Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #264 – Interview with Danny Escalante & Nicci Ramos from “12 Dates of Christmas”


    Another great chat today with one of the final couples from “12 Dates of Christmas,” Danny Escalante & Nicci Ramos. Sure, they’ve heard a lot of the chirping in regards to Danny picking Nicci over Brooke, and we get Danny’s thoughts about what went into that final choice, their relationship since the show, what you DIDN’T see about their relationship on the show, and much, much more. It was great to talk to them both at the same time rather that on separate weeks. It’s not easy being a public couple from a TV show, and we talk about how they’ve navigated that since the show stopped filming in April being that they live on completely different coasts with Danny living in Florida and Nicci … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #263 – Interview with Brooke Lusk from “12 Dates of Christmas”


    Joined this week again by one of the contestants on “12 Dates of Christmas” on HBO Max, Brooke Lusk, who needless to say had quite the journey on the show this season. From what I’ve read and seen on social media people have said Danny made a mistake in not picking her. Does she think so? Is she upset she wasn’t? Did she see a long term future with him? We answer that and much, much more in today’s interview, including how close she was to being cast on “FBoy Island.” Before that, in the first 10 minutes or so of the podcast I talk about the social media happenings surrounding Clayton’s women, in particular, his final 4. So spoilers will be discussed. You’ve been … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #262 – Interview with Amanda Grace Jenkins from “12 Dates of Christmas”


    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. I did. And I ate way too much and was in a food coma for most of the weekend. So there’s that. Anyway, first time in 262 podcasts that it’s released on a Monday, but here we are with Amanda Grace Jenkins from “12 Dates of Christmas” on HBO Max that dropped on Thanksgiving Day. Because I needed to give people time to watch the series before posting the interview is the reason the podcast is up today. I hope you watched, if not, still plenty of time since it’s not going anywhere, but Amanda and I do cover everything that happened on the show so spoilers will be included. Amanda was very open about her experience on … Continue reading

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