You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. Good Friday show for you. There are going to be spoilers in this regarding the traders. It didn’t come out until 9 p. m. Eastern time last night. I did watch the first three episodes from this point forward.
It’s just one episode a week, every Thursday, but they dropped the first three last night. Great stuff, a lot to talk about with this, but I am going to be talking about spoilers in this and what happened in the episodes. So that’s probably going to be the first half of this podcast. 10, 12 minutes, something like that.
So if you don’t want to know, I would suggest fast forwarding. Then I’m also going to talk about. A little bit more about the fires, but did you see whose house burned down and how crazy life imitated art in this situation? Just almost eerie. I do want to talk about tweets that Kylan sent out after the challenge finale.
And then I might get, depending on time to this, Alison Holker, Stephen boss. Story that’s obviously going on right now. I might need some, I might need the weekend to think about this more because I know this is a very, very hot button topic and it’s really setting some people off. So I might get to it. I might save it for Monday.
Regardless, we will get to all this momentarily. So right off the bat, just want to say, Hey, while we did have, I don’t know what the inches ended up being here in Dallas yesterday, but from 8 AM yesterday morning till. Basically on and off all day. It snowed my whole backyard. You can’t see any of the grass.
So I don’t know how many inches it was, but overnight it was supposed to be, as I’m recording this 1145 at night, overnight, it’s supposed to be kind of rain and sleet. So this snow that’s on the ground is very packed, but it’s supposed to turn into slosh or maybe even freeze overnight. I’m not sure. By the time you listen to this.
I’ll have the answer, but it won’t matter. And then, like I said, on Thursday, we’re supposed to have mid forties to upper forties on tomorrow and for the next five days afterwards. So this is probably going to melt within the next 24 hours, but today will be the the last of it. And I’m sure you’ve seen it on the news.
A lot of video of, of the snow here in Dallas. If you’re out here for the game tonight between Ohio state and Texas. That’s going to be, I mean, if you’re going to that game, I would suggest getting there way early just because, because it doesn’t snow a lot out here. It’s almost like in Southern California when it rains, nobody knows how to drive.
It’s kind of the same out here when it comes to snow, especially this much snow on the ground, which might turn into icy roads today. So if you are going to AT& T stadium tonight, I would suggest getting there three, four hours early. Give yourself a lot of time because that’s going to be a zoo trying to get into that football game.
Let’s go with this. As I mentioned in the open, gonna talk about the traitors last night. The first three episodes of season three dropped on Peacock. I thought it was going to be available during the day. Cause I was like, I just want to knock this thing out, but no, they didn’t drop it till 9 PM Eastern time.
So yeah, that’s why I’m not recording this episode until 11 45 right now. And I got to say, and I am going to talk spoilers. It’s just impossible to talk these first three episodes. So if you don’t want to know, I would just fast forward, have a lot of thoughts on the traders. And I love the show. I’ve always loved the show.
I’ve told you to watch it season one and season two, if you never did. I will say though, this is the most chaotic cast they’ve had through the first three seasons. I know it’s a short sample size, but you know, season one, remember half the cast was normal people and half the cast was reality stars. And then season two, it was all reality stars and athletes and stuff like that.
Celebrities, this one, same thing, but they’re bringing in a lot of heavy hitters. The Survivor cast has the most of any particular franchise now that Boston Robb is now officially a game player, but just everybody else that’s playing this game, it is just all over the map. My gosh. But a few thoughts that I have on this season so far.
Number one, I feel like obviously it’s a big cast and if you didn’t know on episode three, they bring in three more people. They bring in Derek from big brother who I never saw his season, but I’m very well aware he’s regarded as possibly the best player, the best winner in, in big brother history, they brought in Wes Bergman from the challenge.
We know Wes always a schemer and then Boston Rob, who was part of the first episode, someone had a chance to bring him into the game by also eliminating somebody else and nobody did, but there was no way they were going to bring Boston Rob out to Scotland. Or where they are. I think it’s Scotland. There was no way they were going to bring him to Scotland and if he doesn’t get in the games be like, Alright, well you gotta go home.
