Reality Steve



  • The Bachelorette 14 - Becca

    The “Bachelorette” Becca – Episode 9 Recap, (EXCLUSIVE) “Men Tell All” Spoilers, & an Editing Screw Job


    A few things to get to today before we begin our shorter recap of last night’s Overnight Dates episode. Next “Bachelor” talk, Bad Chad is in the news, the hack editing job they did to fool the audience, and Des & Chris on “Celebrity Marriage Boot Camp.” I’m recording this week’s podcast today. I will tweet out later once we’re done who it is, but needless to say, there’s going to be some tea spilled this week I’m pretty sure. This is someone who has been mentioned on this site before, was in the news recently, and someone who wasn’t a big fan of mine in 2017. However, things change and, well, they will be on the podcast this week. Looking forward to getting the … Continue reading

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 3 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    It’s either love or desperation that’s brewing in the Floribama Shore house between Gus and Nilsa. Fortunately for us, neither driving force is ruled by the desire for privacy. It appears their entire courtship — from Nilsa’s bold flirtations to Gus eventually giving in to the imminent sex recorded by night vision cameras to their subsequent alcohol-fueled drag out fights — will all be televised, and I suppose I should be concerned for the mental wellbeing of all the other roommates as they become forced spectators of this probably doomed relationship, but really? I’m just one person. I can’t afford to expend energy worrying about everything that can go wrong in that house, especially since I’m far more apprehensive about the moment Kortni decides to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #87 – Interview with “UnReal’s” Shiri Appleby


    Not very often in now 87 podcasts that I’ve actually gotten to speak to any actors or actresses. Trust me, it’s very refreshing to and I wish I could do more. But it is what it is and I’ll keep trying. Because of my partnership with Hulu last week promoting the 4th and final season of “UnReal,” I appreciate that they were able to get me Shiri Appleby for this week, who plays Rachel Goldberg on the show. If you’ve watched “UnReal,” you know that Rachel is probably the character that most fans of the “Bachelor/ette” franchise find the most interesting because of her relationship with the contestants. Yes, it might be an exaggerated version, but it’s pretty dead on in terms of what a … Continue reading

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