So I did not talk about love is blind episodes 10 to 12 yesterday.
So I’m going to spend probably the rest of this podcast talking about those episodes as we are only down to two episodes left this Friday. They’re going to air the wedding episodes and then the reunion airs on Sunday. Now, if you saw episodes 10 to 12, you know that it ended with Sarah about to give her answer to Ben.
And then you’ve got three other couples, Joey and Monica. And Virginia and Devin and Daniel and Taylor. Now we’re going to start getting a lot of love is blind coverage on this podcast for the next few weeks. So that’s why I want to spend more time talking about it. And I’m really excited to talk about the people that are coming up on the podcast and episodes 10 to 12, at least for me, same thing, every season, they go down a little easier for me.
Because I do a little more fast forwarding. Why? Because them sitting around during the wedding dress. Shopping and the guys doing their shopping and the bachelorette and the bachelorette party don’t really care for I can fast forward through those. I’m not learning anything new about those. The last dates that each of them have, yes, I watched those, but a lot of episodes 10, were those, but let’s start with episode 10, which saw the breakup of Dave and Lauren.
There is so much to talk about. In regards to this Dave and Lauren breakup, however, you are not going to hear me talk about that today because you’re going to hear straight from the horse’s mouth on Thursday because Lauren’s coming on the podcast and Lauren, I, this, this relationship, obviously, there are very few people on Dave’s side on social media.
My guess is the only people on Dave’s side are his sister and his family. Because nobody can explain how he reacted to Lauren having a Friends With Benefits situation beforehand. And, I mean, to me, of all the people on this show, Molly was the one that clocked Dave the best in Episode 11. When they had the group meetup at, what was it called, Buck Hill or whatever?
When Molly pulled Dave aside and spoke to him. Everything that Molly said was exactly what was going through my head. It’s like, Dave, you specifically. Said some things to Molly when you were talking about your family going into this your sister didn’t want you to get engaged your sister was afraid you were gonna meet someone who was out for clout and out for wanting to be on TV and Dave said but he made a decision.
He literally told Molly this he made a decision Basically, he said this. I know my sister doesn’t want me to get engaged, but fuck it. No one’s telling me what to do. It’s my life. This is what I want. So that’s exactly what he did. He went on the show, and he got engaged. But then when he got home, and he heard his sister’s opinions, and the opinions of his friends, he let that influence his decision.
And I just don’t understand it. It doesn’t make any sense to me because if you were being honest with yourself and you were following up actions, speak louder than words, Dave. And you said in that conversation with Molly, fuck it. This is my life. I’m going to do what I want. Then you did, but you didn’t back it up with anything.
Because when your own fiance, Lauren, is telling you about this past relationship, who did you listen to? You listen to your sister and you listen to your friends over your own fiance. I think Dave knows this now, but in the time, this is what everybody’s saying. Is there anybody that’s on Dave’s side in this breakup with Lauren?
Because my stance is At the time when this was filming and Dave and Lauren were going through this and Dave was hearing this on one shoulder He’s hearing from his sister and his friends and his other shoulder. He’s hearing from his fiance It’s just like there was nothing to this relationship. He knew I was auditioning for the show the whole time So it was never serious.
He was never my boyfriend He chose to listen to his friends and his sister and when he’s talking to Molly He’s just not making any sense and Molly is like but Dave This is your fiancé. Why wasn’t his stance going to his sister and his friends and said, Look, guys, I understand you have trepidations about this.
I understand you might be questioning her at all. But I’m sorry, I’ve spent enough time with this woman. I’ve fallen in love with this woman. This woman is now my fiancé. I don’t know. Love it or leave it. Doesn’t mean he has to cut his sister out of his life. Doesn’t mean he has to cut his friends out of his life.
Considering this was your fiancé, you probably should have fought for her more. And been like, Hey, you guys, this is my fiancé. I am going to marry her. I would love for you to be at the wedding. If you’re not, I would be disappointed. But this is my life, just like what you told Molly. That you said, screw it.
I’m going on the show. This is my life. I’m going to do what I want to do. And that’s exactly what you did. And then you got swayed because people had a different opinion. Now, I think a lot of people out there, including myself. Realize that Dave probably was never into Lauren as much as he claimed to be, because if he was, he would have fought for his own fiancée.
He would have put his foot down with his sister and his friends and said, no, she told me this. You guys are hearing something different. I’m going to choose to believe her. Now we’re going to hear Lauren’s story on Thursday. I think exactly what we heard her say in that episode is exactly what we’re going to hear her say again.
This relationship meant nothing to her. She didn’t even know she was being cast until five or six days before she ended up in the pods. So, she was carrying on a friends with benefits relationship with some dude that was not her boyfriend. The dude knew exactly all about her in the casting process with Love is Blind.
