Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #241 – Interview with Comedian & YouTube “Bachelor/ette” Recapper Dave Neal


    A very fun and informative podcast today with a first time guest, comedian and YouTuber Dave Neal. I’m sure you’ve seen Dave’s numerous videos on his YouTube channel where he recaps the show along with a ton of other stories in Bachelor Nation. He’s been insane recently producing up to 4 videos a day. This podcast came together after about a year of being aware of his videos, he did a recap of my appearance on Whit & Ry’s YouTube Channel about 10 days ago. I saw that Dave actually took the time to watch it, listen to what I said, and rather than form an opinion in one sentence, I appreciated him seeing what I was trying to say and wasn’t immediately out to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #240 – Interview with Kasey Kahl


    Another great trip down memory lane this week. A guy you ALL remember from the early seasons of the “Bachelorette” and “Bachelor Pad,” Kasey Kahl joins me this week in really the first long form interview he’s ever done talking about the show. And he’s definitely got a lot to say. What was he thinking with that singing to Ali that became a viral clip? Why did he get a tattoo? How awkward was it on “Bachelor Pad” with his girlfriend at the time, Vienna, and her ex, Jake, there. One thing we also dive into is his appearance on “Couples Therapy” which not a lot of you probably saw. I’ve included the link below for you to read the transcript of what breakthrough Kasey … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #239 – Some “Bachelor in Paradise” Spoilers & “Reader Emails”


    Got some mild BIP spoilers for you today from the early days of filming. They are currently through three rose ceremonies. First rose ceremony the guys handed out roses, second was the women, third was back to the guys, etc. However, and I can’t emphasize this enough, this list of “couples” I’m going to give you below does NOT mean that these people are in love, set to engaged, will end up together, etc. What I’m giving you is who people gave early roses to, and honestly, I don’t know which one gave the other the rose. These are just names that I know gave each other roses in either rose ceremony #1 or #2 and have “coupled” up, but I use that term loosely … Continue reading

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