Hi Steve,
Been watching the Bachelor since the first season and your podcast along with Olivia’s are two of my favorites. I am a newer fan of yours, but thanks for the podcast. Your honesty and fun facts are entertaining.
I missed Nick and Katelyn’s season’s and I cannot find old season’s of the Bachelor anywhere. Do you know where I can watch old seasons?
Comment: I think some are on Amazon Prime, but not all. Maybe Hulu too. But it’s sporadic. I don’t think there’s a website that carries all previous 36 seasons.
Not sure if you now much about America’s got talent but on January 7th they are premiering a brand new show with the champions. I’m assuming its going to airing every Monday night. Those are both pretty big shows with big audiences but I’m not sure if they are the same in terms of types demographic that watches the show but could this new show effect the bachelor ratings?
Comment: It didn’t. “Bachelor” drew the same rating as it did for last seasons premiere, a 1.5. Last year’s premiere went up against the college football semifinal, with episode #2 going up against the national championship. This years premiere went up against the national championship. So basically it’s fan base isn’t going anywhere and will find a way to watch. So remember aaaaalllllllll those people who said they weren’t going to watch when Colton was announced? As I say every season, no one cares that you’re not going to watch because millions of others will.
Hi Steve,
Do you have any idea if Nick Viall and Haley Ferguson are dating? No, I don’t.
Also, any truth to the rumors that Rachel and Bryan are going to split?
Comment: I thought they just did a story where she talked about expecting to be wed by this summer? Where do these rumors come from? What’s the basis? What intel do they have? Have they ever been right before about anything? I just read that interview, so it doesn’t sound like there’s a split coming. But hey, who knows? Josh and Andi stood on the red carpet for Chris Soules premiere and acted like they were together and two days later announced a split.
Hi Steve,
Happy New Year! I have a few bachelor/bachelorette related questions for you. A few? A few is 3 or 4 I thought.
1. I just listened to Josh Murray’s podcast, Naked Chats. I listened to the episode with Bryan Abasolo and I must say that I really think he was not portrayed appropriately on the bachelorette. As much as I have not been the biggest Josh fan in the last few years, I thought that he asked him great questions about the pressure him and Rachel were under right after the finale and how to overcome those tough times. Have you heard anything about Bryan lately or since he is a year removed, not so much? Naked Chats? You mean the one he did five episodes of then quit? That one? Never listened to Bryan so I have no idea, but haven’t heard much about him.
2. Are Colton and Cassie still together? Have you heard anything about them besides if they are together or not? Yes, they are.
3. Since Bryan and Rachel do not seem to be getting a televised wedding and seem to have no ties to producers, would you be open to having either of them on your podcast if they were willing to be on it? Sure.
4. Since Kaitlyn and Shawn broke up recently, would you have them on to talk about both sides of the break up if they said yes? Sure.
5. Who was Shawn seen with shortly after the break up announcement? I saw the article but did not get to read It in its entirety. I forget her name off the top of my head but she’s an announcer in the WWE. Charly something.
6. I know that Andi wrote two books, so I forget if she was supposed to publish one more book or if it was just two? There’s another one coming.
7. For episode 1 of the bachelor this season, what couples filmed a Where Are they now segment? Obviously this email was sent before the premiere.
8. I feel like JoJo and Jordan have focused way more on their respective business ventures than marriage. I don’t think they will get married. I am assuming that they are not planning anything for this year? Last I heard their stock answer always seems to be they haven’t even started planning anything. Kinda hard to have a wedding if you don’t plan it. Unless you go elope, but I don’t get the sense that’s what they wanna do.
9. Since Arie is getting married soon and we haven’t heard from Courtney Robertson in awhile, would you consider having her on the podcast soon to get her thoughts? Not really. I love Courtney, but to bring her on to talk about Arie and Lauren seems kinda pointless now. Not sure what she can add to the story.
10. Are there any other interesting developments in the Where Are they now segment for any of the couples who filmed for it? Not that I saw.
Dear Steve,
Happy New Year. Here are my questions:
1. Is Kaitlyn Bristowe still talking to Jason? Yes. And now they’ve publicly announced they’re going on date.
2. Is Blake Horstmann still talking to Brandi Cyrus? Yes, they talk. No they never dated.
Regarding the Jenna stuff – Did i miss this podcast/post on your webpage? I was curious how things ended – i know she was threatening lawyers, and said the truth was going to come out – i hadn’t seen anything from her either. Just wondering what ever happened to this?
Comment: Go check her IG. She made a post with a third party firm that ran the computer check like a couple months ago, and in her mind, that cleared her of everything. I don’t think it proved anything, but hey, that’s just me. That’s the last she’s spoke of it and probably for the better. There’s nothing more to add to the story if you ask me, hence the reason I haven’t talked about it since that post of hers other than to repeat what I just said.
I just read your episode-by-episode recap. I don’t normally watch this show, because my sister works in reality TV and I know just how much is fake. I actually read your site because I’m interested in the production aspect of everything. But I think I might watch this season because it seems like such a shitshow. Has any lead ever had this many contestants self-eliminate? Not sure. I don’t keep track of that.
