Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Katie’s Guys on Opposite Sides of the Greg/Katie Fight

    Photo Credit: ABC

    One thing that’s been brought up in recent weeks has been Katie’s social media behavior and all the things she tweets and/or posts on her stories. Being the first lead to be as active on social media as she’s been, everything she does gets dissected to the fullest extent. What does this mean? What does that mean? Clearly she can’t be happy if she’s posting that? We’ve heard it all. I’m here to tell you that no matter what Katie has posted, whether it was meant as some sort of misdirection or not, nothing has changed. Katie and Blake are still engaged, they’re happy, and you will see that come next week when the finale airs. Does it mean they will 100% get married and … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 17 - Katie

    The “Bachelorette” Katie – Episode 8 Recap, Fan Appreciation Party Cancelled, & FBoy Island Releases Next 3 Episodes This Thursday

    Photo Credit: ABC

    In case you missed the beginning of the podcast last Thursday, the Reality Steve Fan Appreciation Party set for later this month has been cancelled. With the Delta variant growing, and Vegas being one of the leading cities right now for infections and going back to a mask mandate, although I really didn’t want to cancel my party for the second year in a row even though everyone in attendance would be vaccinated, it was the right call to make unfortunately. The Rio wasn’t thrilled with me hosting a party of almost 100 people once the mandate was handed down, and the liability was just something I didn’t want to possibly have to deal with. So to everyone who purchased flights and were set to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #245 – Answering Your “Reader Emails” & Audio Questions


    Time to dip into the ol’ mailbag today for your questions through both email and audio. Some good ones this week so I thank everyone who participated. Some unfortunate news to start with on the podcast first, and that’s that the 6th Annual Fan Appreciation Party has been cancelled. Due to the Delta variant, the liability involved with holding a party even though everyone is vaccinated is too much to handle. And the hotel isn’t too keen on holding large parties in their rooms during this time. Sucks. I hated having to cancel for the second year in a row, but it’s the best and smartest thing to do right now. Party will be back next year assuming we don’t have any more virus issues … Continue reading

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