I think there are some things heading into tonight that might be all sorts of confusing based on the preview, and also some things I just don’t know about. Another question that was asked a lot is why is Barbara scream crying again during that preview as she grabs on to her husband for dear life. That I don’t know. You want me to guess? Well, an early scene showed the three of them (Barbara, the dad, and his brother), sitting on a couch, with Barbara holding her sons hand, while his dad and her have their hands on each others leg looking towards one side of the room. Maybe they’re just waiting for Peter to walk into the room with the woman he chose and that’s why she’s freaking out. Certainly Barbara thinks Hannah Ann comes to us on this earth from another planet, so is it really that far fetched to think that’s her reaction to see Peter picked her? Lets not forget, once Peter left his family after introducing both women to his parents, they don’t see him again until this is all over. But do I know for sure what that scene is? No.
-There’s going to be A LOT of post-final rose ceremony footage from this season. Probably more so than we’ve ever seen. That scene with the family is just one of them. I mean, how many times have we ever seen a season where after the final rose ceremony, they meet his family? Colton’s really, and that’s it. But that wasn’t even after a proposal. Almost every season just ends with what happened at the final rose ceremony, because most seasons end in an engagement and that’s it. But now that so many other things seem to be happening post-final rose ceremony, that changes. This will now be the 4th season in the last 5 where the show really didn’t “end” at the final rose ceremony. Arie had his stuff, Colton kinda had his stuff, Hannah Brown had hers, and now Peter. It’s tough to say this is the new norm, and until Clare’s season is over, we won’t know if hers will have the same kind of drama, but like I say every season, when you’re now 39 seasons and 17 years into a show, they have to do something different to keep people interested. As we headed into Peter’s season, I specifically wrote that Peter will have stuff happen on his season we’ve never seen before. I don’t know what they will be, but we’ll definitely see them because that’s what the show does. Same will go for Clare. So get ready. I can’t tell you what they’ll be because I don’t work in production, but I guarantee she’ll have some things happen we’ve never seen before. It’s why there’s “Story Editors” in the credits at the end of the show. Things don’t just happen organically like they want you to believe.
Maybe we’ll know the answer to this after tonight. Or maybe not. But I still go back to what Peter said at the beginning of the season when he specifically mentioned me and spoilers and said that his season wouldn’t be spoiled, and there’s a reason for it. At the time I said it, but I thought that was a pretty ballsy thing to say since, well, that hadn’t happened in a while. And for the most part, he ended up being right, since I didn’t technically spoil it until the day of his finale. But the fact that he was so confident in why it wouldn’t have been spoiled when, he DID end up getting engaged at the end and seemingly was still engaged to Hannah Ann when he was doing those interviews at the beginning of the season, just seems so off to me. Almost like he knew exactly what he was going to eventually do. Because Arie essentially did the same thing post-show, and the day that Arie flew to Virginia after breaking up with Becca, I knew about that and spoiled it in real time. So that’s where this all seems so bizarre to me that Peter, while right for almost all of the season wouldn’t be spoiled, was essentially saying he knew it wouldn’t be. The whole thing is just weird.
The other comical thing about yesterday’s updated spoiler of what happens this season is some of the reaction. Like, people are actually saying to me it doesn’t count as a spoiled season because it didn’t come til the final day. Huh? Whaaaa? There are rules to this now? Because I’ve “spoiled” you so much for 10 years in getting your spoiler within a week or two of filming ending, now because it took so long and you were so inconvenienced that nullifies the spoiler? Ummm, ok. Whatever helps you sleep better at night I guess. Like I will truly never understand why some people have such a problem with the fact that I spoil the show. People like telling me things. Granted, it certainly took longer this season, but I eventually got it. You do realize that ANY person living on this earth could’ve AT ANY TIME over the last 3 months spoiled Peter’s ending, right? I’m not talking about someone giving a theory that ends up being right after the fact, or someone guessing or telling a friend, and then now saying, “See, I was right!” That’s not a spoiler. Because if you throw enough shit at a wall, eventually it’ll stick. You’ll see that in tomorrow’s column.
But all the people that said I know nothing about this season (even though the laundry list of things I told you this season before they happened were just as lengthy as any previous season), or that I’m losing my sources, or ABC is onto me, yet no one else put out any ending for Peter’s season that wasn’t a guess or a theory. I just will never understand people that continually criticize what I do. If spoiling this show were that easy, why aren’t there hundreds or thousands of websites doing it every season? My job itself isn’t hard, but each season is different unto itself. Because Peter’s season took a while to get the ending has no bearing on Clare’s season. Or the season after that. Or the season after that. Keep that in mind. Because if I do end up spoiling Clare’s finale soon after it ends or what not, all the criticism from this season becomes a moot point.
On that note, with Clare’s season currently set to begin filming Friday, and as mentioned here last week, all international travel being put on hold, there’s a good chance a TON of Clare’s season will be spoiled in real time up through hometown dates. Because if history has shown us anything, it’s that when they travel to US cities, almost all the dates are public, and most even ask the audience to come out. Peter had one episode in a US city and you knew all the dates and who was on them the day they happened: Victoria F.’s Chase Rice date, the flag football date, and Kelsey’s soap box derby race. I’ve already told you Chattanooga, TN will be episode #4 at the end of the month. After that was supposed to be Iceland, Rome, and Croatia in some order, but that’s definitely off the table now. Hopefully I’ll hear soon where other US locations they’re headed are, but as long as they stay in the US, there’s a good chance a lot, if not all, or Clare’s dates are gonna be spoiled in real time. I just hate the fact that basically Clare’s third episode is going to line up with my time in Vegas next week for March Madness. So Clare’s season starts filming Friday. This would be the schedule in LA:
Episode/Rose Ceremony #1
Fri 3/13 – Limo entrances
Sat 3/14 – off day
Episode/Rose Ceremony #2
Sun 3/15 – Group date
Mon 3/16 – 1-on-1
Tues 3/17 – Group Date
Wed 3/18 – Rose ceremony
Episode/Rose Ceremony #3
Thurs 3/19 – Group Date
Fri 3/20 – 1-on-1
Sat 3/21 – Group Date
Sun 3/22 – Rose Ceremony
(Two group dates and one 1-on-1 has been the norm in the LA episodes in 10 of the last 11 seasons. Trivia: You know which season was the outlier in those last 11? Arie’s. Becca and Krystal had 1-on-1’s in episode #2 with only one group date. Even more trivia: Before that run of 10 of 11, the previous 7 seasons before that had two 1-on-1’s and one group date in LA. Go impress your friends with that one. That’s what I’m here for. To give you meaningless date trivia).
And I’m in Vegas from 3/18 to 3/22. Any spoilers I do get I will be posting on Twitter and IG, so follow me there. I was told Chattanooga, TN was the last week in March, so, looks like they’ll be heading there after Rose Ceremony #3, or possible they’ll do a 4th episode in LA. I’ll know as we get closer. After that, I’m hearing other US cities are being looked at, but nothing is nailed down as of yet since they’ve had to do some last minute scrambling. I will keep you updated.