As mentioned, we’re two days into filming dates. Friday night was the limo entrances, Saturday was an off day where the women moved into the mansion, then there was a group date on Sunday night as the first date of the season. It was held at the Regent Theater in downtown LA. 8 women were on the date and it was titled “First Comes Love,” where everyone had to tell a story that involved something to do with a first in their life. You’ll never guess in a million years what Colton’s story was? You guessed it. He told the story of the first time he told people he was a virgin. It was in the locker room when he was playing football, and he was thinking of what lie to tell, but he ended up telling the truth and the guys didn’t make fun of him and thought it was cool. Yay virginity! I’m sure that’ll be the first of 1,972 times this season that we hear Colton is a virgin.
As I tweeted out yesterday, it was a 1-on-1 date where they were helicoptering down to San Diego to go to Belmont Park, which is a small amusement park that was rented out just for them. Well, that was supposed to happen. Looks like it never did. I was told the weather wasn’t great down there yesterday, but whatever the reason, they never showed up. So it’ll be interesting to see what kinda date the woman got considering whatever it was, pretty much had to be put together at the last minute. Here’s proof they were set to film down in San Diego yesterday, as all the local business down in the area received this filming permit:
They definitely weren’t there anytime before 6:00pm, so it doesn’t look like that date happened down there unless they went to a completely different location in San Diego than they had originally planned.
Today’s date is another group date, and we’ll see if any info gets out about that one. It’s not a date where they’ve invited fans, so unless they’re in the open where strangers walking by see it, probably won’t be anything getting out. Or of course, they could’ve alerted the paparazzi to take pics like they do for early season dates, and sites like will post pictures. I’ll keep an eye out for that.
One thing I can mention I’ve heard this season is in regards to where they’re headed. I’ve heard it from more than one source, and although I don’t have the exact country locations yet, I’ve heard they will be spending time in Asia this season, and the overnights/finale will be in Spain. I will keep you updated as we move forward. Usually there’s always at least one episode in the states either before they leave out of the country, or right before hometowns, so that’s always a possibility as well. But Asia and Spain are definitely two places I’m told they’re heading this season.
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