You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality C podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. Good show for you today. Jesse Palmer speaks about the Bachelor finale and what went down with Grant. Obviously not giving away spoilers. He didn’t do that.
But he backs up what the edit is been showing us in the previews. We have a breakup from love is blind. That should shock. Absolutely nobody. We’re going to talk a little Dundee deal or no deal Island. What happened last night? Did you watch the Joe Schmoe show episode number one on TBS last night? And Blake Lively responds.
To the video that Justin Baldoni’s team released yesterday. This is getting ugly. We’ll get to all that momentarily. Right off the bat, I want to talk a couple things party related. If you saw my social media post yesterday, I put it on Twitter, put it on my Instagram feed, put it on my Instagram story.
There are spots available. 50 spots opened up yesterday. And I can tell you right now, they’re almost all gone. So. I am going to be over the next two or three days getting back to everybody who had messaged me wanting a spot either before I posted that video or after. So if you haven’t heard back yet, don’t worry.
You might be hearing back today, tomorrow, Friday, sometime this week. But I opened up 50 spots and some of you were already on the waiting list. I just need to get back to you and tell you, here you go. But your confirmation still. Is booking a flight, booking a hotel room, or if you’re a Vegas local, you know, the deal just don’t flake.
So it, I put out the video and kind of what I expected. I got a lot of responses. And unfortunately, as I said in the video, there weren’t a lot of spots left. So there are some people that did message me that unfortunately you’re going to be shut out of this year’s party. I just don’t have enough spots and I’m already once I get to a certain point, like I’m going to just, I basically have, I think 50 to 55 spots available right now.
I’m basically just going to go through all the emails that I have in the time that they were sent to me and the next 50 that fill up from that point forward, every email sent after that, unfortunately, as of right now, you won’t get in or not that you won’t get in. I can’t put you on the list. You cannot.
The only way you can get into this party is being on the list. However, I will say things could change. I mean, the party’s not for five months. Some people might say they can’t make it anymore as we get closer. So there, there might be some spots that opened up last year was the first year where everybody that said they were coming showed up in past years.
We’ve had like four people, eight people that didn’t show up. So, but I won’t know that until a lot later. So that’s the problem with people that. Want to fly in. I might not know until a week or two before, so I will keep you updated, but I’m going to get through the rest of the emails this week and let people know if they are on the confirmed list or not.
So just hang tight and I’ll get to all of you. I also wanted to say that there is going to be a DJ there. It will be eighties music and I’m getting pure joy out of putting together. The Spotify playlist for that party and going through the 80s songs on the Spotify playlist. I’m literally just like, Oh, this one, add to playlist this one, add to playlist.
It took me five minutes and I had three hours of songs in there from the eighties. So I’m going to have to probably start paring it down a little bit. But every time I hit a song, I’m like, no, this has to be in it. This has to be in it. And I’m like, oh boy, I’m already at three hours of songs. So we shall see, you know, the parties from seven to 11, there’s going to be about an hour, hour and a half live show.
Then we got to do prizes and giveaways. So probably only going to need about two and a half to three hours of music to play, so I’ll figure it out, but I’m taking pure joy in putting together this Spotify playlist for the party. Hell, a lot of these are already on playlists that I have. Sometimes I listen to when I go on walks.
Sometimes I’m in Taylor Swift mood. Sometimes I’m in Katy Perry mood. Sometimes I’m in nineties rap mood when I go on walks and sometimes I’m listening to eighties music when I go on walks, it all depends. I am thoroughly enjoying putting together this playlist for you. All right. Let’s talk about the bachelor grant season starts next Monday.
Jesse Palmer. If you’ve watched in the previews, we have seen this clip where it’s seemingly Jesse at the final rose ceremony with grant telling grant. Hey buddy, we kind of need to know who you’re going to pick because we have to know who to send out first. And Jesse did an interview with us weekly yesterday and he said, quote, it’s real.
I don’t know if you could tell from watching that for my reaction, but I was surprised that was something that I haven’t encountered yet as the host in the last four years on any of the franchises. Normally, I think our leads have a little bit more clarity, a lot more clarity heading into final day. And I really think that’s how conflicted grant really was.
He said, that’s because of the women. They’re phenomenal every year for whoever our lead is and making that decision on the final day is always a very, very difficult decision, but I can appreciate some of why Grant is so conflicted. I’ll just say that, but absolutely without giving away too much, that was authentic and it’s real and it’s not an edit.
He says at the end of the teaser, he asked him if he knows what he’s going to do. And then we see Grant say, we’ve got both women. They’re here on standby. Of course. I have to know which to send first. Now, look, he could be exaggerating a little bit. It doesn’t sound like he’s making the whole thing up.
