-The last dates by each woman were very telling. First off, CAN WE GET THESE PEOPLE SOME BUG SPRAY!!!! That was cringeworthy to watch Peter and Madi’s conversation with all the fly swatting they had to do. From the time I announced Alice Springs was where the final rose ceremony would be months ago, I had people even telling me, “Steve, are you sure it’s there? That place is in the middle of nowhere and infested with bugs.” Well, they certainly weren’t wrong and you saw the results last night. I think the ultimate would’ve been if one of those bugs landed on Madi’s eye and ripped off one of the individual eyelashes she had glued on there. Ummmm, is that a new look I’m unaware of?
-As for Peter and Madi’s conversation itself, I mean, can you really argue with anything Madi said? Basically goes back to what I was just saying. She doesn’t seem them as being on the right path, in the same league, hell even in the same division if I’m using a sports term. Yes, I’m aware of what happens post show and Madi might be regretting what she did. But in that moment, we can’t fault her for wanting out of the relationship. Not to mention, Barb was already going for her fitting so she can nail the dress she wanted for Peter and Hannah Ann’s inevitable nuptials, so there’s that as well that weighed on her mind I’m sure. Do we absolutely know for a 100% fact that Barb doesn’t currently own a Hannah Ann porcelain doll that she prays to every night before bed? Didn’t think so.
-You know what other I’d say major clip they never showed last night that they had essentially previewed all season? FF’wd to the 2:20 mark:
That’s right after Madi leaves last night. We kept seeing that in preview clips all season long, then Madi leaves last night, and it’s nowhere to be found. Not that we didn’t know Peter was upset once she left, but, to show it all season in previews then NOT show it after everything that goes down was, again, a head scratcher.
-Peter’s final date with Hannah Ann where they got picked up in a car by the guy from Jumanji was all about what happened at the end of their date. We see Hannah Ann begin to have reservations because she feels she opens up to Peter and gets nothing in return. That’s what I’m assuming will set the stage tonight for Hannah Ann’s “reluctance” I guess to show up for the final rose ceremony. Which we know she ultimately does, but Chris Harrison telling Peter that she’s either not coming, or won’t get in the car, something along those lines is what I’m hearing Chris is telling him on that final rose ceremony stand. Which is comical if you think back to the beginning of the season.
-Remember when I first told you how the season started back in January? After I’d watched the first episode and said this season kinda begins like “LOST” with a flash forward to the end? And then when everyone saw the initial trailer for the season, it was just assumed that Chris is telling him that Madison had left. Even though I never got it confirmed until later on that Chris wasn’t speaking about Madison, I said it the very next day that maybe I didn’t know what Chris was speaking on, but his wording did not make it seem like he was telling Peter that someone had left the show. Not that late in the game, and not with any urgency. It just didn’t make sense, and it ended up being right. And basically, it’s gonna end up not being as big a deal as they made it out to be when they started their season with it. Because ultimately what Chris is telling him is about Hannah Ann’s struggles, but, we ultimately know she does get there and they get engaged. So lets keep that in mind for next season and every future season going forward. I sound like a broken record, but the short term memory on people when it comes to this franchise is astounding. Every season there’s a freak out over a promo, and usually, it never lives up to the hype.
-It’s pretty crazy to think back to everything we’ve gone through this season, and now tonight it finally comes to an end. All our questions will be answered. Well, at least most of them. I don’t know if we’ll have an exact timeline on things and when they played out, but if we don’t, I will report tomorrow what I heard about when things happened. You have no idea how excited I am to be done with this season and moving on to Clare’s. Hopefully all the guys they give us tonight will be guys I already have and you’ll see me tweet about them immediately once they’re introduced. Also, we’ve gotten the cast released early by ABC for the last 3 seasons, so if they’re gonna do that again, I’m assuming we’d get those pics on their FB page tmrw or Thursday at the latest. That’ll help me as well trying to figure out of the guys I have who’s on and who isn’t.
Buckle up tonight. Looks like there’s gonna be some fireworks as this dumpster fire finally comes to an end. Talk to you tomorrow.
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