Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #25 – Interview with Chris Lambton, & Some “Survivor” Links

    Photo Credit: HGTV

    If the schedule holds, today should be the Rachel’s final rose ceremony in Spain. And considering they’re 7 hours ahead of where I am right now, Rachel could very well be engaged at this moment or getting close. Sorry, I don’t know 2 minutes after it happens who she picked. Give me some time. It’s varied from season to season. Sometimes I’ve found out the same day, sometimes I find out the next day, sometimes I find out over the weekend. I’m pretty sure I’ll find out in the next 24-48 hours based on my info this season. I’ll let you know. Another great guest on the podcast this week as Chris Lambton, runner up on Ali’s “Bachelorette” season and host of numerous HGTV and … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #24 – Interview with Ashley Spivey, & Some “Survivor” Links


    Inevitably either in email or when I was doing the video chats, people have asked me to name a top 3 or top 5 female contestants on this show. Basically wanting to know my favorites. Anyone who’s followed me long enough knows that I’ve always mentioned Emily O’Brien. Sharleen would most definitely be in there. But another name that has always been in my top 3 has been this week’s guest, Ashley Spivey. What’s with me and North Carolina girls? Anyway, it was great to finally talk to Ashley yesterday. For a girl that was only on one season of the show (and 4 episodes at that), we were still able to talk for almost 2 hours about pretty much everything – and I felt … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    Podcast #23 – Interview with Natalie Getz, “Survivor” Links, and Rachel’s Final Four Now Complete


    I’ve never taken a survey about you the readers and how far back you go in this franchise. If I had to guess, and this is strictly just a guess, I’d say more than 50% of you have started watching this show on a regular basis in the last 4 or 5 years. That’s still a long time. That’s essentially 10 “Bachelor/ette” seasons and most of the summer shows. Because the franchise has had a resurgence in the last 10 seasons. Well for a week, we’re gonna go back a little farther than that with Podcast #23 guest, Natalie Getz. She was on Jason Mesnick’s season, but was the co-winner, along with Dave Good, on the first season of “Bachelor Pad.” And in addition, one … Continue reading

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