It’s only been 24 hrs since the women were released, and just like is the case every season when the cast is put out, immediately I start hearing things about the contestants. This season is no different. But I’ve learned over the last couple of years, unless it is something major and can be proven to me, I’m not gonna involve myself in it. Sure, have I already been told “Oh, she just dumped her boyfriend to go on the show?” Yes. Have I heard, “Totally on the show for IG followers. She’s never even dated a black guy before?” Yes. But nothing I’ve been told has really been anything that’s worth reporting on. This is what the show is now. If you’re watching because you think 43 women are there to find their husband, you’re watching the wrong show. Stop complaining about the motivations for the contestants going on the show. It’s pointless. That’s like complaining the sky is blue every day. We’re in different times. The contestants know EXACTLY why they want to do the show, and finding a husband is probably 78th on their list. Just accept it.
Here are some facts/notes/interesting tidbits I’ve been able to gather about the cast individually and as a whole over the last 24 hrs:
-Of the 43 women, 6 of them have their IG’s currently de-activated: Mariela (Mari) Pepin, Pieper James, Rachael Kirkconnell, Kennedy Taylor, and Victoria Larson. By the way, CORRECTION to be made. Talie Moore is actually Nitalia Lewis. Her IG is @nitalialewis and is private. I will update it on my Twitter and IG today. She’s an esthetician in North Carolina.
-Of the 43 women, only 3 of them still have their IG’s public: Magi Tareke, Michelle Young (even though she just started and has only posted twice), and Kit Keenan. Kit’s mother is clothing designer Cynthia Rowley, and they host a podcast together called the Ageless Podcast.
-So that means 34 of the women are currently set to private. Basically anyone who goes from private or de-activated to public by this weekend we know never made the final cast. Because remember, Clare had 42 guys announced in July before her filming started and only 31 ended up making it to her first night. So we know probably 8-10 of the women released yesterday will never be on the show. Should be fairly easy to figure out who based on their IG accounts in the next few days.
-I don’t know why ABC is so adamant about putting what seemingly is the place where these contestants grew up as their city in their bio, as opposed to where they live now. Just look at how many corrections I had to make yesterday and update their current cities, and those just happen to be the ones I know. I’m sure there are others that I’ve just not been made aware of yet. But geez, why is it so hard to tell the audience where these people actually live now? Do we really care where they were born if they aren’t currently living there? Pet peeve of mine.
-After the cast was released yesterday, like clockwork, the age shaming started in again. First off, Kit is the only girl who’s 21 on the season. But anyone that saw Kit’s age seemingly had to comment on it. Again, Matt is 28. Kit is 21. The age difference isn’t that big of a deal. Is Kit ready and wanting marriage right now and that’s why she’s there? Probably not. But I remember Baby Bekah being called out for her age on Arie’s season, and now she’s in a relationship and has had two kids. No, Kit and Matt will probably never get married, but enough about “when I was 21, I was nowhere near ready to get married!” Great. Kit probably isn’t either. Hell, most of them probably aren’t. Getting engaged and married from this show isn’t the point of it. One Bachelor in 24 previous seasons has married the final girl he chose. Lets stop pretending going on this show to get engaged/married is the end all be all. It’s not what the show is about. Never has been, never will be.
-One thing that is perfectly clear from that group of 43 released yesterday is that it’s by far the most racially diverse cast we’ve ever seen. And it’s not even close. Just by the naked eye, I counted 28 of the 43 women to NOT be vanilla white girls. That’s huge progress for this show. Now, are pretty much all of them between a size 0 and size 4? Yeah, probably. Hey, baby steps. It’s only 2020 and the 41st season of this show. Give em’ some time.
As for some of the women individually, here are some interesting notes:
–Sarah Trott knows Katie Morton. Sarah has a blog or something and one of the pictures on it is of her and Katie. I was sent the pic yesterday but now it’s buried in all the DM’s and emails I received I have to go looking for it again.
–Serena Chew is/was a flight attendant (currently furloughed) with American and is close friends with Eunice Cho from Peter’s season.
-The biggest “look-a-like” message I got yesterday was everyone seemingly thinking that Anna Redman was Hannah Brown’s long lost twin. I mean, they kinda look alike? But the amount of people who see them as twins was pretty astounding. I guess I don’t see it as much as others.
–Kim Li is the ex-girlfriend of David Alvarez (IG: @davidalvareeezy) who is apparently some YouTuber. She has a travel blog herself:
–Mariela (Mari) Pepin competed in Miss USA 2019 with two of Peter’s women, Victoria Paul and Alayah Benevidez.
–Saneh Ste Clare is a former homecoming queen at the University of Florida. She moved to Denver about a year ago. And I was told she pronounces her name “suh-NEIGH-uh”. Wonderful. I’m sure I won’t screw that up a billion times this season. UPDATE: And now I just received an email saying it’s pronounced “SAH-nee” like “Dasani.”
–Abigail Heringer was born partially deaf and wears hearing aids. Based on public reaction yesterday, she was someone who was getting a lot of positive response. I’m sure that will increase 100 fold now.
-And the big one from yesterday, Madison Nelson dated Matt James last summer, even attending one of the NY fashion shows with him that I tweeted out.
Some tea for you already: Apparently Madison Nelson was dating Matt last summer when Tyler was seeing GiGi. Went to one of the fashion shows with him. Here they are together. Heard they were together for at least a couple months.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 6, 2020
I heard it wasn’t too long, maybe a couple months, I don’t know if he ended with her, she ended it with him, or whether it was a bad breakup, etc. I don’t know anything but I know they dated and it was somewhat serious considering some of the text convos I saw. How will Matt react when he sees her? I’m guessing that’ll be a major early storyline. Will it play out like Nick and Liz’s storyline? Or will it end like a Peter/Kelley thing, although they only saw each other once pre-show and never dated. I’m talking more about the outcome.
Those are just a few of the notes to pass along today. There are a few more I’ve got plus I’m sure I’ll be hearing stuff all throughout the season on and will determine what is relevant and what isn’t. Are all these women saints? No. But who is? Because a girl drank and had lots of sex in college doesn’t mean that’s somehow relevant to Matt’s season. Sorry.
By the way, one final “Bachelorette” note. IF there happens to be a Game 7 of the NBA Finals (which is unlikely now after last night), then it would be next Tuesday night on ABC, which is supposed to be the premiere of Clare’s season. Clare’s season would ultimately get either pushed to the next night or the next week. Not sure, but just know if there’s a game 7, Clare’s season won’t be premiering next Tuesday night. Game 5 (and possibly Game 6) are Friday and Sunday to keep track. But I’m sure the Lakers are ending this in the next two games, so I don’t think there’s much to worry about.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.