Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    What’s the “Historic” ATFR Announcement Tonight, What’s Going on with the Final Couple, & Exclusive Look at One of Rachel’s Guys This Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    As we know, the “Bachelor” franchise is loaded with hype. Everything is the most dramatic thing ever. Every finale is built with the suspense of something that I already spoiled months ago. But every once in a while this show will do something out of the ordinary that does draw some attention. They’ve been hyping tonight’s ATFR for a couple weeks now with both Robert Mills and Mike Fleiss foaming at the mouth telling you how “historic” it will be. I guess that’s up for each individual person to decide. Friday night is when I found out and I tweeted that I’d be telling everyone today what it is. It’s certainly noteworthy because it is something that we’ve never seen before. That’s why I said … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #16 – Michelle Money Interviews Me Along with “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails

    Photo Credit:

    Decided to change things up on the podcast this week. When I had Michelle Money on last week, she brought up the fact that she wanted to interview me. Now, I’ve done interviews before as you can see by the “Press” link in the navigation bar at the top of the page, but in all those interviews, the writer had a limited amount of space to write their story. Being this is my podcast and my website, I gave Michelle free reign to ask whatever she wanted. And we could go on for as long as we want. So we fell just short of the 2 1/2 hour mark. Do I think that anyone wants to listen to 2 1/2 hours of me talking about … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & Get Ready for the Longest Podcast Yet


    So I told you yesterday that this week’s podcast being released tomorrow is the return of Michelle Money, one week later, but she is interviewing me this time. Get your popcorn ready. I think Michelle asked me everything other than my checking account and social security number. I mean, we practically started at birth and went all the way up through where I am now. Needless to say, it’s the most thorough interview I’ve ever done. I wouldn’t have done this with too many other people, but Michelle being a friend, this is something she wanted to do, so absolutely I agreed to do it. And I think I pretty much answered everything asked of me. Granted, I couldn’t go into details on certain things, … Continue reading

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