-Starting out, we get video of Grant dancing to “Whatta Man” by Salt-n-Pepa because of course we did. It’s 1993, they’re a hot new act on the scene, they’re blowing up all over radio stations and…oh wait a minute. It’s 2025. Forgot. Oh well. It was nice to take a stroll down memory lane back to my Senior Night in high school where Salt-n-Pepa I feel played all night long. We see video of Grant with his family in Houston, who all seem very nice and friendly, but lets talk about that jumper that Grant still has? Can we say of all 29 Bachelors that Grant could whoop all that ass 1-on-1 against any of them? I say yes. Lets go Grant vs Byron Velvick, 1-on-1 to 21, 3’s are 2’s, winner take out. Who wins? (Grant probably 21-0).
-They immediately jump in to the limo entrances and it’s safe to say this show has moved away from showing 6-8 contestants video packages before we ever see them out of the limo, and they’d rather show them as they’re walking towards Grant. This has been going on for 3-4 seasons now and it actually makes sense bc you’re more likely to remember their video while they’re being introduced out of the limo than if you got all them before and then they all just walk out. People have short term memory when it comes to this show. Trust me. I deal with it every season. So I like the different touch. Hell, some of the women we got their video packages when they were inside at the cocktail party. That might’ve been a first.
The women who had video packages during limo entrances/cocktail party were: Litia, Carolina, Dina, Chloie, Bailey, Juliana & Parisa – the last two were during the cocktail party. So 3 of the final 4 got video packages. Bachelordata will update you on how that works in a future post I’m sure. Here are some of the intros that stood out to me:
Rose – rumors out of Vegas had Rose using her name as a reference to getting a rose was set at -5000.
Litia – got a video package. Says she was raised Mormon, religion guides her faith and…just let the built-in excuses start for the audience as we fast forward to the finale when we really have no idea if religion played a role whatsoever. But getting a narrative in one’s head and sticking with it based on zero evidence sure is fun for the audience I tell ya’.
J’Nae – Basketball player herself. Could definitely drain a couple deep 3’s. But I guess Grant didn’t give a shit.
Carolina – A stunning woman to say the least. And sweet, now I know how to pronounce her name. It’s Caro-leena and not Caro-LIE-nuh. Her last boyfriend was a DJ. So she loses about 700,000 pts for that one.
Dina – One of 11 children. Civil litigation defense attorney. Soooo Dina, your thoughts on Blake and Justin? Go!
Allyshia – Brought a genie bottle and I was hoping maybe Christina Aguilera was going to pop out of the bushes. Apparently not.
Alexe – She brings in Linda, her no drama llama. Not just because it rhymed, but because she grew up on a farm in Canada. The debate then began in the house of what’s the difference between a llama and an alpaca. Beats the hell out of me and I’m too lazy to look it up. I’ll just go with “they’re the same. Or long lost cousins.”
Chloie – Is a model from Kansas so came out wearing a red dress with ruby red slippers because Kansas will always be home. Then a house fell on her, her sister terrorized a poor young girl with pigtails before melting after she threw water on her. Little did we know until years later, Chloie fell for some dude named Boq but he wanted (then stole) another woman while he was married and abandoned his family. Or something like that.
Zoe – Was she pronouncing her name “Zo” or “Zoey?” I thought I heard both. I’ll need to go back and re-check because it was driving me nuts last night. I assumed it was “Zoey” but maybe not.