You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. On this Tuesday, good show for you today. We’re going to recap what we saw on The Bachelor last night. Big news. Going on tonight on YouTube, not my YouTube, but call her daddy’s YouTube.
Rachel Connell apparently listened to me. Now she didn’t listen to me, but my suggestion last week after the Matt James, Rachel McConnell breakup happened, I said she should go and call her daddy. Last night, call her daddy. Alex Cooper released a teaser for the interview. It’s going to dropping tonight on call her daddy’s YouTube channel.
9 PM Eastern time. We’ll definitely all be watching. I’ll give my thoughts on that. Jason Tardik speaks on his breakup and Ben Higgins also speaks on his breakup and we’ll get to all that momentarily. So last night, first night of Grant’s season of The Bachelor. Pretty standard first episode to say the least.
We get a video of Grant in the beginning set to What a Man by Salt N Pepa. Very hip, very up to date to throw in a theme song from 30 years ago. Song came out in 1993. So, yeah, but that’s what they decided to go with. And then we had our limo entrances. They did do something actually a little bit different.
We’ve noticed in the past few seasons, they’ve been doing limo entrances, usually, It would be Jesse, or back then, Chris Harrison, coming out in front of the mansion and saying, Before our ladies arrive, let’s take a look at some of the wonderful women you’ll be meeting tonight. And then they would show about seven or eight different video packages right then, and then the limo entrances would start.
Well now what they’ve done is, they don’t show a woman’s video package until she comes out of the limo and she is walking towards Grant. Which is probably A good idea, a nice change that they made. I’m fine with that. But one of the other things they added this season, because I don’t remember them ever doing it in last season, is some of the women’s video packages weren’t shown until we saw them sit down with grant cocktail party after everybody had already done their limo entrances.
There were two women that got those, and that was Parisa talking about her PowerPoint. Well, she was talking about a PowerPoint presentation with Grant at the cocktail party, but they did have video footage and her video package of her at home. And then the other one was Juliana, who we got a video of her and Italian family and they sing in the car, stuff like that.
But we didn’t see Juliana’s video package until she was in the cocktail party with Grant. Linda, the llama played a major role last night. I looked at Linda, the llama as basically what was, remember when Adam was on Rachel season, Adam, who is now married to Raven. What was that doll that he had? What did he call him?
Not Stanley, was it? God, I’m totally blanking on the name, but you know what I’m talking about, where he just brought that doll with him everywhere, and that doll, that’s pretty much what Linda was last night, except Linda was a live animal that was just walking around the mansion all night, and everyone was trying to discern, is it a donkey, or what’s the difference between a llama or an alpaca?
I could have easily Googled what’s the difference between a llama and an alpaca, but I didn’t. And honestly, I’m just like the women on Grant’s season. I don’t know the difference. Is there one? Doesn’t seem like there is, but I did not Google it. Sorry. I’m sure some of you are screaming into your listening devices right now that yes, there is a difference, or no, there isn’t.
But honestly, hell if I know. They look the same to me. So, five women got video packages out of the limos. That was Latia, Dina, Chloe, Bailey, and Carolina. At least I know how to say Carolina’s name now, because we haven’t known how to pronounce any of these women’s names. Some are pretty straightforward, but when you see C A R O L I N A, that could be Carolina or Carolina.
And it is Carolina. Here’s the other one that struck me as odd, and maybe I was just mishearing last night. The last one on the limo with the t shirt gun and the t shirt cannon that clearly Grant is into. Z O E. Zoe McGrady. Did she introduce herself as Zoe? Because I could have sworn I heard Grant say Zoe.
Or maybe she said Zoe, but then I thought I heard one of them or both of them say Zoe. I think it’s Zoe, but it’s very possible Z O E is just Zoe. I don’t know, I, I, or maybe Grant just wasn’t over enunciating the E in Zo and he was just like, Hey Zo,
but there were some clever. Limo entrances. They’ve kind of gone away from those in the past. Cause I don’t know if you remember in the past, obviously the show’s been on. This is now the 50th season between the bachelor and the bachelorette. This is the 29th bachelor. There’s been 21 bachelorette season.
So this is the 50th season back in the day they spent way more time. We usually didn’t get to limo entrances until 30 minutes into the show. Now, limo entrances start within the first 15 minutes. The other thing is, no matter how many women there are, were, or men, for bachelorette season, when they got out of the limo, we saw every person exit the limo, and walk to the lead and do whatever gimmick they were going to do.
Now, Yes, you’ll see that for probably 75 percent of them, but 25 percent of them, it’s just them already standing in front of Grant. I’m just saying back in the day, we used to see every single woman get up out of the limo, stand up, appear behind the door. We see them full body shot and as they walk towards Grant and say, Hey, my name is so and so and then whatever gimmick they had, if they had any, they don’t do that anymore.
They’re really trying to rip through this and pretty much, I think the reason for it is they want to give us more time inside the cocktail party. Cause trust me, having covered this show as long as I did, I remember. It was always over halfway through the show before we were done with all the limo entrances and the cocktail party started because we would only get 40 to 45 minutes of a cocktail party.
And then the last 15 minutes was the rose ceremony. Now they were done with the limo entrances, like seven 40, seven 45. So we got an hour and 15 minutes roughly of. But honestly, I also think that’s a good editing decision. You want to get more time inside than a silly gimmick. And honestly, the women that do get those quick shots of them already standing in front of Grant, we don’t see them walking towards him.
