Hi Steve,
I read a recent article in which Rachel said her and Bryan had not been offered a televised wedding by ABC. It would seem that with her being the first black bachelorette, the network would be very interested in televising the nuptials. Instead, they seem to be more willing to spend money on couples from BIP. Have you heard anything about this, and/or why ABC wouldn’t be interested in Rachel’s wedding?
Comment: They just don’t seem to be interested in getting into the wedding business, period. Regardless of who the couple is. Jade and Tanner over two years ago was their last real wedding they televised. Evan and Carly’s was like a backyard BBQ. I’m talking about the weddings they’ve done at major resorts, it got an hour or two hour special, tons of alums there, etc. I think even Evan and Carly can admit they got the worst “wedding” of the bunch in terms of the aesthetics of it all. And Marcus and Lacy.
I don’t know if you have answered some of these before and if you have, I am sorry.
1. How long is the limo ride from the hotel to the mansion? From the Sheraton Agoura Hills (where the contestants are put up before filming), to 2351 Kanan Rd (the address of the mansion), Google is showing me 4.7 miles and 8 minutes. So there you go.
2. Are the girls sitting in the limo all lined up and ready to go or do they have them all come at different time? Come down at different times. The first time you see any of the other people on your season is when you’re brought down and told to get in your limo.
3. If Grocery Store Joe and Kendall didn’t work out on BIP, do you think there could have been a chance of him being the Bachelor considering how popular her became? He was talked to, but no, ultimately I don’t think they ever would’ve given it to him.
4. You said on your podcast that the first episode was released to the media and you were planning on watching it. Does ABC have a say in who from the media gets to watch the show? Certainly not me. But I’ve had people who have been kind enough to let me use their username and password over the years. It’s basically all the major sites that cover the show. TV Guide, ET, US Weekly, People, EW, Access Hollywood, Extra, etc.
5. Colton kept saying that he is the first virgin Bachelor but didn’t they promote the hell out of Sean being the first Virgin Bachelor?
Love your column!!
Comment: Actually, it was the tabloids that first started calling Sean the “Virgin Bachelor,” not the show. At least that’s what he told me when he did the podcast.
Hi Steve,
Do you know when they are filing the women tell all for Colton’s season yet?
Comment: It’ll be at the end of February per usual.
Hi Steve!
How old do you think Catherine/DJ Agro is? We all think 26 is a bit of a stretch. Do we know when she graduated high school?
Comment: 87. No.
Hi Steve!
Every year the bachelor fans who are active on social media make it well known who they want to be the bachelor/ette. Sometimes they listen to us (or at least pick the person we all want regardless of if our opinion had an effect)- such as Ben H., Jojo, Kaitlyn, and Becca. More so with the guys they seem to choose whoever they want and don’t give a sh*t what viewers think cause they know they’ll watch. However, it seems like every time they don’t follow what the viewers want, they get a dud of a season that people just want to be over. Do you think production would prefer a season like Ben Higgins’ where everyone is invested in the lead himself and the “love story” behind it, and ends in a believable proposal (in most viewers eyes)— or Colton’s where the audience clearly won’t be huge on him, but they get a juicy and shocking ending- even if it doesn’t go along with what the show is all about in terms of an engagagement? You use the word “everyone” too much. I get what you’re saying, but even if you said the “majority,” you still have absolutely no way to gauge that. No matter who they choose, everyone will bitch and complain that someone else didn’t get it. They know that, that’s why they don’t care.
I know it’s far fetched, but I wish they’d go with a bachelorette who I can actually believe WANTS to get married. With Kaitlyn and Rachel being over 30, I knew that while they might not be on the show solely to find love that they can’t find elsewhere, I knew that because of their age and wanting to start a family (like most of their friends who are likely already married and having babies) – they at least were serious about having it work out and didn’t have time to waste.
