Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #241 – Interview with Comedian & YouTube “Bachelor/ette” Recapper Dave Neal


    A very fun and informative podcast today with a first time guest, comedian and YouTuber Dave Neal. I’m sure you’ve seen Dave’s numerous videos on his YouTube channel where he recaps the show along with a ton of other stories in Bachelor Nation. He’s been insane recently producing up to 4 videos a day. This podcast came together after about a year of being aware of his videos, he did a recap of my appearance on Whit & Ry’s YouTube Channel about 10 days ago. I saw that Dave actually took the time to watch it, listen to what I said, and rather than form an opinion in one sentence, I appreciated him seeing what I was trying to say and wasn’t immediately out to … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7 Spoilers

    “Reader Emails” & (EXCLUSIVE) Your “Bachelor in Paradise” Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Lets get right to your BIP spoilers. Remember, there were almost 40 people who appeared at some point this season. I do not have every result for every contestant or when all of them went home. What I’m gonna give you today though is basically a BIP dump of info. Everything that I’ve been told, I’m giving you today. Some spoilers will be direct and detailed, and some will just be the spoiler because I don’t have the backstory behind them. You’ll be able to tell which spoilers I have more info on than others. Example would be like how during Katie’s season filming, I’d spoiled that Thomas was an early season villain, which we now know was true. But I didn’t know why he … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7 Spoilers

    The “Bachelorette” Katie – Episode 4 Recap, Becca Kufrin on BIP, & Influencers Getting PPP Loans

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow’s column as right now I believe I have the same as last week at this time, around 10 or 12. Usually wanna get to around 25-30 for the column. You came through last week, so lets do it again for tomorrow. As always, still spots available for the my Fan Appreciation Party in Vegas on Aug. 27th. Open bar all night and appetizers for everyone. No cost to get in. It’s first come, first serve, you just need to RSVP to me by email at Only difference this year is I’m asking that you show proof of vaccination. If you’re flying/driving in, you have priority right now, so let me know ASAP if you’re interested. Like I … Continue reading

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