Last night’s episode was a real doozy, so lets talk about a few of the things we saw.
-I think I’m speaking for a lot of people here when I say that Barbara was completely over the top last night. Hell, Chris Harrison was even polling the live audience asking if they thought she was too much and should’ve checked herself and basically everyone agreed. The first one Peter introduced to them was Hannah Ann, and for the love of God, you would’ve thought this woman was from another planet. Didn’t Barb even call her an angel sent from the heavens? Look, you can like her and have your favorites, but Barb completely took it to a whole other level last night. Just once by the way I wanna see a family when meeting the final 2 say, “I’ve read so much about you online!” I mean, within a couple sentences Barb was saying Hannah Ann reminded her so much of herself. Lets calm down please.
-After Hannah Ann met the parents, you pretty much knew exactly how Madison’s date was going to go. She had zero chance from the second she stepped foot into that room. Barb had already proclaimed Hannah Ann as the greatest human alive, so Madi was behind the eight ball from the get go. Before that though, Peter and Madi have a tough conversation when she arrives talking about how she still is having a hard time getting over the overnight date finasco (that word should be in the dictionary now). Remember a couple weeks ago The Sun put out these pictures of Peter and Madi together when she arrived? After watching that scene last night, it’s pretty clear production was well aware those pics were being taken. Those were not secretive shots the paparazzi got. Not one picture got out from Peru, Costa Rica, or Chile, yet on their final location some paps just happen to be hanging out by the place they rented out? Please.
-I don’t think there’s been a single opinion on social media who’s agreed with how Barb handled things last night. I get her point of Madi and Peter being in two different places in their lives (which is true), but, she was being a total bitch to Madi when she was there. The condescending attitude, essentially making her feel like she wasn’t good enough for her gem of a son was disturbing. Says who? Your son has been a giant f**k up all season long and continues to be post show. Slow your roll, Barb. Believe it or not your son, excuse me, your “bud” is not God’s gift to women.
-How can Barb in one breath call Hannah Ann an angel and say she prayed to God that he’d put someone like that in her son’s life, but then on the other hand essentially condemn Madi for having such strong religious beliefs? It makes no sense whatsoever. I know the phrase helicopter parent gets thrown around a lot, but usually that pertains to someone who has a small child. Your son is 28. Or 27 or whatever. Time for you to take off the training wheels Barb and let him ride his bike on his own. The whole thing just seems so off to me. It’s one thing to have your parents input. It’s completely another thing to have her manipulate you into what she wants you to do.
-Here’s the thing: Peter and Madi aren’t compatible, I don’t believe. So in that aspect, she was right. They’re just two different people with entirely different belief systems. “But Steve, opposites attract…” Yeah, I’ve heard that one but you’ve watched this season haven’t you? Madi’s faith, at least by what’s been shown to us, is everything to hear. Peter on the other hand has not shown anything remotely close to that. Because Justin Bieber saw him in church doesn’t mean shit to me. I think Peter post show has shown who he really is, and I don’t think he’s truly ready for a relationship with Madi, if that’s where we’re at tonight. Oh sure, he might give it a try and basically do his best to convince America he’s gonna fight for Madi, but in the end, I don’t think anyone sees them together long term.