He was seeing other people at the time as well. So for Dave just to not believe his own fiancé, that’s, that’s a him issue. That’s a problem with him. And then at the meetup with her, he wants to hug her and tell her, Oh, it’s not you, it’s me. It’s like, yeah, we know, dude. Of course it’s you. Lauren’s done nothing wrong in this situation.
So there’s a, there’s so many, I’ve written down so many notes to talk to Lauren about, but cannot wait to have her on the podcast because we got a lot to go over. And I’m interested in hearing and diving a little bit deeper into things that maybe we didn’t see or how it was like for her watching this back.
Because this show is a real, real mindfuck. It’s one thing on The Bachelor when you have a four month turnaround time. This season was a year ago, so she had to live it in real time and have this guy dump her and end an engagement with her. But then a year later, she has to watch it back. Like, how weird is that?
Is I’m curious. Is she mad? Is she sad? Is she disappointed? Is she pissed off? Is she happy? Like, what are her feelings having to watch it back? And obviously, she’s seeing it for the first time. Like, we’re all seeing it. They don’t get the episodes early. So when she’s watching it, did Dave say some things in confessionals that he never said to her?
And now she’s seeing that and being like, Well, Jesus, he never said this to me. Why didn’t he tell me this? So, so many things to talk to her about. I cannot wait. And then we’re gonna have other people on coming up. I will say this. Netflix sent me the finale. I’ve watched it. I’m not going to go into any spoilers and I’m not going to even hint at anything other than, you know, the four couples that you’re going to get the four couples wedding days and the end result of what happens with the four couples on Friday’s episode.
I have not seen the reunion episode yet. I’ll probably see that on Friday and then it’s going to air on Sunday. So we’ll talk about everything, the finale and the reunion come next Monday. But yeah, no need to go into spoilers with the four couples this, this upcoming Friday. And so to, you know, when we speak to, when we speak to Lauren and you hear that on Thursday’s episode, it’s just going to be all about Lauren and Dave’s relationship and.
Lauren and Dave, and there’s so many aspects to cover. I’ve literally got 20 questions written down. I don’t even know if I’m going to get to all of them. But I have so many notes written in my phone as I watch the episode. I’m like, oh my god, I gotta ask her this. Oh my god, I gotta ask her this. So much to get to with her.
And I can’t wait for you all to hear it. I can’t wait to talk to her. And finally get some answers that I know we’re all asking. Because I don’t really know what Dave has said publicly. I know he went on Nick’s podcast, but I didn’t hear it. I think I heard one clip and I know Lauren has been on Nick’s podcast.
I think she might’ve been on a couple others, but I, I don’t know how much time she spent on those podcasts. You know, we’re going to go straight through, hopefully a good hour with her and cover a lot of topics and. We’re just not gonna talk about the other couples because this is airing before the finale So I don’t want to get into anything that happens with the other couples and anything that happens in the in the finale episode But yes, I have seen it.
I’m not gonna say anything regarding it But yeah, Lauren will be on the podcast. Lauren O’Brien going to be on the podcast on Thursday. So should be a good one because outside of I mean, Madison and Lauren were my two favorites this season in terms of television wise, because I think Lauren’s story.
And her journey with Dave is something that a lot of people have questions about because a lot of people want to know about Dave and what the hell, what did you think about all this stuff that he was saying and doing and the sister stuff and has she spoken to the sister, has the sister ever reached out to her since all this went down and all the episodes have aired like all this stuff and then Madison is just probably the most polarizing figure because I mean, from what I’ve seen on social media, it’s literally split like 50 50.
There are some people calling her a master manipulator and a man eater. And then there are some people saying Madison is absolutely my favorite woman on this show. She stood up for what she believed in. And she knew to get out. And then obviously now that we’re hearing all this stuff about Alex, I’m sure she’s even more thrilled that she never ended up going down a longer path with Alex, but yeah, those are probably my two favorites.
I don’t know when we’re going to get Madison on. I do have a request in for her and hopefully it will happen. And then I just got to pick and choose you know, whoever else I want to have on, but there’s going to be a lot of love is blind talk in the next few weeks. So get ready for that, but coming up this Thursday.
Lauren O’Brien should be a good one anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download daily roundup coming up in an hour from now, or excuse me, sports daily coming up in an hour from now.
I don’t know if there’s going to be a column up today. Cause I just don’t have a lot to add to last night’s episode, but we will see if I can get something up there. If not, it’ll just be the transcript for today’s podcast. So thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Sleep! My good friend used
to say to me, stand up. Be like real men and you’re supposed to get right up. For the rest of all your fantasies, rain it up. It’s just a dream, this is what I’m supposed to do when I’m good.