Clearly Grant was struggling on the last day. And Jesse is saying, you know, we’ve just never had a lead that has been this indecisive on the last day. The problem with that, if you really want to go into it is okay. Like spoiler alert here, if you don’t know the spoiler by now, I can’t really help you. But we know now that he picks Juliana over Latia.
Well, I’m sure he had to talk about her. To her about this afterwards, but how good does Juliana feel on the final day? Literally moments before he’s supposed to make a decision. He still hasn’t decided. So how do you justify, Oh, I knew it was you or yeah, you’re the one I want to be with. When literally on the final day, you didn’t know.
So look, I mean, there’s obviously stuff that is talked about behind the scenes. I’m sure they’ve had numerous conversations and I’m sure this will also lead to a bunch of people saying, Grant’s going to change his mind. I don’t know. I mean, it ended filming in November and we’re not going to get the finale until mid March.
So he’s got two months. I haven’t heard anything up to this point where he’s changed his mind, but that’s going to be the growing sentiment all season long is, has he changed his mind in four months? If he was that indecisive, literally, I mean, that’s from the final row ceremony day. That isn’t Jesse talking to him during overnights.
That’s not him talking to him after meeting the parents that is on the final day. After both of them has met his parents, he’s gone on a last chance date with both of them and it’s on the final day. And it’s moments before they’re supposed to have one show up first and then one show up second. And apparently Grant doesn’t know who he’s picking.
So how does that make Juliana feel? You didn’t even know you’re going to pick me until an hour before. How do I know that you’re really into me? So it’s a question we are allowed to pose as an audience, but my guess is this could be being played up for television. Like we know the show is inscripted, but don’t tell me that they don’t tell leads because they do certain things that they might want them to do.
This could all be done for television. And it is very possible that they told him towards the end of the show. This is what we want you to say. We want you to feel conflicted and we want to film it. So it gives the audience this, Ooh, who is he going to pick feeling? And then when you’re behind closed doors and the cameras are off, just tell Juliana, that’s what you went, that’s what you went with.
That’s what producers made you do. It’s very possible. I know that sounds weird to a lot of people, but trust me, it’s happened on the show before. Not that particular thing. I’m just saying leads have had to do a certain thing told due by production. And then I’m sure once cameras were off. It was just like, Hey, I had to do this for the show.
This is what they asked me to. I’m not saying that’s what happened with grant. I’m saying it is a possibility. You’re never going to believe this, but Tylee Tyler and Ashley from love is blind season seven have broken up. Ashley released a statement. To People Magazine that said, After much reflection, I want to share that Tyler and I have been separated for several weeks and have now made the difficult decision to end our marriage.
While I had hoped for a mutual understanding and transparency in our relationship, it has become clear that our paths are no longer aligned, making it impossible for me to continue this marriage. This was not a decision I made lightly, but one I know is necessary for my own growth and peace. While this chapter is ending, I will always hold special respect for the time and love we shared.
Kindly ask for privacy during this deeply personal time. As I focus on healing and building a new future, thank you for understanding and your support. Ashley, we could have told you this was coming months ago. Like, I don’t want to pile on here. But nobody in a million years thought this relationship was ever going to work.
We all know what happened with Tyler and the ex back home and the sperm babies and him lying about his role in their life. I had on Ricky wise, what a month, two months ago, she exposed it all. Did an excellent job speaking with the exes. And at the time, none of us understood, what is Ashley trying to do?
What is she trying to prove when it’s clear as day that he lied to her about children, his role in their lives, all this stuff. And we said it at the time, look, I, I understand that she’s too proud right now. She doesn’t want to feel embarrassed on national television. I get it. I get why she stood behind him during the reunion show.
Once it started piling on and all this stuff started coming out about him and his past, there was no way they were going to last. This is not surprising to anybody. I feel bad for her. I just, I just wish she would have, cause I know without knowing Ashley, obviously, I’m pretty sure she had these feelings when this was all going down and when more and more stuff started coming out, but.
It was just one of these deals where she probably just stuck it through. She did marry the guy. She promised made promises to each other, but come on, is anybody the least bit surprised by this at all? You know, how, how can you be the least bit surprised by this? Tyler lied. And that statement, she’s clearly saying.
Oh boy. She either found out more or she now is fully grasping the depths of his lies. When she says, while I had hoped for a mutual understanding and transparency in our relationship, it has become clear that our paths are no longer aligned. Six months ago, what they sat on a couch and told us, we’d all don’t know what we’re talking about.
They’ve obviously talked about everything. He told her about everything. She knows. Okay. You know, like I said, I don’t want to pile on here. I’m sure it sucks that you have to end a marriage, but we all saw this coming.