-There are so many layers to what happened with Hannah and Luke last night, but you all saw it. I could literally spend 5 pages breaking down everything that was said. Not gonna do that. I’m so over Luke P this season, I’m glad we only have one week left. However, for a point of reference, I want to thank EOnline for essentially transcribing everythingLuke said to Hannah during the dinner portion last night. So I just want to have all this here so you can remember what he said:
“I’m talking about marriage, because this is a huge deal. And forever shouldn’t be taken lightly, and there’s so many things that I want for myself in my future wife and my future that I want it the way I want it, you know what I mean?”
“You brought up something on Hometowns that you’ve been a spiritual leader in your household. That’s something that I can totally relate to. I have been the spiritual leader in my household. You know how that is. That’s not the easiest all the time, but I’m so ready to make history in my family. I want to make sure that from now on, things are known how they’re supposed to be.”
“So let’s talk about sex. Sex is an incredible thing, and it’s a beautiful thing…only when it’s within the guidelines of marriage. This whole process I’ve been studying Hebrews, and it talks about how marriage should be honored by everybody, and how the marriage bed should be kept pure.”
“I know you’re not a virgin. We’ve had the talk. You know I’m not. I’ve been abstaining myself from sex for like three and a half to four years and I know that regardless of what I’ve done in the past, I am saving myself for marriage and I am very confident that we’re on the same page with our morals and I just want to hear it from your mouth. There’s a lot of people that say they believe in some things and yet they live or do things completely differently.”
“And thinking about fantasy suites, like I’ve heard people proclaim their faith, but yet they’ve said things like, ‘I’m excited for fantasy suites, I want to explore this relationship on a sexually intimate level, and that’s what I’m looking forward to,’ and to me that’s like, uh, what, excuse me? There’s something I’m missing here. Like I don’t believe that’s something that you should be doing and I just want to make sure you’re not going to be sexually intimate with the other relationships here.”
“Like, I totally have all the trust in the world for you, but at the same time I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. Like if you told me you were having sex, or you had sex with one or multiple of these guys, I’d be wanting to go home, 100%. But if that’s something you’re not going through then I’m just going to continue to grow the relationship and move on.”
Then Hannah finally got to speak and the convo went like this:
Hannah: “Umm…sex is a very big deal to me, and I’ve said like, I’ve had sex with two people in my life, and it was long relationships I thought were going to be my husband. But like, some of the things that you said, I don’t agree with at all. And honestly, I’m like kinda mad, because like, the way that you just said that is like, why do you have the right to do that? Because you’re not my husband, and you’re not…”
Luke: “Can I cut you off for a second?”
Hannah: “No! It’s just that you’re questioning me, that you’re judging me and feel like you have the right to, and don’t at this point. And I get when you like, care for somebody that you don’t want to think about somebody being intimate with another person, but guess what. Sex might be a sin out of marriage, but pride is a sin too, and I feel like this is like a pride thing.”
Luke: “So, I do want to take a step back to things I have said already, and I want you to know that, just reassessing what I’ve told you, like, Hannah, I don’t take it lightly when I tell you that I love you. Let’s say I am the last date, and let’s say you have had sex—throwing a crazy scenario at you, let’s say you’ve had sex with all these other relationships. All of ’em. I’m willing to do or work through anything. You’re right. I don’t have the right to ask you that, but I just want to know what’s going on, because…”
Hannah: “But you did.”
Luke: “You’re right, but…”
Hannah: “LET ME TALK! You did, you did ask, and the words that you just used were you’re ‘willing’ to work through this. I’m a grown woman and can make my own decisions, and I’m not strapped to a man right now.”
Luke: “Just being real, I can understand a slip up, but like, with all of them? I mean that’s kind of where I was going with that. If you were just like, you know what, I’m gonna just have sex with everyone and see what it’s like, then yeah I would be like, OK, I’m gonna talk to you, but you know what, I’m outta here.”
Hannah: ”The words that you’re saying are just like really not OK. They’re just not OK. And the closest thing that I’ve ever felt to love at first sight was probably with you, and our relationship from the beginning gave me so much hope, and then it was like, all this s–t kept happening, and honestly, like, you have already broken my heart through this, like truly, and I’ve broken my own heart because I’ve allowed everything. And to ignore all the red flags for how I feel, to have this, and to have you say this about me and make me feel like you would look at me any differently and judge me or make me feel like you would not think of me as a woman of faith like I am, and that we weren’t on the same page. It’s like you’re holding other people to a standard that you don’t even live by.
