Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #183 – Interview with “Survivor’s” Stephen Fishbach


    I don’t think I spent much time at all these last couple months talking about “Survivor: Winners at War.” We had Dalton Ross on at the beginning of the season to preview the first ever all-winners season. But I’d pretty much kept my thoughts to myself. Until now. I thoroughly enjoyed this season. Loved it actually. Well, as much as you can love any season that has Extinction Island attached to it. I think that sentiment is universally shared in the Survivor community, so no breaking news there. Just goes against everything that this show is about. With that said, we’ve never seen a season like this. It was the best of the best going at it, and you had arguably the best finale this … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #182 – Interview with “Back From the Future” Author, Brad Gilmore


    Going full geek out mode today talking about arguably my favorite movie from the 80’s, if not my favorite film franchise of all-time, “Back to the Future,” with Brad Gilmore, a radio host and author of #1 selling recent release, “Back From the Future: A Celebration of the Greatest Time Travel Story Ever Told.” So much fun to completely nerd out for an hour on this week’s podcast with Brad, who I was introduced to by friend podcast guest, Jenn Decker. Brad is a super fan like myself, even having a “Back to the Future” podcast, and he tackles the movie from a lot of different angles. If you’re a casual fan of the movie (since it’s on cable a lot and you’ve probably come … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #181 – Interview with Comedian Nikki Glaser


    So glad to finally get comedian Nikki Glaser on the podcast this week. Been a long time coming. One of my all-time favorite comedians. Seen her three times live now, and I’m sure I’ll see her again at some point. Really a fan of her work, and have watched her career grow over the last 5 years to get to the point where she’s at now. Being a huge stand up fan, it’s always neat to catch someone somewhat early on in their career, then see them get more and more gigs and blow up to where they are doing only theater stand up, which is the level you wanna get to as a comedian. And right before the quarantine, Nikki had just started that. … Continue reading

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