. Couldn’t have cared about them. Brianna chicken fry was dating somebody that I was like, all right, that’s your world. I’m not interested in it. Like, you know, you do you girl.
But what Dave, what, what a, what a great boss. And also I think people also need to remember one 70. It sounds like a great salary, but it is not in New York city. That is, that is not great money for New York city.
Yeah. And, you know, who knows what she’s made. I’m, I’m guessing she went to Alex’s network to make more than that.
She’s not going to take less than 170 for sure. One thing about call her daddy. When Maria went on call her daddy, she had made some Instagram posts post that and I don’t know if it was just like, Hey, they’re friends now or whatever. I think everybody assumed that Maria was going to get a podcast because it just seemed like she was referencing it or she was joining it.
But ever since she sees it ended in March. Yeah. Ever since Joey season ended in March. I don’t, I mean, you got to kind of strike while the iron is hot. Maybe she’s under contract and she’s not allowed to do anything until this March. But what has Maria done since March? What is she doing?
She has hung out with Alex Cooper.
that’s it. So she goes to tons of parties with Alex Cooper. What I thought was, cause I mean, they took those professional photos with the Unwell merch. Like the, the hoodies with the sweat pants, one
of her live shows, like one of those live podcasts that she does. Yeah. And I was like,
I was convinced that they were going to announce it once she got off contract.
So I, I personally, I’m wondering if they have extended her contract. I know they can extend leads contracts, but I don’t know if they can extend contestant club tracks.
Well, you got to also remember contestant contracts are one year from the time your finale airs. So that would be this March. So maybe she can’t start a podcast until this March.
So that must be it. But
because I, from what I know from the contract, it’s not that they can’t do things. It’s that they have to get approval for everything and I’m sure that they’re denying her until it’s far enough past Jen season because she was stirring the pot with some of her remarks with Jen.
well, there’s a reason, I mean, let’s, let’s be on it. We don’t know the true reason. And both of them were kind of coy when she went on Alex Cooper. And then when Jen went on Alice Cooper, let’s face it. What Maria said on Alex Cooper’s podcast pissed Jen off. I don’t know. Jen’s never going to say it pissed me off.
I think we all know it did because of what she said and how she said it in the way she worded it wasn’t the greatest wording in the world and remember, these two were literally like besties and before Jen was announced as the bachelorette, these two were posting together and it was lovey dovey captions here and there and they basically literally Are not friends anymore.
Clearly they don’t, they don’t, they don’t even acknowledge each other on social media anymore. So clearly it was because remember when Maria went on, call her daddy, Jen was off filming, she couldn’t even respond to it until she got back. Then she went on, call her daddy. And she’s like, yeah, I heard about that.
And you know, she was being very coy, but it’s obvious she didn’t like what Maria said. And they’re no longer obviously in touch, but then there’s this thing now, you know, if Maria’s contract is up in May and March, that’s fine, but she’s But you would think Maria would be one of the first people on the beach for Bachelor in Paradise if that’s what she wants to do.
I don’t know. So that would set it back because if she started a podcast in March and then all of a sudden in June, she takes off three weeks. Oh, we know why she did. She went to go film Paradise. So I don’t know. But they’ve also made concessions for people in the past. When. What’s her face? When Becca Kufrin went down to paradise, they let her record a podcast down there.
So who knows? They might’ve been, and
also paradise, each one of them negotiate their contracts separately. It’s not like bachelor. We’re like, you’re going to be on the season and here’s your contract that everybody else gets the identical one.
Yeah, no, I mean, the women on grant season, there’s going to be a lot of them on paradise.
We don’t know which ones yet, but when we watch the season, we’ll be able to tell. They will garner the least amount. They’ll be the ones that are in the least Leverage negotiating negotiate, you know, in their negotiations, just because people don’t know them as much, but Joey’s women can probably ask for more.
And then whoever the next bachelorette is starts filming in March, her guys will also be on paradise. And there’ll be in that situation where the people down on the beach won’t even know who these guys are because their season won’t, won’t have aired yet since it won’t even start airing until July. And we know that paradise films in june so you can have that they’re probably in the least least negotiable Leverage situation just because I have a rebuttal If
any of grant’s women can turn up and create as much content right now before paradise starts filming On tiktok starting yesterday.
You’ve got to start now, then they will be able to negotiate A pretty strong package on the beach. They can negotiate early insurance. They like, they will be able to negotiate that because they can be like, listen, look at all the views. I’m getting look at all the content. I’m going to make for you. They will be able to negotiate, but they have to start yesterday and a few of them have a few of them are already posting their cast photos.
A few of them, their cast photo videos already gotten like 30, 40, 000 views. And I’m really
curious, having taken a year off, obviously we have four casts to choose from now. So you have a bigger pool to choose from for this season of Paradise, but number one, we know it’s not going to be in the same location.
That place got bought out, Sayulita got bought out and they’re done there. So they’re gonna have to find a new location. And number two Jesus, I totally blanked. What was the other thing? Oh, just. Do they change up the format at all? Because everyone’s kind of tired of, look, if you don’t get in there in the first two or three drops of people coming in, you’re probably not partnering up with somebody.
And this whole thing of, Hey, I’m entering week five. And then Jesse Palmer says, you either have to stay together and go to it overnight, or you got to break up. It’s like, People just met a day ago, let’s come on and we, we know people talk beforehand. There’s probably already people that have slid into grants, women’s DMS from Jen’s season.
I’m sure it’s happened. However, I think they need to change up the format. In fact, I’d be shocked if they didn’t, if they rolled back the same exact thing, even though they have forecast choose from, I just don’t think it’s going to be successful. You got to do something different with paradise. You got to make it more, no, make it more challenging.
