Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” Jason Tartick Interview Update, DONDI, and Your Daily Roundup 3/12 Transcript

As mentioned on the Daily Roundup yesterday, I had the opportunity brought to me to interview Jason Tartick on the podcast this week by a PR company. I get this a lot where some company is pitching someone to come on my podcast and talk about something, but a lot of them are non-reality TV related and usually I’ve never heard of them. But obviously with Jason, I was interested. The email said Jason is in collaboration with a company where they are promoting something in finance and if I would be interested in a 15 minute interview with him BUT I could not talk about past relationships, Jersey Shore, or any past controversies. Those were off limits. Immediately my thought was to even consider this, I need more than 15 minutes. I don’t do 15 minute interviews. I just don’t feel like that’s worth my time or the guests time because we can’t cover enough in that short of time. Well, they came back to me yesterday and said they’d give me 45 minutes with Jason with the same parameters. So I am going to record with him today. We’ll get the promotion out of the way in the beginning, and then dive into the other topics.

So for all those whose first question will be “why didn’t you ask about his dating/love life or talk anything about Kaitlyn,” now you know. While of course I know people wanna hear that stuff, I have to abide by the parameters and I get it. With that said, you know my stance when it comes to interviews: everyone’s got a story. And whether you love Jason or you hate him because you love Kaitlyn, you can’t tell me he doesn’t have an interesting story. He does. So try and remove any personal bias and realize this guy has built a brand completely separate from the Bachelor franchise, which very few have been able to do. And because I’m interviewing Jason doesn’t mean that I’m now #TeamJason over #TeamKaitlyn. Has nothing to do with that. For one, I literally promoted Kaitlyn’s podcast with Madison from LIB on my pod today. And two, I’d put Kaitlyn on my podcast tomorrow if I could. I just know she’s got a much bigger brand than me and I doubt she’d come on mine honestly. And she’s never asked me to be on hers. So don’t make this some sort of debate. I’m not neither #Team here. Especially since it’s not like I’m having Jason on so he can trash Kaitlyn. She won’t even be talked about. It’s the biggest downside to me of how social media has changed things. If you talk to one person, that automatically means you’re on their side or you’re #Team them. Not the case. Jason Tartick is much more than just Kaitlyn’s ex. If you want to just define him that way, I feel like you’re just trolling or a Kaitlyn fan and not being objective. There’s plenty of other things to talk to Jason about and I’ll try and cover as much as I can when I record with him today. The podcast will run tomorrow as Episode #434. Looking forward to it.

The DONDI episode yesterday was so infuriating and mind numbing, I can’t even comprehend it. Does Phillip not know how the game works? Why would he POSSIBLY put his game in the hands of David and just let him take power of the game in HOPES that David wouldn’t send him home. Really? $75,000 was worth that much to you rather than literally 1) securing immunity at next temple and securing a spot in the final three 2) getting to choose who gets immediately sent home and 3) getting to choose who plays the banker. Phillip gave all that up for $75,000? The second Joe revealed the suitcase of $2.75 million was the highest suitcase left, there’s no discussion to have if you’re Phillip. You drop, take the case, and control power in the game. What an idiotic move to put your own game in someone else’s hands. I honestly think Phillip was confused. I can’t that was even a debate. But hey, what do I know?

All right, lets get to your Reader Emails…

Hey Steve,

Just listened to your podcast with Lauren, and I loved it. It is disheartening that Dave never was truly going to give the relationship a chance.

But I have some general LIB questions.

Do you know or has Netflix ever given a reason Why they wait so long to air a season after it is done filming? Lauren gave a different perspective, stating she was happy that the airing was so far removed from the filming for her to get over it. But for the successful couples that has to be so difficult to not share your love publicly for a whole year. I don’t know why they wait so long. The only thing I can think of is that because they air two seasons in a calendar year? But then again, so does the Bachelor franchise (except this year with no Bachelorette) and their turnaround time is only around 4 months. So yeah, I don’t know why they wait so long.

What happens after the reveal? I’d love to know where they go/what they do after their initial reveal. When do they get to see each other again? Lauren stated there are a few days between the reveal and going on the getaway. Do they get to hangout during that time? Do they get to sit together on the flight to the getaway? Do all of the couples take the same flight?

Looking forward to the rest of your LIB interviews!

Comment: Since I’m still relatively new to the franchise, I don’t know the specifics, but I can find out. Based on Lauren’s answer, it looks like there was only a couple days between ending filming in the pods and heading to Honduras. But it doesn’t seem like you got to see your fiancé during that time. Hell, I don’t know if you even fly to Honduras with them. My guess would be that’s where you’d get to see them, but I don’t know for sure. Maybe women fly with the women and men fly with the men and then you don’t meet up with them til Honduras.

