Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 14 – Becca

  • Bachelorette Becca Spoilers

    “Bachelorette” Becca’s Episode-by-Episode Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    If you didn’t follow along on this site or my Twitter account during filming of the “Bachelorette” between March 15th and May 10th, a lot of this will seem brand new to you. If you did, pretty much everything you see today will be stuff you’ve already seen, outside of a few dates. It certainly was one of the more interesting seasons in regards to public spoilers, since pretty much every date outside of three were spoiled publicly. Either by pictures sent to me privately, or by public dates where plenty of fans were able to be present on dates and take pics. This includes basically every date in Las Vegas, Virginia, the Bahamas, and hometowns all getting out publicly. That definitely has never happened … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” the Garrett Controversy Goes Mainstream, & “The Proposal”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Quite a day yesterday, that’s for sure. There’s no other way around it: this sucks for Becca. One day after your season premieres, the Garrett situation is all anyone’s talking about. And rightfully so. It’s a big deal. And if you don’t think it is, then you might actually be part of the problem. “Roseanne,” the highest rated show on ABC right now, got cancelled yesterday because of a tweet. So yes, social media plays a HUGE role in our society today. Believe that. Nothing is private anymore, and that’s the problem. Tomorrow’s podcast with Ashley Spivey is excellent. We get into everything that happened over the weekend, why she did what she did, and why this Garrett Instagram controversy shouldn’t be treated lightly. Already … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 14 - Becca

    The “Bachelorette” Becca – Episode #1 Recap, the Garrett Instagram Controversy, BIP Cast Info, & Much More

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Welcome back everyone. To say we’ve had a lot happen since you last joined us (assuming you haven’t been back since Arie’s season ended) would be quite the understatement. We had every date this season except about 3 spoiled in real time, including the final rose ceremony, which was spoiled by a tabloid (TMZ) before the season started for the first time ever. More on that later. But just wanna start out by saying what a fun weekend it was in Denver. I mean, can you beat first row seats to Taylor Swift? That answer would be no. Then Saturday night at the Rockies game was kind of a sh** show, but tons of fun. I have Lace Morris and Leah Block to thank for … Continue reading

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