Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #332 – Interview with Dr. Diane Strachowski


    Another great podcast visit with Dr. Diane Strachowski this week. She was on at the beginning of the month for the first time, but after so much dramatic and emotional things happening the last two weeks during the overnights and final rose ceremony, it was a no-brainer to have her on once again. And yet again, I think she really nails it and is excellent as dissecting Gabi, Ariel, Kaity, and Zach. As a licensed psychologist/therapist, she really knows how to tap into the psyche of these contestants, even just by watching on TV. Really enjoyed this conversation with Dr. Diane, and I know you will too. One of my favorite ones. As always, if you’d like to respond to the interview, please include her … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Charity Spoilers

    The “Bachelor” Zach – Finale Thoughts, Charity’s Filming, Zach on the Hot Seat Last Night, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    One season ends, another one begins. Literally. For the first time in 15 years, the “Bachelorette” has begun filming before the “Bachelor” ended airing. Not sure if that’s gonna be the norm going forward. We’ll have to wait and see. But I think we’ll know based on the start date of the “Bachelor” next January. If it’s not the first Monday in January (which I don’t expect it to be due to NFL Wild Card Playoff games on ABC), then unless they push “Bachelorette” filming back, this could possibly be our new norm. After watching last night, of course everyone is clamoring for a season of Gabi as the “Bachelorette” due to what she had to go through on stage, which I’ll cover later on … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelor” Zach – Overnight Date Thoughts, “Reader Emails,” Your Opinions on Zach & “Bachelorette” Filming Update

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Sorry about no column yesterday. I got so behind with the two podcasts, and getting backed up after Monday night’s episode, that I just included all of it in today’s column. So today you’ll get my recap of my weekend in Vegas and California, my thoughts on Monday’s episode including the mistakes Zach made on Monday night, your “Reader Emails,” and then pages 4 and 5 will have YOUR reactions to what Zach did, which all seem to be in agreement with each other, so there was no need for me to comment on those. I just wanted to share almost 30 emails that came in in regards to Zach’s actions to show that most people all seemed to feel the same way. Pretty fascinating, … Continue reading

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