Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 3/4 – Grant’s Hometown Dates, the Mini Change in Format & More, Episodes 10-12 of “Love Is Blind,” & Who From LIB Is On the Podcast This Week

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. Good show for you today. We’re going to talk a little bit about Grant’s hometown date episode last night. We’re also going to spend a majority of the time today talking about episodes 10 through 12 on Love is Blind.

Finale is coming this Friday. The four remaining couples and the wedding days and then reunion is on Sunday, so you don’t have to wait an extra week for that. Also if I can get to it, we’ll talk a little bit about Parvati versus Jeff Probst. Did you see what she said on her Instagram story over the weekend?

And one quick note on Paradise on Hulu. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So, I don’t want to spend too much time on Grant’s hometown dates, just because these are pretty straightforward. You know, I’m not going to sit here and rip on the families. I’m not going to dissect everybody’s meeting. It’s just, it’s really tough nowadays watching these episodes.

It’s always been. It’s like, look, I know what happens. We all knew Dina was going home. So I didn’t. Really feel like there was a lot to break down in these episodes. There are a few notes that I made in regards to just the episode as a whole. And I said it last week and I’ll say it again. I do think that Latiya’s Mormon faith and the fact that she has never dated out of her religion, despite.

What family members told grant that they would be absolutely fine with him joining the family. I’m sorry. I just don’t buy it. I think they’re saying that for television, but if it were to ever get to that point, I think it would be very tough for Latiya and that family to accept someone outside of the faith.

And I honestly don’t get the impression that Grant was ever willing to become part of the Mormon faith. He has every reason He has reasons not to, he has, he doesn’t have to do what anybody doesn’t want him to do. You know, there’s nothing wrong with him not choosing the Mormon faith. Just like it’s not wrong that Latiya doesn’t choose to convert to something else.

It’s just, that’s what they know. And that’s perfectly fine. I didn’t really buy the family’s rhetoric that, Hey, we’d be fine. If you joined our family, not being of our faith, I, I just don’t buy it. Maybe I’m wrong. I would be first to admit that I’m wrong. I’d love for one of Latiya’s family members to message me and say, absolutely not, Steve, we would have no problem whatsoever with Latiya marrying Grant and Grant never converting.

If someone from her family told me that, then I would take it back. I personally just don’t believe they ultimately would have been okay with it in the end. Here’s something that was done differently in terms of filming. Well, number one, they actually showed the filming order. They showed it in the same order that it was filmed.

It did go Juliana. Zoe, Latia, and Dina. Usually they show the hometown dates out of the order of filming. They didn’t last night. But here is something interesting. And maybe it’s happened a little bit in the last few seasons, I don’t know for sure. But one thing the show does, once you get to the final four, these women are separated.

A couple times in recent seasons on The Bachelor, especially on overnight dates, remember? Especially on, I believe it was Pilot Pete’s season. Where they let all three women in the overnight dates literally stay in the same hotel. And they would return home from their overnight and just sit there and make awkwardness.

For the longest time that didn’t happen. And the same thing for Final Four. Once you leave for hometown dates, you’re not really allowed to converse with any of the other women. For the specific reason that they actually ended up showing last night. They don’t want you talking to the other women about your hometown date.

For fear of something coming up or Grant hearing about something that one of the other women said about a hometown. But yesterday? Totally different. They were back in L. A. All four women were sitting there on the day of the rose ceremony and just sharing stories of what went down on their hometowns.

Like it wasn’t anything bad. It’s almost like looking back on it now, you’re just like, why wouldn’t you let them talk to each other? Who cares? Especially if nothing major went down. You know? So, I’m glad they’re actually leaning into it and doing something different. But, I’m just telling you, the way the show has been, and you talked to past contestants, they said, Once you get to Final Four, you never get to see the other women or talk to them outside of seeing them standing there at the Rose Ceremony.

They don’t let us talk to each other. They don’t want us talking to each other. Now, seems to have changed, which I think is a positive change for the show. I definitely think we’ve never had a Final Four Rose Ceremony on a stage in a theater. That’s a first. It’s either been at a mansion, or a hotel lobby, or an airport hangar.

Certainly has never been on a stage in a theater. I think it’s a theater they’ve used in the past, for sure. I know they’ve been to that theater for dates in the past. Can’t remember the name of it. I’m forgetting, but they’ve definitely used it. And it was just, I don’t know. It was just kind of funny to watch it.

Now, as for his choice of sending Dina home, here’s what I’ll say. And I’m sure that Grant absolutely. At some point during this process, fell for Juliana. Oh yeah, spoiler alert, he chooses Juliana. You’ve known that for a while. But, what I want to say is this. After watching the hometown dates last night, three of the four hometown dates had quote unquote, issues with the hometown.

Latia does not even speak to her adoptive parents anymore. Dina, Her parents didn’t bother to show up. They didn’t want to be part of the show. Actually, I meant Zoe doesn’t speak to her adoptive parents anymore. And for Latia, we have the whole Mormon issue. So that’s what I say. There are, these aren’t like necessarily deal breakers, but if we’re going to simplify this into its easiest form, Grant had four hometown dates.

Three of them had quote unquote issues. There was only one hometown date where it was normal. They did something in the end of the day. They went back to her house. He met her family. He met her mom and dad. He met her friends and a bunch of other people. Things went great and he left. So he had three hometown dates where something had to be an issue.

Lettia’s? The whole Mormon thing. Then he’s not Mormon. Zoe? Doesn’t have a relationship currently with her adoptive parents. Dina, her parents didn’t want to be a part of it. So that’s what I’m saying. These aren’t major things, but they were issues. So I’m just saying, in its simplest form, three of the four hometown dates had quote unquote issues, one didn’t, and that’s the woman he ends up choosing.

I’m not saying that’s the reason that he chose Juliana, I’m sure he also chose her because he felt he had the strongest connection with her. But I do also think that what happened on the hometown dates last night played a role in him choosing Giuliana. Just my opinion. Again, I could be totally wrong.

And somebody from Giuliana’s family could tell me, you know, it had nothing to do with that or whatever. Or even Grant. Cause like I’m saying, like this is, it’s not like the things that Zoe, Dina, and Latia had going on at home were just like, oh my gosh, there’s no way anyone could ever get over that. No, that’s not what I’m saying at all.

I’m just saying, looking at it from a wide lens, three of the four Hometown Dates had issues, one didn’t, he chose the one that didn’t. In the end, he ends up choosing the one that didn’t have any sort of family issues. Never met Latia’s parents, never met Dina’s parents. And then the other girl has the Mormon faith behind her, which he expressed a, I’m not Mormon.

I don’t fit into what they believe in. And everybody was saying the right things on the date. Just wanted to throw that up. This podcast brought to you by Factor. Ready to optimize your nutrition this year? Factor has chef made gourmet meals that make eating well easy. They’re dietitian approved and ready to heat and eat in two minutes.

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