The one thing I did find out that I know I was asked in a past Reader Emails was engagements in the pods all happen on the last day, they’re just shown out of order. So no, Joey and Monica didn’t get engaged after 2-3 days. They got engaged at the end of the pods just like everyone else. The show just decided to show their engagement first and early on in the process. Which makes sense. While we all think it’s ridiculous to get engaged to someone you’ve never seen after 10 days, it’s even MORE ridiculous to think that you’d do the same thing after only 2-3 days ha ha.

If you were asked to appear on a game show for a prize of 50k, would you say no? I mean these aren’t A or B class celebrities. I’m sure most of them go on for the air time or even just for the experience.

Comment: Well first thing we have to get out of the way is I have zero interest in going on reality TV. Never have.

This question is in response to my take about the Traitors contestants winning only $50k and them needing to up the stakes. Here’s the thing: 3 of the 4 winners of the Traitors: Gabby, Dolores, and Dylan all have over 1 million followers. So no, I guarantee none of them care about the fact they won $50k. They’re more interested in the title of Traitors winner and just capitalizing on the media attention. If the whole cast of Traitors were regular people, would they turn it down if they knew the prize was only $50k? Probably not. But that’s not what the show is. I’ve seen many think pieces and content creators voicing the same opinion as me since the finale: the prize money is a joke. If you’re doing all celeb cast, make it worth their while with the prize money. Especially since we know this is a Top 5 show on Peacock. They can absolutely increase the prize money.

And if I were to EVER do a reality show, I absolutely wouldn’t choose to be on one that didn’t have at least a $500k prize. It just doesn’t seem worth the hassle given what your life could become after the fact. At least let me win a significant amount of money. And I’d want to be play a game that, going in, I know only has one winner and you know what the prize is. Everything else is left too much up to chance.

Steve, the seating chart thing is so funny! They are trying to be like bravo. But when it comes to the reunion shows on bravo, the seating chart actually matters. The VIPs are always the ones sitting the closest to Andy Cohen!

Comment: Yeah, so I’ve been told. But they’re two completely different shows which is why releasing the Bachelor seating chart really has zero relevance to anything other than the reverse order of when you were eliminated. I mean, I’m just doing this off the top of my head, but I’m guessing there isn’t a single person in the history of this show that got eliminated in episodes 1-3 that ever ended up sitting in the first row of the Tell All.

Hi Steve!

Big fan, I love listening to your podcast. So I’m sure you’ve probably gotten emails about this, but Have you heard anything in regards to if something happened between Grant and his final pick? You probably caught on too, like he looked absolutely devastated after they showed the preview of the finale. Like he looked like he was about to cry, and I feel like if someone was happily engaged wouldn’t they be like beaming? Just curious if you’ve heard anything. Bc like that was what stood out to me the most.

Comment: I address this in today’s Daily Roundup. But the short answer is no. Haven’t heard anything either way. I just know who he chose at the end of filming. Finding out stuff post-filming is hit or miss. Sometimes I do and I notify everyone before the ATFR and sometimes I don’t. I haven’t heard anything either way this season but I know a lot are judging Grant’s facial expressions to mean something. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. But that seems to be something where whatever narrative you have in your head, you can make case for what his status is now.

Hey Steve,

First of all, thanks for always spoiling the bachelor seasons for us- you make the seasons more interesting- you’re great..

Ok- what is going on with Deanna Pappas’ nasty custody situation w ex Stephen Stagliano? It’s taking a weird turn w a possible dv situation, restraining orders, allegations of alcohol abuse and he got his mom to claim she’s an alcoholic.. Stephen seems pretty shady.. thoughts? Might she go on your podcast again? Anyone you know in bachelor nation aware of this situation w Stephen? I covered this in yesterday’s Daily Roundup. There’s so much we don’t know and bc DV and children are involved, I don’t feel people should have any sort of black and white take on this since we don’t know what happened. All I do know is based on the quotes that DeAnna gave about the situation, why she was arrested has me confused. So there’s plenty we don’t know and until more info comes out, we should probably hold off forming any strong opinions.

Are Grant and Julianna still together? what have you’ve seen/heard? Heard nothing either way.

Any chance you could get former bachelorette Jillian on the podcast?? I like her.. would be interesting to hear her Ed stories now…I could reach out at some point.

Is the girl who was runner up on Zach’s season likely to be on bachelor in paradise? Gabby? I think she has a boyfriend. At least she did somewhat recently. I don’t know if they’re still together. She’s on the Almost Famous Podcast today, so maybe she addresses it.

Who do you think from this current season of the bachelor (grant’s girls) do you think will do paradise this year?? Maybe Carolina? Luita? Anyone else in older seasons? What about from Jenn trann’s season? I think you can just go down the list of people who lasted long and probably just pencil them in, but again, until they show up on the beach and walk down the steps, we never know for sure.

Have you heard from former bachelorette Meredith lately? I really hope she’s ok..

Comment: Haven’t heard anything from her lately. I remember checking on her a couple years ago and her number changed, so, I don’t know how to get in touch with her. I don’t even know if her IG is still up.

Daily Roundup 3/12 transcript on Page 2…

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