So today is Victoria Fuller’s hometown date in Virginia Beach, VA. It’s one that will be public as the show asked for RSVP’s if you’re in the Virginia area. Looks like it’s happening at The Shack. Follow along today on my Twitter and Instagram as I’ll be posting pictures and videos once they start coming in. However, I wanted to finally report to you on everything I’ve heard on Victoria Fuller since before I had even announced she was a contestant on this season. I can honestly say in all my years doing this, I have never had so many negative stories and as many people contact me about one person than I have this season with Victoria Fuller. It’s been unreal to be honest. However, like I do with all information, I needed to vet it out. That I’ve done and I can now share.
First email I received was back on Sept. 7th, two weeks before filming even began, and I was told Victoria is contestant and has a horrible reputation in the Virginia Beach area for, well, being with married men. As with anything, first time hearing something, you take it with a grain of salt. But then the emails kept coming, and coming, and coming, and coming all saying the same thing. Basically that she was bad news, many people in Virginia Beach knew the stories about her, and I should look into it more. Not only that, but if I looked deep enough, I’d probably be able to find a marriage or two that she broke up because of it. So I looked. And I found. And I’m not talking about this happening once, or even twice. The info I was receiving was talking about her having done this three or four times.
It’s one thing for someone to have that type of lifestyle, but when digging deeper, not only did I find this behavior to be true, but I also found out that the wives of the husbands that Victoria was having relationships with, were actually women Victoria knew and was friends with. Like, had attended their wedding and shit. Double whammy. Before anyone says, “How do you know this is true? People are probably just jealous and trying to tear her down. You have no proof” blah blah blah. I can tell you today that I personally was in touch with women whose now ex husbands were involved in relationships with Victoria while still married, and both confirmed it to me. Could I have gone off the gossip and told you this a month ago? Sure. But for something this serious, I couldn’t just start calling someone a homewrecker because emailers were telling me to. I needed to hear from those women whose husbands were directly involved with her. And they confirmed it. When Victoria is able to speak on this, will she admit to it? Of course not. Is she gonna say, “Yep, I did that. My bad. It’s on me.” No. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Because if you ask the two women I spoke with, they would absolutely say otherwise. So it’s whose word you choose to believe.
Here’s another layer to this story: Production knows about it too. In fact, production CONTACTED one of the women I spoke to wanting to know what I know. Hence this tweet from over the weekend:
The devil works hard. So do the producers on this show. But I’m working harder…
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 25, 2019
They’re digging. The woman was called at work, the person calling said they were from the “Bachelor,” immediately started peppering her with questions, and she said she wasn’t interested and hung up. Let me be perfectly clear: This is not about the women in question, hence the reason I’m not giving you their names. The last thing these women want to do is re-live this horrible time in their life. They did not ask for this. Unfortunately, they’re now forced to because of Victoria’s selfishness to go on the show. All I wanted from the women I spoke to was the confirmation it did take place, and I got it. This is about a contestant that production is fully aware has a very shady past, they’re scrambling, Victoria has a hometown date today, and who knows, could be engaged to Peter in a few weeks. Will she? Probably not, but hey, she’s gotten this far. She’s got a 1 in 4 chance at this point.
The whole thing is a mess. I cannot reiterate how many times since filming began have I received emails and tips about Victoria that all say awful things about her. Oh sure, after my tweet last night about today’s column, obviously a couple of people who know her both DM’ed me and said something to the effect “So you’re gonna come after Victoria now?” They never said what I’m hearing is false. They never said don’t report what you have no idea about. They’re just in the mode to stick up for Victoria because I guess they’re friends. Hey, if Victoria didn’t do this, I wouldn’t report it. She did. Ask the other women involved whose marriages were affected by Victoria’s relationship with their then husbands. The whole thing is shitty all around, and I’m kinda amazed (but also kinda not) that Victoria has lasted this long. For Peter’s sake, I hope this ends sooner rather than later for her. Not a single positive thing about Victoria in a month.
The fact that production is already searching behind the scenes and trying to find out info makes me think this is somehow going to play out on the show. I don’t know when and I don’t know how. I don’t even know if the other women on the show are aware of this. I do know that Victoria had a complete meltdown earlier in the season when the whole Chase Rice stuff happened. Oh yeah, Chase Rice. Let’s not forget that doozy. So here’s a woman that went to see him the weekend before leaving for filming in North Carolina, then gets put on his 1-on-1 during filming. Obviously that was done on purpose, but I did hear she told Chase she was doing the show. She’s messy, the whole situation is messy, and if there’s EVER a time to call someone out on this show for not being there for the right reasons, it’s Victoria Fuller.
Her life is going to suck for the next few months unfortunately, but maybe that’s why there’s a thing called karma. The one thing I kept hearing over and over from speaking to people recently was “Victoria is an idiot for going on this show KNOWING this would all get out. So many people know what she’s all about.” While this is news to a lot of you today hearing this for the first time, I can assure you that those in the Virginia Beach area who run in these circles, nothing I’m reporting today is news to them whatsoever. People there are well aware about Victoria Fuller and her backstory. That’s the thing, this isn’t just someone who was living a single life and having fun and just hooking up with guys. No, she was getting involved with married guys. And to boot, married guys of women she was friends with. That is some next level bullshit and someone who doesn’t give a flying f**k about others. Her coming on the show is all about Victoria, what this show can do for her, notoriety, IG followers, etc. No different than a lot of them, but coming on this show with THAT amount of baggage that you KNEW would get out, I just can’t have an ounce of respect for that.
Have a great hometown today, Victoria!
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.