Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & DeMario Tells Us Everything That Went Down in Paradise

    Photo Credit: E! Online

    Wanted to talk about the podcast really quick. First off, the Thursday one. As you know, DeAnna is tomorrow’s guest, and she’s excellent. First lead I’ve ever had on the podcast (not for lack of trying that’s for sure) and she really holds nothing back. Has some great stories from both her “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” seasons, with my favorite being how basically her “Bachelorette” didn’t turn out at all like she wanted to or expected to. Lays out in detail what she wanted to happen and how it didn’t. As for “He Said, She Said,” that will be released next month so if you want to be a part of the show, contact me or Sharleen and let us know what your issue is and … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 13 - Rachel

    The “Bachelorette” Rachel Episode 5 Recap Incl DeMario Speaks Out

    Photo Credit: ABC

    One thing I took back from NY this past weekend? A cold. It’s probably because my hotel room was nice and cool, yet outside it was muggy with 1000% humidity. That’ll do it to ya’. Or it could be all the germs from being on the plane. I’m not full blown sick yet, but my throat this morning feels like I gargled a bag of razor blades. Good times I tell ya’. Anyway, it was a fun trip. Got to see family I hadn’t seen in a while, got to eat chicken parmesan at three different restaurants, did some touristy stuff since I was staying in the heart of Times Square, and finally got to spend some time with “He Said, She Said” co-host Sharleen … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #31 – Interview with Joe Bailey, Incl “Dr. Reality Steve,” & the Debut of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Sharleen Joynt


    Big day today. Not only do we have Podcast #31 with Joe Bailey from Kaitlyn’s “Bachelorette” season & “Bachelor in Paradise 2,” along with the debut of the “He Said, She Said” podcast I’m collaborating with Sharleen Joynt on, but in a couple hours I’m headed to New York for the weekend for a family event. Not much of a touristy person, but I’m sure I’ll be people watching in Times Square later tonight. Anyway, Joe Bailey is Podcast #31’s guest and it’s really hard not to like this guy. It’s the accent. Seriously. Sure, two years ago during BIP the guy got himself involved in one of the uglier “scandals” when he was juggling Juelia and Samantha at the same time, but when you … Continue reading

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