Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 26 - Clayton

    The “Bachelor” Clayton – Finale Thoughts, Podcast, “Bachelorette” Men Being Released, & My Annual March Madness Pick


    Remember last week I was asking out loud, how the hell are they going to fill 4 hours of programming over 2 nights with what seemingly didn’t seem like a lot of footage considering what I’d spoiled goes down. Well, we got our answer last night in the form of essentially a 45 minute rose ceremony, so that took up 25% of it. And now tonight, we’ve definitely still got close to an hour of footage left in Iceland, then a 1hr ATFR. So now it seems like it’s possible it all might be rushed. We’ll get to that in a second. In case you missed it, yesterday I posted what to expect in terms of the footage you’ll see from … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Clayton Spoilers

    Clayton’s Finale Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, today starts 48 hrs of madness. A 2 night, 4 hour finale where we see the culmination of what happened in Iceland, while also having the live segments happening in front of a studio audience in and out of commercial breaks. In addition, probably getting the announcement of our “Bachelorette” at the end of tomorrow night’s episode. Then the reveal of all the possible men on her season on the “Bachelorette” Facebook page is probably coming early Wednesday morning as it did last season when Katie’s guys were posted the morning after Matt’s ATFR. There will be alumni in the audience tonight and some of them are already hyping this two night finale, and yeah, it’s a lot. Is it hyperbole? That’s up to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #277 – Interview with Steven McBee/Calah Jackson & Amanda Pace from “Joe Millionaire


    Even though we’re a day late with the podcast this week, there’s a reason for that. With the timing of the “Joe Millionaire” finale, it made sense to put these interviews up the next day. We’ve got Steven and Calah’s first public interview as a couple and then we’re joined by Amanda, who was chosen by Kurt in the end, but they have since ended their relationship. We dive into everything in both interviews and if you watched the season, you’ll definitely enjoy both of these I believe. And then next week, with the podcast coming on Tuesday, we’ll hear from the two women who WEREN’T chosen last night, Annie and Carolyn. So look for that on Tuesday. As always, if you’d like to respond … Continue reading

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