Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    The Bachelor Zach – Episode 1 Recap, Info on the Fan Appreciation Party This Year, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It’s been a couple months. Glad you’re back. A lot has happened since we last spoke. Now, I realize there are some of you that only want to read what I say and don’t care to listen to podcasts. That’s fine. You are who I’m referring to when I say a lot has happened since we last spoke because basically you haven’t seen any new columns since Bachelor in Paradise ended. Just keep in mind what happened this offseason is what happens EVERY off season. I basically NEVER have columns when the show isn’t airing. The only time I do is to report spoilers, which I did in Sept, Oct, and Nov. But once I posted all my Zach’s spoilers up … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #322 – Interview with Suzana Somers, Creator of @BachelorData on Instagram


    One of my favorite podcast guests joins me this week as Suzana Somers, (@BachelorData) on Instagram, gets us ready for Zach’s season beginning Monday night. We talk about her recent ACL injury, the IG followers numbers for Zach’s women, the frustration from fans regarding influencers and content creators being misguided, and much, much more. Before all that, I have an update and small correction regarding yesterday’s spoilers for Zach’s season. Those can be found here but also at the top of the page on desktop under “Spoilers” then “Bachelor Zach Spoilers,” or on mobile, just click on the “Zach Spoilers” tab. As of now, still only have everything up to the final 3 and hopefully will find out soon who Zach … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #321 – Interview with Rachel Reilly from “The Traitors,” “Big Brother,” & “Amazing Race”


    A first time guest on today as Rachel Reilly joins me to discuss her new reality show that dropped today on the Peacock app. The show is called “The Traitors” and it comes from overseas and all 10 episodes were released today. When I recorded with Rachel, I’d only seen a little over 1 episode. Now I’m through four and plan on finishing this season by the end of today or the latest tomorrow. We don’t talk many spoilers so you don’t have to worry about that, but it’s a really good show that I’m definitely hooked on now and wanna see how it ends up. Interesting concept, a lot of backstabbing and lying and deceiving, so, I’ll be real curious to see how this … Continue reading

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