Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #171 – Interview with Ryan Park of the “Bachelorette”

    Good times today talking to an old friend. Ryan Park who was on Ashley Hebert’s (Rosenbaum) season of the “Bachelorette” joins me today to talk about his season, his weird edit, why the guys didn’t take to him, and how married life is now living with his wife and two daughters in Hawaii. Before the interview with Ryan begins, I address the rumor that hit the internet last night regarding Clare Crawley being named the “Bachelorette” (hint: this was the first I’d heard of it), and also I was told something yesterday about the end of the season, that if it’s true, I just throw my hands up. I haven’t gotten it confirmed yet, so, I don’t wanna say what it is. But when this … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #170 – Interview with Jacqueline Trumbull & Washington Nationals Analyst FP Santangelo


    A really fun, insightful, and sports-y podcast this week. I’m first joined by my friend and former contestant Jacqueline Trumbull, who appeard on Arie’s season, BIP season 5, and is the co-host of the “A Beautiful Podcast To Fall In Love.” What didn’t know until earlier last year is that Jacqueline is good friends with former major leaguer and current Washington Nationals analyst FP Santangelo (FP used to date Jacqueline’s best friend). FP is a guy that I had reached out to over IG a couple years ago just to tell him I really enjoyed his work on the Nats’ broadcasts. By clear happenstance, my name gets brought up in a conversation one night when Jacqueline is hanging with FP, she says she knows me, … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #169 – Interview with the “Chatty Broads,” Bekah Martinez and Jess Ambrose & (EXCLUSIVE) “Bachelor: Listen To Your Heart” Finale Spoilers


    Been a while since I had Bekah Martinez on the podcast. Last time she was on, she hadn’t even had her daughter Ruth yet. Now Ruth just turned 1 and Bekah is pregnant with baby #2, so I figured lets have her and her podcast co-host Jess Ambrose of the “Chatty Broads” on to talk a little “Bachelor.” Both women have some strong opinions on Peter’s women and his season and we also discuss some “Bachelorette” candidates moving forward. Also, you’ll hear me towards the end of the podcast fill them in on “Bachelor: Listen To Your Heart,” which they weren’t all that familiar with. Little did I know, the finale filmed last night in Nashville, I was made aware of them late last night, … Continue reading

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