You’re not in the game. Like, come on. Clearly they wanted Boston Rob in the game. And he is. And they bring him in. And he becomes, immediately, a traitor. So the three traitors, Oh, let me get to my other point. So there are a lot of people left in this game. I think 21 total. And I don’t know if they’re bringing any more in.
Maybe they are, later on in the season. But I feel like everybody has gotten some camera time. Clearly people like Jeremy and Boston, Rob and the three traders, Danielle Reyes, Bob, the drag queen, and Carolyn from survivor obviously have gotten a ton of screen time. But I feel like everybody else we’ve seen them in conversation in groups.
We’ve seen them give confessionals literally except one person and that’s Britney Spears, ex husband, Sam. How do you pronounce his last name? Asgari. I cannot believe through three episodes, this guy hasn’t had one confessional. And unless I missed it, I haven’t seen him having one conversation with anybody in a group he’s been there.
And other people in the group are talking and strategizing and all this stuff, and he’s been in groups, but I’ve literally never heard this guy say anything other than the name he nominated during banishment. And then a couple yas and ums here anywhere else. Like, does this guy not speak? What the hell?
How can you go three episodes and just not show this guy whatsoever? We don’t get to know anything about him. I don’t know. That must mean that he’s not relevant to the season, right? He’s gotta be gone soon, but why would they vote him out right now? He’s literally not a threat. He doesn’t talk so bizarre.
Like everybody else has gotten camera time to where. You know, all their names. I don’t think you can pinpoint him. If you didn’t know he was Britney Spears, ex husband, and you watched the first three episodes, I guarantee you’d be like, who is that? And wait, why is this guy on the show? Why hasn’t he spoken?
So those were the first three traders that were selected in the beginning, in the first episode, Danielle from big brother, Bob, the drag queen, and Carolyn from survivor. And then. Boston Rob was introduced along with Derek and Wes as three new players, but he was also introduced as a trader. So he was safe.
Derek was safe. Wes was safe at the first banishment that they were allowed to attend, which I believe was the first one, right? I’m almost positive it was anyway, they couldn’t vote, but they also couldn’t be banished because they had just joined the game. It made sense. But then for the second murder.
Boston Rob then joined the rest of the traders, Danielle, Bob, and Carolyn. And they don’t seem to be on the same page with a lot of things. It’s a very different group. I, I can’t really say I’m thrilled. I Boston Rob makes the most sense. However. Anybody in that game, whether you think Boston Rob is a traitor or not, there shouldn’t be everybody in that group, or there should be a faction, a majority faction in that group that should say, I don’t care what Boston Rob tells us.
I don’t care how he’s acting. We have to get him out of this game. He’s arguably the greatest player in survivor history. He’s one of the all time great reality TV show contestants from his appearances on amazing race. Who knows how he does on dealer? No, he did really well on dealer. No deal Island last year.
The guy’s one of the best reality show players ever. Why are you even wasting any breath? Everybody should be after this guy. And yet I know he’s going to be there for a long time. There’s just no way he’s not going to be, but yet I haven’t, I mean, Has anybody even brought up his name yet? Nobody’s even said, guys, we gotta get him out.
I don’t care. I don’t want him here. Even if he’s, even if they think he’s a faithful. You got to attack Boston Rob. You got to target him. Because the longer that guy stays around, the more dangerous he gets. Do I think he’s gonna win? No. He can’t skate to the end. There’s no way. Somebody will eventually get him.
I’m just surprised they’re not immediately going after him as soon as they can. So, so far the eliminations have been the first murder was Dorinda, the housewife. Then they banished Wells at the first banishment by a vote of, he had, he ended up getting five votes versus four for the second place person.
I don’t remember the second place person was, and then the second murder was Iyan. She’s a housewife and then they banished Tony. So that’s what we saw in the first three episodes. I don’t know how many people are left. I can’t remember. I started with 18, I think. And then they added three, but then they’ve lost four 18 17 left.
