Reality Steve

Floribama Shore

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 11 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    There have been moments throughout the years when events so questionable transpired on reality television that they caused me to question whether or not there could possibly be a God. Does that sound harsh? Well, you watch someone named Snooki get punched directly in the face on camera and then go ahead and take a gander at the allegedly sane people on Ex and the Beach who cavort like hedonists celebrating successful lobotomy operations and tell me such displays did not prompt you to wonder if 1) You were staring at the literal dismantling of society’s mores or 2) God had grown tired of locusts and instead created a brand new plague that anyone blessed with basic cable was able to watch in high-definition. I’ll … Continue reading

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 10 recap


    Listen: I refuse to even entertain the notion that Jeremiah and Kortni would make a good couple. I don’t care that people have caught them sharing long and seemingly profound glances. I don’t care that Jeremiah has the power to sort of neutralize her crazy, like he’s a vet who just shot a rabid animal with a tranquilizer dart. I don’t care that it would probably be good for Kortni to date someone normal – especially a man who could conceivably act as a bodyguard and protect her from a lunatic she actually needs to be protected from – and I really don’t care that it might prove interesting to watch Jeremiah shake up his life by cuddling with a woman born with limited bladder … Continue reading

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 9 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    I suppose the only positive thing about Logan stalking Kortni while cameras follow his every terrifying move is that we now have yet another visual example of toxic masculinity should anyone still be unclear about what it looks like. TMZ reported just a few days ago that Logan was arrested for violating the restraining order Kortni eventually had to take out on him and every single sign that he is legitimately and dangerously unbalanced has played out on our television screens – and it continues to do so this week.

    This episode begins with Kortni’s mother arriving at the house to try to calm her daughter because Kortni might be pregnant with the spawn of Mephistopheles. Sharon is insistent that Kortni not tell Logan … Continue reading

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