From what I’ve heard they pretty much trap contestants and won’t let them leave. Do you know how or why so many got to self-eliminate this season? Were the girls going rogue? It seems unlikely that they would be allowed to just leave without production okaying everything. Was it just universally accepted that Colton is terrible and production let them leave to establish Colton as a villain? Sorry if these questions veer to much into the ‘who are your sources’ category. You can just delete this paragraph if I’m asking insider information. Of course production knows. They have a hand in everything. It’s not like the women just decided to take off and everyone was caught off guard. Probably just part of their narrative for Colton this season.
Also, 3 of the final 4 girls are only 23 year old. Is this young for a Bachelorette lead? I know Becca and Rachel were a little bit older, but I can’t remember how old people seemed before that.
Comment: I believe Caelynn is now 24, but yeah, Hannah G. and Cassie are that age. Emily Maynard was 24 when she was the “Bachelorette” I believe. I thought JoJo was 25 when she was. So yeah, Becca and Rachel were older, but it’s not unheard of they’d cast someone young in the role. And again, people that are saying “A 24 year old isn’t ready for an engagement/marriage” are missing the point of the show. The show isn’t about that. They don’t care if someone is ready or not. They’re here for entertainment. The engagement at the end is just a bonus. It’s a whatever. If it ends up working out, great. If it doesn’t, they’re on to the next success. If whether or not the couple gets married determined whether or not the show stayed on the air, this would’ve been cancelled years ago. The show isn’t about success rate. Never has been and never will be. Always keep that in mind. Who they cast in the lead is who they think will give them the best show. Period. That’s all they care about.
Whose side would you take in the feud between Arie & Jef? I know you don’t care for either, so I was curious!
Comment: Arie. I mean, I don’t agree with much on him, but it’s impossible to take Jef’s side on anything, and he’s been called out for his tweet that he ended up being 100% wrong on, as were most people. So pay up.
Hi Steve, thanks for the spoilers. I read them to satisfy my curiosity as won’t be watching Colton’s season. First time I’m taking a miss and I’m sure you’ll know why. Every loyal franchise fan I know is on the same page, insulted by what the franchise is pulling. Do think their viewers are stupid? Maggie
Comment: “Every loyal franchise fan I know.” 5.1 million people watched the premiere. Unfortunately, I don’t think you and your fanbase mattered in the grand scheme of things.
Hi Steve,
Questions (very random/blast from the past) / thoughts / oberservations:
1. Nick Viall looks like a white Wayne Brady. Ok?
2. Why is no one acknowledging that Jacqueline Trumbull is a dead ringer for Dominque Dunn, who played the teen daughter in Poltergeist? Good God, what an old reference. And considering Dominique Dunn is dead after being strangled by an ex, also kinda creepy.
3. I know you’re over being asked about the Arie/Jef fight that happened at Sean’s wedding, and I think you said something like “Use Google”, but I have, and can find nothing useful. I am asking those that know what the hell happened to please dish in the “Comments” section so I can be in the know! I just Googled and saw it. It’s out there.
4. Now that Elan’s gone, and apparently he was the one that was no fan of Jef’s, is Jef back in the good graces of The Powers That Be and may we find him on Paradise or as a suitor to the new Bachelorette? I’d be shocked.
5. Gift for Arie and Lauren from you? Yea or Nay? No. It’s only couples who get engaged at the end of filming, STAY ENGAGED, and get married.
6. Do you still think that if a person is not on social media at all it is a “red flag”? (I am not on social media at all, but I can handle your judgments.) I definitely think it’s odd. You don’t have to have your profiles plastered everywhere and tons of pictures. But to not have a FB, Twitter, IG, or LinkedIN definitely is a bit weird to me.
7. Luka update? (Also, more Instagram photos of her, please! 🙂 She’s doing great. Although, I mentioned this on a recent podcast with Ashley, is that she for some reason now will not let me get through a full podcast recording with coming over to me and whining. And if I don’t pet her, you’d hear that whining on the podcast. She didn’t do that in the beginning, but now she does.
8. Years ago you had a reader who would kind of re-cap the episode in a snarky, funny way and you’d put their response in Reader Emails. You’d say something along the lines of, “Once again, our best emailer of the week.” What happened to our talented emailer? Good question. Just disappeared. Haven’t heard from him in a few seasons. Don’t know what happened. But he was always spot on with his observations.
Hey Steve. I thought I had heard that Arie and Lauren were going to announce the gender of their baby on the bachelor premier? I think I heard it on a podcast. Do you know what happened with that?
Comment: Yeah, I thought I heard that too, but once the release was done with US Weekly, I guess that wasn’t true.
Bekah said in her IG live she heard Colton told producers he’d do anything to be the Bachelor.
Comment: Yup. Bekah and I must talk to the same people. I’ve hinted at this numerous times in the last couple months. But lets just say Bekah and I aren’t the only two in the franchise who have heard this. Plenty of others are aware of this. People talk.