I didn’t, you know, keep track of it last night, but I’m guessing most of those women are women that went home last night or lasted only a couple episodes. So, The women that we see him sit down with inside Bailey, Parisa, Alicia, Juliana, Carolina, Zoe, or Zoe and Rose. You know, again, it wasn’t, there wasn’t a ton of drama.
In fact, there wasn’t any, they made you think there was going to be drama when Grant’s sister got out of the limo. They didn’t show us her face until she got in the back. And then all she did was talk to Grant for a little bit. We saw her talk to a couple of the girls and then she was like, yeah, I’m bouncing, I’m out.
So it really, again. A lot of over promising and under delivering because they made it seem like this was going to be some big deal. And if you were following me on my Instagram story yesterday, you know that I put it out there before the episode aired that that’s his sister that was appearing because they put it up on there.
Bachelor ABC Instagram page yesterday and teased it as, Oh, a big twist to the night. You already knew about the twist from the first impression rose. You’ve known for three months that Alex gets the first impression rose, meaning she got the first one on one of the season. I guess the biggest thing to come from last night’s episode that they didn’t show, but I mean, I, I can’t say anything other than trust me.
It happened was Zoe, Zoe. I need to pay attention to that. I could have sworn. I heard both last night, so I’m confused on how she pronounces her name, but I had reported and told you that she interrupted women multiple times on the first night they didn’t show it when they showed the preview for the season coming up.
Clearly she does. And I believe it’s on next week’s date the after party of the basketball date, because Allie Joe is the one that confronts her about it and says, you literally stole him four times tonight. And then the other thing that they showed in the previews last night that they did not show in the initial preview for the season.
Was remember in my episode by episode spoilers in next week’s episode I said after the R& B date There is a rift between Rose and Carolina and the drama is apparently Grant Supposedly told Rose that the whole time that the other girls were performing. He was just watching her and after Carolina one Rose had told Grant Rose had told Carolina that Grant said this to her Well, they actually showed during the preview last night of Rose talking to Grant or somebody talking to Grant and Grant saying, I never said that.
So yes, that is going to be shown the Rose and Carolina rift, which. When I put it in the spoilers, I said, look, I have no idea if they’re showing it. I just know this happened. So it looks like they are going to show that. So look forward to that. That’s it next week’s episode, because that happens at the after party of the R and B date.
So again, it could just be a game of telephone. Like I don’t think in a, you know, I, I know nothing in terms of exact details. Obviously I wasn’t there, but I find it hard to believe that Grant would tell one of the women the whole time everyone else was performing, all I was doing was looking at you, Rose.
Not saying that Rose isn’t an attractive woman or anything like that. I’m just saying, I find it hard to believe he would say that to her, but I can see him saying something like, Hey, you really caught my eye today. I kept looking over at you. And she took that as. Yeah, everyone, everyone else is performing.
He was looking at me, you know, I, it could ever, it could easily have been looked at that way. I just, I can’t believe he’d be dumb enough to be like, Hey, Rose, by the way, when these other six women were performing up there, all I was looking at was you, Carolina ends up winning the group date. She won the group date.
She kissed him while they sang. And then Rose. Told that to her and then she went and told grant that and then that’s where you see rose in the preview for the season Saying something like, you know, she’s kind of sad. She’s on somebody’s shoulder and saying she did me dirty That is the rose and carolina bit where?
Rose told Carolina that’s what Grant said to her. Carolina went running to Grant to basically throw her under the bus and That’s where Rose questions. Should I still be here? She ends up sticking around but then she eventually self eliminates in Madrid after that everything was to form for the spoilers the seven women that I said went home it did go home and yes, and if you look at the Overall season preview.
It pretty much shows everything that you could lay out in the spoilers. It’s all in there. I need to go back and double check at it to see if they gave away. Cause I just, I basically right when the, right when that ended, I was, I started to write today’s column, which is up on reality, steve. com. It will be up in a couple of hours on reality.
Steve. Dot com to go check that out. But if it gave away any of the other dates in Scotland, cause we have, or who got the one on one in LA in episode three. So those are stuff that I just have to look at. I’ll still be able to, unless they didn’t show it in there. Should be able to figure it out and I’ll mention that and update the spoilers tomorrow once I take a look at that video but a very standard first episode again there’s only so much they can do in episode one really it’s just you can’t really mix it up unless you’ve got some major twist happening in episode one and giving the First impression rose recipient.
Also the first one on one of the season isn’t a major twist that really adds anything different to episode one. The same thing, the rose gets brought out. All the women freak out saying, Oh, it’s getting serious now. I mean, they say that every single season. The mood has changed. That’s another line they love giving in episode one, once the first impression rose is dropped on the table, everyone’s, Oh, the mood has changed.
Everyone’s competition. Everyone wants to win that rose, especially now that we know that the first impression rose recipient gets the first one on one of the season. Very standard stuff, but good episode. I think Grant will be fine. And There wasn’t anything like cringy about him last night, to me, at least, I think it’ll be a really good bachelor.
It looks like it’s a decent season to me. I mean, like I said, these seasons all kind of run together for me, but Hey, better than what we had to deal with, with the whole Devin thing last year with Jen. Right. But it looks to be a very solid season. New podcast sponsor this week, today’s episode brought to you by Ollie clean, fresh nutrition.
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