Reality Steve

The Bachelor 22 – Arie

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    Arie as the “Bachelor” & More on the Robby and Amanda Story (With Pictures)

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Nothing worse than being out of town and having major news break in “Bachelor” world as it did last week. I left Wednesday morning for Vegas, and as we know, all hell kinda broke loose regarding the “Bachelor” announcement all day Wednesday then with the formal announcement on GMA Thursday morning. Needless to say, it consumed a lot of my time the first two days I was there which I hated happening. There was so much back and forth Wednesday trying to get to the bottom of what was happening, I’ll try and explain best in detail what I had heard and what led me to tweet what I did on Wednesday. Yes, when I left at 7:00am on Wednesday morning, I was under the … Continue reading

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