Reality Steve



  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 10 recap


    Listen: I refuse to even entertain the notion that Jeremiah and Kortni would make a good couple. I don’t care that people have caught them sharing long and seemingly profound glances. I don’t care that Jeremiah has the power to sort of neutralize her crazy, like he’s a vet who just shot a rabid animal with a tranquilizer dart. I don’t care that it would probably be good for Kortni to date someone normal – especially a man who could conceivably act as a bodyguard and protect her from a lunatic she actually needs to be protected from – and I really don’t care that it might prove interesting to watch Jeremiah shake up his life by cuddling with a woman born with limited bladder … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #94 – Interview with Taylor Nolan


    One of my favorite podcasts I’ve done to date is today’s with Taylor Nolan. I don’t really know what I was expecting going in because I try not to set any expectations before I interview people. I make my judgement after the fact. And to me, Taylor passed with flying colors. I appreciate her being so open and honest about her most recent public break up, how difficult it was, some of the reasoning behind it, how tough it was deal with in the public eye, and some of her abusive relationships in the past. It’s never easy to talk about stuff like this, but if you’ve heard Taylor’s podcast, you know she’s very descriptive and she’s certainly well spoken and this kinda comes naturally … Continue reading

  • Are You the One?

    “Are You the One?” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 5 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    There are those collective anxiety dreams a ton of us share. You know the ones I’m talking about, right? The nocturnal miseries I tend to experience on repeat are of having to run but not being able to move or searching for a classroom to go take some test I didn’t study for in a class I’ve cut for an entire semester. I’ve only had the delightful whoops-I-just-showed-up-in-public-naked dream once, but I do often awake knowing I’ve just been tormented through a final REM cycle because Dream Me ran into one or three of my exes when I was least expecting it – and when my hair looked like sh*t. Well, MTV has decided to take that last night terror and make it real on … Continue reading

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