You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday. It is Bachelor Monday, so we’re going to discuss some Bachelor stuff. We’re also going to talk about what’s coming up this week on my YouTube and on my podcasts.
A little R. I. P. not for my dog, Luca, but for Luca Doncic leaving the city of Dallas this past weekend. I know that’s sports related, but as you know, my dog is named Luca too. The Grammys last night and also a Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce headline yet again that defied all logic. We’ll get to all that momentarily.
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All right. It is bachelor Monday, which means episode two of grant season is coming tonight on ABC. As we know, there’ll be two group dates, a basketball group date, where, as you saw in the previews, Zoe Zoe makes it well known that she’s going to steal grant and piss off all the, all the other women at any chance that she can get, she steals them away while they’re rehearsing.
Or practicing for the date. And then at the after party, she steals them away a couple more times. Not very good. Obviously, if you want to stand out and you want to turn the house against you, that’s what you do. So clearly a producer put her up to it, put her up to this. She went along with it and you already see her in the previews saying, Hey, shot my shot.
So she’s going to be one that I’m not here to make friends. I’m here for Grant. While that’s noble and everything, it’s also going to make you a target in the house. So, doesn’t mean she’s a bad person. It doesn’t mean you need to send hate her way. It just means that in the confines of this show, that means that she is going to be looked at a little bit differently and more negatively than somebody else who doesn’t come in and immediately steal somebody numerous times when they don’t need to.
And literally all they’re doing is listening to a producer telling them what to do. It’s just not the greatest etiquette. Ask any contestant in the history of this show if, how that worked out for them when they constantly interrupted the lead with somebody else. It’s just not smart to do now. Maybe she’s just naive to the process.
Maybe she didn’t understand it. The thing is she should understand it now and we’ll see how it all plays out towards the end of the season. We’ll see how it plays out on the women tell all, but my guess is, as I told you months ago in the confines of this show and in the context of this show, it’s something to where you’re going to set yourself apart from everybody else in the house, if you do things like this.
And Zoe. Clearly did. We’re also going to get the R& B day tonight, where we’re going to see the Rose and Carolina squabble and where it all started, as I told you in the spoilers. Apparently Grant tells Rose why every other woman was up there singing, doing the R& B. He was either focused on her or looking at her.
And Rose decided to tell that to Carolina, who ended up being the winner of the R& B date tonight. So, that’s not going to sit well. Because Grant gets told that, and Grant says, I never said that. And I’m not gonna sit here and say whether Grant did say it or didn’t, because I wasn’t there. I have no idea if he did.
All I was reporting to you was, Hey, when Rose and Carolina get in a beef this season, just know when it’s over. And that’s when it’s over. I don’t think Grant is stupid enough. To literally tell another woman, Yes, the other six women on the date, I never looked at them, I was looking at you the whole time.
I’m sure he just said, You know, when you were up there, you really stole the stage, Couldn’t take my eyes off you, whatever. Something like that, just making her feel good, Complimenting her. And Rose probably took it a different way. I just, I can’t imagine Grant is that stupid. Saying, Yeah, I didn’t look at anybody else, I looked at you, And I, even when everyone else was up there, I was just looking at you.
There’s no way. So, I’m sure it’s some sort of variation of that, but when Carolina finds out about it and then she confronts Grant about it, you can see him in the preview saying, I never said that. Yeah, something was lost in translation, in a game of telephone, and unfortunately it’s going to start a squabble between Rose and Carolina.
And then Alex gets the first one on one date of the season where Grant is playing the piano. And singing to her. And honestly, that song is kind of been going through my head. I don’t know if it’s a song that he. Wrote himself like it’s an original or I couldn’t tell by the lyrics if this is a song that I’ve just never heard of But that song kind of runs through my head where he’s just like I need you I want you or whatever it is.
You know what I’m saying these commercials you’ll see it in the episode tonight, but it kind of Kept running through my head after I saw the commercial But I think the one thing that we’re gonna get to see tonight And the thing I’m looking forward to the most is actually the very end of the episode where we see previews for next week’s episode and we see who gets the one on one because that’s the Thing that I just don’t know.
I know that Beverly was set to get a one on one or something along those lines and because she had to go to the hospital and was ultimately medically removed from the show, she never got that. And that just kind of screws up all the dates or maybe they did end up giving a one on one to somebody.
Episode three is the one I kind of know the least about other than we know that. There is, there was a, what a three or four person date that I have in the spoilers, but outside of that one, I don’t know who else has the dates, but I’ll hopefully get that for you towards the end of the week, or we’ll be able to see in the previous tonight about that.
Wanted to talk about what’s coming up this week. I don’t know who’s going to be the weekly podcast guest. I’ve got some feelers out there. I’m waiting to hear back. Might have a double interview this week on Thursday with two people. That I’ve never had on before and I’d love to have them on just waiting to hear back if it’s possible I am gonna do a YouTube show probably tomorrow It’s either gonna be tomorrow or Thursday with Rachel Juarez and it’s not going to substitute as the weekly Thursday podcast It’s just gonna be an additional podcast this week, but it’s gonna be on my youtube channel.
And What I’m gonna do is first we’re going to discuss the Clayton lore Owens case because after we had, we haven’t had, we haven’t had Rachel on to discuss what David Gingras wrote in response, his brief, and that’s what she’s going to come on to do, go over his brief and we’re going to go over specific things that he said in his brief and she’s going to explain why she either doesn’t understand it or explain to the lay person exactly what it means.
And then we’ll probably get into some Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni stuff because today there’s supposed to be a hearing, right? So, assuming nothing gets cancelled today, we’re going to find out a little bit more, and we’re going to touch on that because even more stuff has gone down since we last talked about it.
And, really, none of it looks good for Blake. Or Ryan. I think we can leave Taylor Swift out of this. I don’t think she plays much of a role at all. I know people that want to kill Blake want to kill Taylor as well, and think that she had some major master plan in all this. I think she was just supporting a friend.
We have no proof of anything where she contacted Justin Baldoni and said, lay off my friend, let her put this scene in. She had nothing to do with Blake sending a text to Justin about my best friends are dragons and I’m Khaleesi and all that stuff. Taylor seems very innocent and all this, yet you see all this stuff online and it’s almost like, yeah, these must be from people that hate Taylor Swift and just want to pile on because Taylor, come on, I have no problem with you creating a negative narration about Blake Lively and just, and Brian Reynolds and their role in all this, but Taylor’s come on now you’re reaching and you’re just a Taylor hater.
And this has nothing to do with me being a Taylor Swift fan. If she did something legitimately wrong here, and I thought she was a horrible person for it. I would absolutely say it, but she seems to be just an innocent bystander in all this. She didn’t bring up anything to Justin, as far as we know, we have put it this way.
We haven’t seen any proof of it. Okay. There is proof out there that Justin has shown, which don’t paint Blake and Ryan in the, in the greatest of lights. So that stuff you can discuss. Taylor, I, I don’t see anything she did wrong here. We’ll find out more today, what goes down in court, and then we’ll talk about it with Rachel.
It’s either going to be tomorrow or on Thursday, but it’ll be on my YouTube channel. I’ll probably do a live show. Mental health has become a major, major issue in the United States. The times that we’re in, people’s mental health gets tested a lot easier, seemingly, than it used to. And finding a therapist you should trust shouldn’t be so complicated or cost you a fortune.
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