Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Mike Johnson Speaks, & When is the Next IG Live?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So how was my Tuesday you ask? Well, lets see. During the day, my house dropped to 45 degrees. I wasn’t in it much until the power guy came out to take a look. Apparently my power fuse broke and that’s why my heater went out Monday morning. So he came yesterday around 4:30 and my heater has been fixed. Took a couple hours to go from 45 degrees to a comfortable 68, but dammit, we got there. You know what my favorite part was? When he takes that laser gun and points it at the vents to see how hot the air is that’s coming out. It was 98-100 degrees in all the vents that we checked. Then he pointed the laser gun at … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Last Night’s IG Live & Chris Harrison Speaks on Rachael

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Thanks to all who tuned into the IG Live Ashley and I did last night. It wasn’t an easy conversation, and judging by a lot of the mentions under my tweet last Thursday in regards to Rachael attending an Old South formal, I’m guessing there are plenty that still don’t understand what the issue is. If that’s your take, I suggest you listen to the live (which I’ve posted below), or, just do some reading about the history of how the Old South formals came to be, what they represent, the Kappa Alpha Order, etc. There’s plenty to follow up on as to why this event is rooted in racism. And again, if you think that because just because people showed up to the event … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Dylan Speaks Out, Jed Doesn’t, & Matt Addresses Some Issues…Sort of

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Hey guess what? The live that Ashley and I did last night saved! All is right in the world again. So go check that out in case you missed it. Tuesdays are back to normal again and you’ll hear us every Tuesday night live at 8ET/5PT on my Instagram. Now, for the last few weeks, Barb Weber aka “Sweetnums” seems to hold hers at the same time. I’m not sure who has more followers during their show because, well, we’re unable to see it while we’re doing ours. Ashley and I get between 2000-2500 viewers during the course of the 60-90 minutes we do our show. Whatever the case, fun times as we basically go over everything in Bachelor world over the previous week. I … Continue reading

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