-The 1-on-1 date with Alexe was fascinating to me, and here’s why. We find out last week that for the first time in show history, the first impression rose recipient will also be getting the first 1-on-1 of the season. Made a whole big ordeal about it. Two things that stuck out to me about Alexe’s 1-on-1: First, it was shown out of order. The basketball group date was the first date of the season, filmed Friday Sept 20th. The R&B group date was filmed the next day on the 21st, and Alexe’s 1-on-1 was filmed Sunday, the 22nd. Usually they don’t show dates out of order until hometowns, but for whatever reason, they squeezed in Alexe’s date last night between the two group dates. And boy did they EVER. Made such a big deal about getting the first 1-on-1 of the season, then saddles her with literally the most boring, unimaginative date (let alone first date), we’ve probably ever see on this show.
-They went to a mall. That’s it. She didn’t even get a day time/night time portion of her 1-on-1. That’s like a staple of a 1-on-1. Especially the first one of the season that was gifted to you for being the first impression rose recipient. AND now that we know Carolina’s 1-on-1 next week (the 2nd 1-on-1 of the season), is a private jet to Vegas for the day? Geez, talk about an absolute nothingburger of a date for Alexe. To top all of that off, she didn’t even get a commercial break during her date! When her date started, the timer bar on my DVR said 7:49. It ended at 7:58. She literally got a 9 minute date with no commercial break, no day/night portion, and she got to go to the mall. Uhhhhh, looks like if they ever do this again on night 1 guaranteeing the first 1-on-1 to the first impression rose receiver, maybe they should turn it down. I’m not being hyperbolic here. That was the worst first date we’ve ever seen on this show, and I don’t think it’s close. The even worse part? Alexe saying this is the best date she’s ever been on. Huh? Did her exes take her to Subway all the time for dinner? Drive thru Taco Bell? What an absolute dud.
-As for the R&B date, this was all about Carolina and how she took advantage of the date by kissing Grant during her performance, and then afterwards, straddling him in front of everyone else and making out. Now, that’s something while it might have been egged on by producers, clearly ANY of the women could’ve chosen to be bold and kiss Grant during their performance. So if we’re talking about the two “evils” last night that the show wanted to portray, I’d say Zoe was much more in the wrong for what she did than Carolina. I don’t see the big deal at all with what Carolina did considering every woman had a chance to. While you could say the same for what happened with Zoe, we don’t know that for sure. Zoe was specifically told and put in that position to do that. Carolina was just bold enough to kiss Grant during her performance.
-Now the big thing to come out of this date that we’ll see play out next week, is the Rose/Carolina fight. I put this in the spoilers, but it was hard to get the exact wording because I wasn’t there. But essentially, next week we’re gonna see Rose tell Carolina what Grant told her during their alone time at the afterparty last night. Well, what’d he say. I wrote it down. He told Rose “You’re somebody that I do think about…I was thinking about you.” So Rose is going to relay that to Carolina, but exactly how she relays it to Carolina is what we need to see. To me, that just sounded like Grant being alone with a woman, wanting to make her feel wanted, and telling her basically, “Hey, in this environment, with so many women still here, just know that I notice you.” I have a feeling Rose is gonna present it to Carolina a bit differently, which will then cause Rose to confront Grant about it and we see Grant saying “I never said that.” So we’ll see next week, but I get the sense that Rose probably took what Grant said and read into it too much. But we’ll see.
-And as for next week’s preview, we got our answers to who was on the dates and what they did. First date is that group date where they answer the questions with the dude who created KIND bars, the 1-on-1 is Carolina’s private jet to Vegas for the day (again, Alexe must be stewing over her boring ass date), and then Litia, Dina, and Sarafiena going to a dog shelter that Lisa Vanderpump attends. Litia gets alone time and I believe her second straight group date rose.
Daily Roundup transcript begins on Page 3…