A lot of info to get to today as we are through 3 episodes and they are heading to Ohio for dates beginning tomorrow for episode 4. I have what I believe they are doing for every date in Ohio posting a little later. But first wanna recap everything that happened last week. Yes, I’ve tweeted and posted on IG about it, but the column is always here to put it all in one place. Quite a few things to go over here, plus the big rumor that’s swirling around out there due to an IG account posting an IG direct message they got. I’ll get to that shortly. But this season is playing out exactly as I expected it would (well, except for one thing) in that every date has pretty much been spoiled up to this point, and everything in Ohio is probably going to get spoiled too. So you’re going to know everything before they head to South America in terms of dates and who’s left. Eliminations I’ll break down for you a little later, but if you know the 15 heading to Ohio (which you’ll find out later this column), all you have to do is work backwards and pretty much figure out who got eliminated when.
So on Thursday was a fashion show group date filmed at Academy LA. The 8 women in those pics are: Alexa Caves, Hannah Sluss, Lexi Buchanan, Kelsey Weier, Mykenna Dorn, Deandra Kanu, Natasha Parker, and Victoria Fuller. Carson Kressly, Janice Dickinson, and the Chief Brand Officer for Revolve, Raissa Gerona, were the judges. Hannah ended up winning the whole thing and won clothes from Revolve. They filmed something with Kelsey running off backstage while everyone was still out there, so there was a sense there is tension in the house between Hannah and Kelsey. There is.
Friday was a 1-on-1 date with Victoria Paul at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills. They line danced with the crowd, kissed a lot, and rode a mechanical bull that Peter fell off at one point and mildly hurt himself.
Saturday was a group at the Cowboy Palace Saloon (where Rachel had a group date that her “friends” showed up to and the guys mud wrestled) where Demi of all people was the host. Yes, Demi. You know, because she has such close ties to Peter. Anywho, she hosted Demi’s Extreme Pillow Fight. The 8 women on the date were: Tammy Ly, Alayah Benavidez, Sarah Coffin, Kelley Flanagan, Sydney Hightower, Shiann Lewis, Kiarra Norman, and Savannah Mullins. Chris Harrison and Fred Willard judged. Alayah ended up beating Sydney in the finals. Sarah got hurt during her fight with Kiarra, got pulled over to the side, Peter came over and they started kissing. Uhhhh, apparently none of that mattered.
And as I announced on Twitter Sunday night, since I’ve been asked about it every day since filming began, I finally gave you who got the first impression rose. It was Hannah Sluss. In case anyone may have been wondering if Hannah’s boobs are real, you may wonder no more…
Lets get to the big story floating around since Sunday, and that was Peter’s cancellation of last Tuesday’s group date because he was “sick.” That’s what they told the audience in attendance for the date. Seemed a little weird at the time since we’ve never had a full group date cancelled over someone’s sickness. And it’s not like Peter never showed up. There are pictures of him at the date standing outside, so you begin to question, how sick could he have been if he was well enough to show up there? It’s one thing if they would’ve said, “Peter never made it out today, he’s still back at his place, couldn’t get out of bed.” That’s not what happened. He was there. And a lot of you have seen the email floating around posted by an IG account on Sunday morning saying Peter wasn’t sick and it had to do with Hannah showing up on that group date, him spending time with her, and that’s why he cancelled. I got the same exact email at 5:08 on Sunday morning. Word for word. Cut and paste. So that person sent it to multiple people. However, I don’t just go posting info like that (as others did) without looking into it more. I did some digging and here’s what I found out.
We know that group date was going to be the women telling embarrassing sex stories. Hannah was there to be the host of it since, well, in case you didn’t know she had sex in a windmill 4 times with Peter. By the way, if any of you are still wondering why Peter was chosen as the “Bachelor” this season, these spoilers are pretty much your reason why. They’re weaving Hannah into as many storylines as possible. This wasn’t done in a moment’s notice. You know thought was put into this well before the season started. Anyway, Hannah showed up and had a talk with Peter, and Peter got emotional about it. Told the women he needed to sort through his feelings and sent them home for that portion of the date. But there was a night portion to the date, so this was something done for dramatic purposes.
Look, we know that Peter fell for Hannah. We get it. But shoe horning Hannah into the season to freak out the other women just seems kinda lame. I mean, these women all know she’s on DWTS and will be for the next month and a half, right? Hannah can’t be a contestant on Peter’s season. She’s currently filming another show every day until the finale probably. So yeah, while they’re in LA and it’s a hop, skip, and a jump for Hannah to appear on Peter’s season, it’s easy to pull off. But Hannah isn’t going to Ohio this week to show up again. Or head down to Costa Rica, Peru, and Chile in the coming weeks. So while this is a MAJOR deal right now and everyone’s gonna freak out saying Peter’s still in love with Hannah, I don’t see it that way at all. They’re using Hannah to create a storyline, there’s probably some lingering feelings on Peter’s end, but not enough to completely derail a whole season. Hell, since that cancelled group date, Peter’s continued filming per usual. Had two group dates, a 1-on-1 and a rose ceremony just like any episode. I think this is going to be made into a bigger deal than it really is. I fully expect that. The first 3 episodes of this season will have a “Is Peter over Hannah” storyline lingering over it. I kinda liken it to when Becca went down to Paradise, Colton hyperventilated and started crying, they talked, then he was fine.