Do you think there’s any chance they’ll go for a more mature and older bachelorette (someone from past seasons) since the only two viable candidates from this season are 23- and they will just be coming off a season that didn’t end in engagement due to a 23 year old not being ready? I know the formula for bachelorette has always been a final 4 girl from the previous season- but they did make an exception with Emily. If they did choose outside of Caelynn or Hannah- what do you think they next most likely options would be? & Why do you think they’re more willing to take risks with the bachelor lead vs bachelorette? I can hardly imagine them pulling someone out from decades ago like they did Arie.
Comment: I get asked this every season and it’s impossible to answer because I’m not part of ABC and the team that decides these things. All you can go off is their track record. There’s been 14 Bachelorettes. All 14 finished in the top 4 of their season. That’s not opinion, it’s fact. So people can throw out all the names they want of women this season who aren’t in the top 4 saying “They should choose her!” “What about her!” It’s all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day, they’ve never strayed from that in 14 seasons. Doesn’t mean they won’t someday, but we don’t when or if they will. So it’s pointless to throw out names that aren’t in the top 4 as serious contenders.
Also, of the the 14 Bachelorettes, 13 of them appeared on the season that just aired, including the last 6 in a row. So if you want to continue to hope that they won’t do it, feel free. I just wouldn’t get your hopes up.
I have read nothing yet on last nites Bachelor so here is my take. I fear the entire base of what is The Bachelor is beginning to show large cracks. Whatever was going on in Las Vegas I am clueless. The arrival of the contestants left a lot to be desired including Cinderella carriage,police car,sloth costume,ridiculous props lugged by them dog etc (with inserts of Chris strolling along the bushes with dog later) . One-on-one time set up where Catherine was appointed Bad Girl for the show and his script read “no reaction”. Almost forgot … I didn’t keep count of all the same gowns. Last but not least when are we going to have relief from hearing about Colton’s and whomeverelse’s virginity? So there you have it from me!
Comment: You have read nothing on it? Like, do you have the internet? And if you’re writing me, I’m assuming you know that I least I wrote something on Monday’s Bachelor you could’ve read. So there you have it from me!
Hi Steve,
I’m always curious about how the show will end so I appreciate your spoilers. Every year Jimmy Kimmell claims his wife figures out who the last woman standing will be & I always wonder if she reads your posts or if she knows someone who works on the Bachelor. Do you have any idea if she’s really figuring it out herself? Take care.
Comment: She knows. Lets not kid ourselves. It’s one of the worst running jokes on TV.
So you’ve said before, and mentioned it in your column today as well, that they do not cast the women (or men during Bachelorette) that they think are the most eligible matches for the lead, they cast who will make good tv. My question is, assuming they had the same exact pool of women to choose from, if Blake or Jason (or anyone else for that matter) was the Bachelor this season instead of Colton, do you think the exact some 25 (or 30 or however many) women would have been cast? Do they take into account the lead’s preferences at all?
Looking forward to another season of your witty and sarcastic commentary! Your website was the first one I pulled up when I got to work today (don’t tell my boss). Thanks for all you do for us readers/podcast listeners.
Comment: Exact same 30? Probably not. I’m sure a few would’ve been switched out. But a majority I think still would’ve been the same.
Just letting you know that I saw a picture on insta last night of him kissing Tayshia at her ‘Tayshia Land’. And a picture of him kissing Hannah G. during their original talk with the breathing lol. So who knows how many people he actually kissed
Comment: Ok, well that would bring his confirmed count up to 4. Definitely more than I can remember from any past lead.
Hi Steve,
Every time I see Colton it becomes more and more apparent that you were right and this guy is way too influenced by what people think about him. Of course I can’t know this for sure, but the amount of women he kissed night 1 to me made it seem like he wanted to prove to people he doesn’t take things slow and is ready for this experience. They showed him kiss 3 women on tv. Plus, based on that EW article and recap, he also kissed 3 more women. Six women on night one! I can’t remember a lead ever making out with that many people. Can you?
Comment: Now it’s 6!