Reality Steve

The Bachelor 29 - Grant

The Bachelor Grant – Episode #2 Recap, Get Your “Reader Emails” In, Next Week’s Spoilers, & More

Photo Credit: ABC

Forgive me if I’m still a little off due to the Luka Doncic trade over the weekend. It’s still pretty unexplainable, and as a guy who’s personally had season tickets to the Mavericks for the last 8-10 years, I, like the rest of this city, is still in utter amazement of what transpired late Saturday night. My last two Sports Daily podcasts encapsulate every angle to look at this trade from. And still none of it seems real. The even crazier part? Anyone that’s ever listened to my sports podcast knows, there’s only 2 teams that I’ve openly rooted for my entire life – the Lakers and Dodgers. So to see Luka, the guy who even kept me interested in Dallas Mavericks basketball, get traded to one of the only other teams I even care about in sports, is pretty wild. Obviously my interest in the Mavericks now is a lot less and I wanna see Luka succeed in LA. You can talk X’s and O’s all you want, and the Lakers aren’t done making moves (neither are the Mavs I don’t think), but I can guarantee you NO team in the Western Conference wants to deal with a Luka/Lebron team come playoff time. That’s just got nightmare written all over it. Doesn’t mean the Lakers are going to win it all. I don’t think that. I just know that any team that has those two guys on it has the ability to beat anyone in a 7 game series and will be a very tough out.

“Reader Emails” coming tomorrow. Not a ton already so email me at As you know, my YouTube Channel is still a thing and you can visit it at RealitySteve24 on YouTube. Either later today or Thursday I’ll be going live on there with Rachel Juarez to discuss the latest brief in the Echard/Owens case AND what happened yesterday in court in the Lively/Baldoni case and what it means. Pay attention to my socials today and I’ll be announcing if/when it’s happening today or Thursday.

One of the main things I wanted to see in last night’s episode was what they were gonna show for next weeks episode since that’s the episode I had the least info on in regards to dates. If you read the episode-by-episode spoilers you’ll see that all I knew about episode #3 was Beverly was hospitalized and had to be medically removed from the show, and there was a 3 or 4 person group date involving a dog shelter. Looking at the previews for next week, the dog shelter date definitely had Serafiend, Litia, and Dina on it, and there was an appearance by Lisa Vanderpump. The group date seemed like some sort of trivia game where they had to answer questions. And the 1-on-1 went to Carolina, who got to take a private jet. I mean, who wouldn’t want to take a private jet to Vegas. If we’re comparing the first two 1-on-1’s of the season? Uhhhh, I’d say Carolina’s beats Alexe’s by, I don’t know, 1 gazillion percent? Carolina gets to jet off to Vegas for a night, and Carolina got to go to the mall. Wonderful. Those have been added to your spoilers.

Pay attention to my socials today as I’m waiting to hear if I’m going live with Rachel Juarez from “Hot Bench” to discuss the latest in the Echard/Owens case, along with an update from the Lively/Baldoni case. A lot to talk about. Rachel’s busy today but might be able to squeeze some time in, so I’ll let you know. It’ll either be today or Thursday.

I’m wrapping up the final spots for the Fan Appreciation Party this week. After this week, I won’t know til probably a couple weeks beforehand if anyone cancels and spots open up. So if you get an email from me, please only book your flight/hotel room then. I don’t want people booking anything without confirmation they are on the list for the party. I have to limit it to 200 people this year, which is 2x more than any party I’ve ever had in the past. And right now, I’m already close to that number. I’ll know more this week on the exact number. Any number that I’m short, I’ll be starting to contact people on the waiting list.

Recap begins on Page 2…

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