Reality Steve



  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #64 – Interview with “Bachelor” Season 7 Winner Sarah Brice & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    You know, the “Bachelor” was around in the early 2000’s. Oh yeah. It happened. Granted, season 7 of the “Bachelor” seems to be wiped off all records since I can’t find any video clips of it online anymore. There are very few clips from that season still online. But Sarah Brice and Charlie O’Connell had quite an interesting ride as a “Bachelor” couple after season 7 which aired back in 2005. One of the major clips I found I included below, and that was an interview they did on 20/20 which she said ultimately led to their final breakup. Interesting to listen to her in the podcast then go and find that interview and watch it. Yeah, Charlie wasn’t all in. You can almost sense … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & (EXCLUSIVE) Winter Games Episode 1 Spoilers Along with the Main Storyline & Finale Spoiler

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Episode 1 of “Winter Games” was released to the media this week, and as I do for the first episode of “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette,” I have my way of watching it and thus spoiling it. Do they want me to? Of course not. This episode is shown just like the others in that it shows everything up to the rose ceremony, because they don’t want media possibly giving away eliminations. Well, you’ll get those from me today. And the first “rose ceremony,” isn’t really a rose ceremony. They mix it up a bit for the first elimination, which you’ll see later. I’ve not been entirely on board with this show if you’ve read any of my thoughts the last few months. After watching it, I … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 6 Recap, Bekah Was Missing (Not Really), & Update on the “Women Tell All” Taping

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’m a man of my word. I follow through on things that I say. And dammit if I didn’t tell you last Tuesday that I was gonna watch “Grease 2” at some point this past weekend, and I damn sure did. If you were following along on Sunday about 3 hours before kickoff, you saw me live tweeting the movie. There are so many things I didn’t even get to while covering it, but I think you could sense my overall thoughts. It’s just one of those movies that when you watch it years later, it’s obviously utterly ridiculous and silly. But at the time in 1983 when I was watching it for what seemed like every day in the summer? Please. It was like … Continue reading

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