Make it, make, make Make there be challenges and money prizes where people have to like team up or something like that. I just hanging out at a beach, why people go on a date that is just, Hey, go walk down the streets of Mexico and, you know, you know, break open a pinata or learn some salsa dance way. They spend most of the time focusing on what the drama is back at the beach.
I was like, that’s not enough anymore. Or like
a, if they like a competition where One outcome is you win a lot of money. The other one is that you get like a guaranteed date with the, with a person, but the person who takes the money prize is guaranteed another two row ceremonies or something like that.
So it incentivizes them to kind of take the villain route, but they’re, they know they won’t be eliminated because of it right away or bringing in men and women in the same week. So it encourages more of a shake up instead of like. Well, it’s just the women this week that are in charge and these are the only ones that are here like bring in bigger groups of both genders to kind of shake things up more each week or at the halfway point in the season, just bring in a second batch of people and then see what happens, you know, not just like men and women and men and women and boop.
We’re at the overnights. You have to sleep together or else you have to go home. Like, yeah.
Well, it’s like, it’s almost like mix in some of people love bachelor pad. I don’t think they’ll ever bring bachelor pad back just because I don’t think, I don’t think you can top what happened in the third season.
So it’s like they reached the ultimate peak. Even if someone did the same exact thing, it’d be like, okay, but we’ve already seen this. So I don’t really think they’ll ever bring back bachelor pad, but by incorporating game playing challenges, money involvement. You’re bringing a, a version, a part of bachelor pad into bachelor in paradise and almost molding the two together.
I’d be totally fine with that. They just cannot, they cannot do what they’ve been doing for nine seasons. They’ve got to mix it up somehow.
And the other thing that they need to do is they need to make it a more visually stimulating show, like Love Island USA. They’re, their sets are bright. It’s like, I mean, they’re like not technically at the beach either.
They’re like a mile inland from the beach, but it’s like pools, which are bright and blue. And then all of the set is like orange, red or orange, pink, yellow, white, like cool, modern, trendy and like. Yeah, I’m glad that they’re going to be using another beach because, like, they need to move on. They need to get a better set.
They, they got to switch things up. They got to add in a competition aspects and, and I think bachelor in paradise would be so successful. I think it’s too late for them to do this next. I’m sure they already have everybody scheduled, but if they could make a live aspect of the show, kind of like, Love Island and Big Brother, where the audience has some type of participation.
This is why Dancing with the Stars is partially so successful is people will fight each other online. Like the arguments I see people get on, on comment sections on Reddit, fighting for the people that they think that needs to make it to the finale or to the semifinals and stuff like that, that encourages audience buy in.
That gets people to tune in. So if they can have some type of audience participation, that’s going to get people to buy into the show more.
Yeah. And the problem with that is I just don’t see it happening. They’ve never done a live show. No, you could maybe do an online live after show. But they’re going to film the show in advance.
They’re just never going to film anything live in this franchise. They haven’t for 48 seasons. I don’t know why they would start now, but remember back in the day, they had the bachelor paradise after show that was live where it was Chris Harrison in studio. And then they would bring in guests from that episode.
And then Chris Harrison went and did who wants to be a millionaire? And then Sean Lowe and Michelle Collins hosted one season and then. Another season, somebody else hosted. I can’t remember who it was, but
could, I could see them just doing a live after show. Hell deal or no deal island, which premiered last night has a live after show hosted by Boston Rob right now.
Like that show is in its second season and they’re doing a live after show because it got so much good buzz off of season one. Maybe go back to the bachelor paradise live after show. Cut the episode. I don’t need two hours of bachelor paradise also on Monday nights. That’s way too much. That’s maybe do a 90 minutes and then a 30 minute live after show where you go right into somebody in studio.
At least people. It gets people engaged. You see them, you know, because like I said, they’re not going to do a live show. They just can’t. They’ve they’ve never done anything where you’re tuning in live, except for. The after the final rose, which is always the most entertaining episode of the season, but we’re not voting.
We’re just getting live reactions to that. So yeah, a lot of good ideas. Susanna, thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. Your data is unmeasured in the bachelor franchise. So go check her out at bachelor data at pop culture data as well. Susanna, thank you so much for coming on and obviously we’ll be in touch.
Thanks for having me.
All right. Talk to you later. Bye. Thank you so much to Susanna for coming on. Really appreciate it. Love having her on. She is Encyclopedia when it comes to the statistics from this show. I like that we can dive into other things and talk about this franchise as a whole. I really think the lack of promotion for Grant’s season is just kind of a head scratcher.
It really does seem like he was picked at the last minute. I just don’t think that this is a guy that they pretty much knew all season that they were going to use as their next bachelor. But just because the way that he was announced, the way they’ve barely promoted his season, the fact that this is going to be the shortest bachelor season we’ve gotten in a while.
But although you did hear me talk about the fact that this is going to be the norm for the bachelor going forward, I don’t think we’re going to have 11 episodes seasons anymore just because the college football playoff is on ABC and it got extended out and the championship game is going to be around the third Monday in January every year now.
So you can’t start the bachelor before that. So the bachelor’s probably going to be the last Monday in January, and they can’t make it go into April because then you’re going up against the college basketball national championship, even though that’s on a different network. You’re not going to want to compete against that.
You still have to end in March, but now you’re starting in the fourth week of January. So unless this franchise moves to streaming, which is certainly a possibility in the future, as long as it’s on ABC, the bachelor’s going to be. Basically relegated to a nine episode season, I would think. So I great conversation though, with Susanna, love talking to her.
And I thank you all for tuning in. Obviously follow me on Apple podcasts, rate, subscribe and review if you can. And go over to my YouTube page, 9 15 AM Eastern time. This will be on my YouTube channel as well. You can tune in, you can like comment, you can subscribe, you can talk to others as it is airing.
So go check that anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)