I don’t know. Anyway, Tony got eliminated. The last person we saw get eliminated and banished was, was Tony. He didn’t get murdered. He got banished by the, by the round table. And it was. Like 12 votes to second place person had like two. So it was a, it was a blowout and he obviously told them, Hey, I’m a faithful, you guys aren’t close.
And the one thing about Tony, I thought was funny. Did you notice how Rob ended up giving him when Rob came into the game, he had a shield, he gave it to Tony and Tony in return kept saying, I am so embedded to Rob, unless I was hearing it wrong. I could have sworn because he said it three or four times.
The word obviously he was looking for was indebted to Rob, but he kept saying embedded to Rob. I just thought that was funny, but Tony is another guy just like Rob. I don’t care if you think he’s a faithful, you can’t take a chance in a game like this. Anybody that’s as devious as that guy is. And as one survivor twice, you got a target.
Regardless of if you think he’s a faithful or a traitor or not, you just got to get those people out of the game who are like reality show vets. Why would you even take a chance of keeping a revamp, a reality show vet around in a game like this, especially in a strategic game. Yeah. You might have some reality show vets on there that have been on numerous shows.
Gabby was on the bachelor. Then she was the bachelorette. Then she was on dance with stars, but that has nothing to do with strategy. So, while this is her fourth reality show, it doesn’t make her a target. Rob Marinaro. Marinaro. Boston Rob, literally one of the most strategic players in reality show history is now playing a very strategic, devious backstabbing reality show.
I can’t, I’m stunned. These people aren’t like, we have to get them out. Now, obviously if they do, they’ll realize, Oh shit, we got out one of the traders. That’s the whole object for people that are faithfuls. Get out traders. That’s why I was surprised they made Rob of a trader. Like I just figured people are going to go after him.
There’s just no way.
Here’s my biggest complaint about the traders. I’ve said it in past seasons. I’ll say it again. I think the challenges are so dumb. The challenges aren’t very challenging. It’s only to build money. And we know by the end of the season, there’s probably going to be somewhere between 200, 000 and 300, 000 in the pot.
Hell, that second challenge where all they had to do was bring coins back to put in Derrick’s cage and Rob’s cage and Wes cage. It’s like, Oh wow, look at that. Oh yeah. And that’s the second thing I don’t like about the challenges. How many of these challenges through the first three seasons have come down to the final three seconds?
It’s like, first off, I don’t believe that. I think that’s just done for TV purposes. And That challenge was just like, Hey, go you know, go untie a bag of coins and bring it back. Like, that’s not a challenge. There’s nothing challenging about that. And they ended up getting what a shocker, all three people down and all the money that could have been accumulated was, and they got it in with one second left.
It’s like, okay, that’s the one disappointment I have with this show. These challenges are so dumb. They’re not very. They’re not taxing really. I mean, yeah, you make it tired from running, but this isn’t survivor hell. This isn’t even big brother. And I make fun of the big brother challenges all the time. I just think the challenges are just not really that big of a deal.
And I do want to say one thing about the final episode, the final scene of episode three last night, when the. Traders, the four traders, Danielle, Bob, Carolyn, and Boston Rob have to nominate three people, write them on a scroll that’s in where the bar area is, but they had to go behind a secret door and talking, and they’re making it seem like people saw them do it, and the last scene was Carolyn and Danielle coming out of the secret hideaway, and it looks like Gabby is there.
I can tell you right now, there is no way that Gabby was there watching them walk out of that thing. You know why? Because then essentially the show would be over or at least the gig would be up because she’d be like, I just heard four of them talking and two of them walked out of there. They’re making you think that Gabby was in the room.
When Danielle and Carolyn walked out from behind the secret door, I can pretty much guarantee you there’s no way Gabby was in that room. It was just the editing of, there was probably a time where Gabby was in that room and looking in that direction. And that’s what they spliced together because you saw them walk out.
There’s no other reason for them to walk out behind a secret door unless they, the two of them are traitors. So I, there’s no way just mark that down for next week.