Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 7

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode #2 Recap, Bachelor Talk, & Michelle’s Filming

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You realize we’re only 6 days away from the grand opening of the Olive Garden on the Vegas strip? You should. Should be a national holiday if you ask me. Anyway, in case you missed my open to last Thursday’s podcast with Sarah Emig, I’ll be in Vegas this weekend, Thursday through Monday. I changed my flight Monday just so I could try and be the first customer when the Olive Garden opens at 11am on Monday. Lets see if that can happen. I would think on a non-holiday Monday at 11am, I can’t imagine there being too long a line, if any, right? It’s the Olive Garden. They’re everywhere. It’s not like this is some brand new restaurant. I hope you all can keep … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 1 Recap, Michelle’s Filming in Minnesota, & Thoughts on “Love Island” and “FBoy Island”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I do it every Tuesday, but considering that BIP has a little less of an audience than “Bachelorette” so I expect these batches to be a bit smaller, so get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow. The only ones I have so far are still some final thoughts from last week. It’s been two years since BIP, so gimmie your thoughts on what you saw last night. Granted, not a whole hell of a lot happened, but did you like the cast? Like any pairings? What do you think of the celebrity hosts? Well, at least David Spade since that’s the only one we’ve seen so far. A lot of makeout that’s for sure, and A LOT of foreshadowing of what to expect this season. … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    The “Bachelorette” Katie – Episode 5 Recap, BIP Couples, & Katie Is Upset On TikTok

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You know what I love? Entertainment sites on a slow holiday weekend just posting stories that are clearly click bait. Chris Harrison rumored to be a contestant on DWTS? Julianne Hough might be the next “Bachelorette?” Where do they come up with this stuff. I know the production team behind DWTS is not the same production team that does the Bachelor franchise, but c’mon, it’s the same network. I highly doubt Chris will be cha cha cha’ing his way into our homes come the fall season. It doesn’t make sense on any level, since a lot of DWTS is based on video packages and talking about why you’re there. All anyone wants to know from Chris is what happened, and he can’t talk about that … Continue reading

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