Reality Steve

Search results for "the bachelor"

  • The Bachelorette 13 - Rachel

    What’s Coming with Josh & Amanda, & The Crazy Story of Luke Pell and All His Women

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I can think of two days since I’ve started doing this full-time that were crazier than yesterday for me. The day I received the Nick plane video and the day after Desiree’s finale. Besides those two, yesterday takes the cake. It was non-stop all day long. Seeing tweets, following up on tweets, getting emails, getting pictures, following up with phone calls, hearing sides to every story – it was nuts. I didn’t go to bed til 2:30am, started writing today’s column at 8:30am and just finished. I wanted to make sure I had everything for you. The Luke stuff took forever. Josh and Amanda are completely separate and I didn’t want to combine them. So here’s what I’m going to do: At the beginning of … Continue reading

  • Daily Links

    Daily Links – 3/28 Incl Tabloids Already Starting in on Rachel’s Guys & Filming in South Carolina Today


    Remember how yesterday I said that I’m pretty much failing at my NCAA Brackets this year. Weeeelllll, that’s not exactly true. That was in my own Bracket Challenge that I have zero chance to win. I’m in another one that only has 155 participants, but had an entry fee. I can actually win that one, but four things need to happen. 1) Gonzaga needs to beat South Carolina 2) Oregon needs to beat North Carolina and 3) Gonzaga needs to beat Oregon for the championship. IF all three of those happen, I tie for first with one other person, so the tiebreaker is total points in the championship game. They have 153 and I have 158. So not only do all three of those things … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 13 - Rachel

    Latest on Rachel’s Filming & What Exactly is Considered a “Spoiler?”

    Photo Credit: E! Online

    I appreciate the response to yesterday’s podcast with Chris Bukowski. He really seemed to hit a chord with a few of you. In a positive way, I mean. As I mentioned yesterday, I like talking to people who are candid, open, and honest. Chris knows how he acted on the show was wrong. He owned it. And I respect that. I never would’ve been interested in having him on if he didn’t apologize, kept doing stuff in the franchise, and continued being a Grade A douchebag. But you can tell that things have changed for him, he’s got a successful career, found himself a girlfriend, and has rid himself of Bachelor Nation. I gotta respect that. Definitely an interesting listen because I think a lot … Continue reading

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