Now, lets get to where we’re at right now. Rose ceremony #3 was this past Sunday night in LA. The 15 women who survived it and are headed to Ohio for dates starting tomorrow for episode #4 are:
Hannah Sluss
Lexi Buchanan
Kelsey Weier
Mykenna Dorn
Deandra Kanu
Natasha Parker
Victoria Paul
Victoria Fuller
Tammy Ly
Kelley Flanagan
Sydney Hightower
Shiann Lewis
Kiarra Norman
Savannah Mullins
Madison Prewett
Yes, so both Alayah Benavidez and Sarah Coffin (my early favorite), were eliminated at the 3rd rose ceremony this past Sunday night, along with Jasmine Nguyen and Alexa Caves. So much for my prediction on Sarah Coffin going far, possibly winning, and if not, becoming next “Bachelorette.” That ain’t happening now. I said at the time it was a complete guess based on nothing. Guess Peter and I have different tastes. If you would’ve told me before the season that neither Sarah nor Alayah wouldn’t even make it past episode 3, I would’ve said you were on crack. Shocking to say the least. But it happened. So we move on.
You remember my tweets and IG posts from last week about them asking for RSVP’s for dates Wednesday and Friday this week in Ohio. Here’s the breakdown I can give you:
Tomorrow – 1-on-1 date with a Chase Rice performance in Sandusky, OH. You had to have emailed them and gotten a confirmation email back to attend this date. It’s not just show up and go. They haven’t given the exact location in Sandusky yet, however, in speaking to people in Ohio, pretty much everyone has told me there isn’t anything to do in Sandusky other than Cedar Point, which is an amusement park. So it seems logical that they’d have a concert date there, but I’ll know for sure later today.
Thursday – Group date at Browns Stadium. They will be playing flag football and Baker Mayfield will be a part of it. This is not open to the public. But hey, if you wanna hang out around the stadium and watch them arrive and what not, be my guest.
Friday – 1-on-1 date. This isn’t 100% confirmed yet, but I’m hearing it might be at the Cleveland Area Soap Box Derby (which is a non-profit organization) and it will involve special needs children. Kinda like Colton & Elyse’s date last season. Something similar to that. This is a date that people could RSVP for as well, so I should hear more in the next day or two.
So you are now up-to-date on everyone that’s remaining, and by the end of the week, you’ll know who was on every date in Ohio as well since those are sure to get out. I’ll be posting them on Twitter and IG immediately after I find out, only to have them be stolen and posted on the 900 other “spoiler” IG accounts who take my info, post word for word what I write, but not credit where they got it from. It’s disgusting frankly. I’m posting this around 10am CST on Tuesday. Exactly zero websites or IG accounts have posted any of this (the 15 remaining women, the 4 eliminations last episode, the dates and locations in Ohio, etc). Within minutes of me posting, all of them will have it splattered all over their pages. Lets see who actually credits this site.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you Thursday.