Maybe you abstain from sex, but there’s a lot of things that you struggle with, and because I might want to or have had sex, that’s like, you’re x’d off. Well I could have X’d you off from being my husband from things that I want out of a relationship, and that it’s just sex for you and you’re like, if you’ve had sex, then I’m going home. Well I want somebody who can get along with people, who doesn’t have pride issues. There’s so many things that I don’t want out of a husband that you’ve shown, so it’s like, oh my gosh. Like, that’s a big like, f–k you! That’s what that is.”
Luke then said if Hannah did “slip up” and had sex, nothing would change about how he feels about her, and Hannah told him she did not “slip up.”
Hannah: “Do you see this? You’re so thankful to be here and so thankful, but you need to know if I have had sex with another person for you to make the decision of how you’re going to move forward with me. I’ve prayed so much for clarity, and I feel like I’ve finally gotten clarity on you, and I do not want you to be my husband.”
Luke then said she at least “owed” him a chance to speak…
Hannah: “I don’t owe you anything. I have given you so many…oh my god. I cannot believe you just said that. I’m so mad. I don’t owe you anything at this point. Do you not understand that? I have bent over backwards for this relationship! So I don’t owe you anything. Please get up!”
Luke didn’t get up.
Hannah: “I don’t even care what you just said to me about you feeling like you have clarity on this. I still feel like you don’t. And there’s something in me that is refusing me to get into that vehicle right now.”
“I can probably get you to go in that limo, from what you said. I’m like, so mad. So like, I have had sex.”
Luke: “Say what?”
“Yeah, and Jesus still loves me. From obviously how you feel, me f–king in a windmill probably…you probably want to leave.”
Luke had one last request.
“Can I pray over you before I leave?”
Wow. Reading that again is pretty mind blowing.
I got an email last night from someone who’s a Christian, and this was a personal “letter” they thought Luke should hear:
“I am a Christian. I love Jesus. I, too, was not a virgin when I got married, but my husband and I waited for sex until we married. Those are my convictions and personal beliefs that sex is for marriage. However- I do not sit in judgement of others who haven’t chosen this. If I ever get asked about my beliefs (on this particular topic) I do my best to share them with love. Monday nights episode was painful to watch. Your words were not kind, nor gentle, nor loving. Your words mocked others who have said they are excited for fantasy suites, and I don’t know who you were talking about but most people that come on this show do not have the same beliefs as us, and I don’t understand why you made the statement you did. Not to mention the way you made that statement. You were outright mocking people. You can share your beliefs lovingly and not arrogantly. You catch more flies with honey, right?? That was just the tip of the iceberg. You were disrespectful the rest of the evening towards Hannah. This isn’t an issue about sex before marriage, this is a heart issue that was also clearly on display through your Twitter statements last night. Getting on Twitter and arguing with Hannah about sin doesn’t help the situation at all. It continues to show nothing but blind pride on your part. You and Hannah don’t agree on something. Accept that, apologize for your wrong actions and arrogance, and move on. You can stand up for what you believe in without acting as if you’re better than anyone and everyone. My heart is grieved over your actions on the show, and now on Twitter. I get producers twist things, but buddy, YOU are responsible for your words, actions, etc. If I were you, I would take my thoughts and feelings to God, not Twitter, and then apologize for the poor way you’ve decided to convey a belief you have. The Christian life is so much more than no sex before marriage. Unfortunately, that wasn’t what America got to see through you this season. What an absolute loss.”
Very succinct and to the point. She brings up the Twitter beef between Hannah and Luke last night. Here it was in case you missed it:
@AlabamaHannah There is a difference between eating with sinners who laugh and sinners who laugh at their sin. Sin is the very thing that put Jesus on the cross and that’s not a laughing matter. https://t.co/cU1YlEgeFB
— Luke Parker (@luke_parker777) July 16, 2019
i have never said that i find my sin funny. i’m not going to lectured on appropriate emotional responses by a guy who threw deli meat in a guys lap. https://t.co/hc8lsPUUA8
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 16, 2019
@luke_parker777 the devil wants to shame sin. God dealt with shame when he dealt with sin, so i will not allow someone who comes in the name of God to bring me something that God has taken off me.
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 16, 2019
My thoughts on all this on the next page…