Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    The “Bachelorette” Hannah – Episode 5 Mini Recap, “Reader Emails,” BIP Info, & Recap of the Vegas Weekend

    Photo Credit: ABC

    What a weekend. Got a few stories to share here and on the podcast this week, so bear with me. First off, a huge thank you again to everyone who made it out to the party this weekend. Didn’t get an official head count, but judging by the guest list and others who showed, looked like we had between 140-150 people there. And it definitely felt it since those that were there know how toasty it got inside the room. First time we had it at the Rio, the room was unbelievable, the top floor Presidential Suite with the view from the roof of the Rio was such an added bonus so people could go outside to get air, In my mind, I’d like the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #133 – Interview with Amanda Stanton


    Been a couple years since I last had her on, but lets just say a hell of a lot has happened in Amanda Stanton’s life since then. A relationship has come and gone, she was the victim of a hacking/blackmail incident, she’s started a clothing line, she’s written a book, etc. A lot to cover today. Not easy for Amanda to talk about this stuff but I wanted to bring her on because it’s been so long, and I know a lot of people have questions regarding the things that have gone down her life. As she says in the podcast, she likes to share. Almost too much. She’s an open book and she addresses all these issues head on. The Vegas incident she explains … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, & Podcast with Amanda

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Never fails. Never, ever, ever fails. Always before I leave for a trip, seems like everything piles up at once. Gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta record something late, get sent info about the show that I need to look into, etc. I swear, it always happens right before I leave to go somewhere. So it’s been a hectic last couple of days to say the least. Just know I’m working on something. Something I’ve only really done I believe once in the history of the site. Then of course the obligatory random email exchange from a reader that they decide to screen shot and share publicly without ever telling me that was their intention, and that wrapped everything up in a nice little … Continue reading

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