Reality Steve

Bachelor Arie Spoilers

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE): Your First 3 Episode-by-Episode Spoilers & Some Winter Games Pics

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I know the first thing on everyone’s mind is what I addressed in Thursday’s column and podcast. I can tell you as of now, I have no new news to report. I’m sure you might think that’s a good thing, and it is – at least temporarily. Like I said on Thursday, I fully expect that something is coming. I just have no idea when. Could happen today. Could happen in a week, a month, two months, etc. I just don’t know. And that’s what sucks. Hell, I’d just rather get it over with and start tackling it head on then be under this constant thought of, “Is it coming today?” Again, I’m not going to be intimidated and I’m going to fight for my … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Podcast #54 – (SPOILER) Your Final Four Breakdown & They’re Trying to Silence Me


    Last year when I started this podcast on December 5th, the first few I did were all just me talking. Didn’t really know the direction the podcast was going in. Once I started doing interviews, as you know, that’s been what it’s become. Taking it back “old school” today by having no guests and it’s just me talking. I will tell you the Final Four Breakdown in today’s podcast, but first wanted to explain to everyone what is going on and why I’ve pretty much been radio silent for the past week. Does it suck? Sure. This is no fun for me. But when the big bad wolf comes around and starts bullying me again and infringing on my freedom of speech, I have to … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE) Who Is Getting the 4th Hometown & Your Full Cast of 29 Girls for This Season


    We begin the month of November today in case you didn’t know. Halloween is over, I have a tummy ache from eating a lot of my niece and nephew’s candy last night, and we’re only about 2 1/2 weeks away from the “Bachelor” filming wrapping up. Today is hometown date #4 (which I’ll tell you about in a second), tomorrow is the rose ceremony, then Friday they head off for overnights and the final rose ceremony location. I have an idea where they’re headed, just waiting for confirmation. Hopefully I’ll have that in the next couple days. The good thing about today is, well, you’re gonna be able to fill in a few blanks since you’ll now have every one of the 29 girls who … Continue reading

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