Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” The “Bachelorette” Begins, Matt’s “Bachelor” Filming & More

Photo Credit: ABC

I think one thing to take into perspective when it comes to Clare/Tayshia’s season is, this is not a normal season. Nothing about it is. From the location, to the no travel, to the time it’s airing, to the DAY it’s airing on – it’s all different. I’ve said it numerous times over the past 6 months on podcasts and on lives, and I’ll repeat it again: this will be the worst rated “Bachelorette” season they’ve ever had. And it has nothing to do with Clare or Tayshia. It’s not their fault. 1) network television ratings are down across the board and 2) “Bachelorette” is not airing when it usually airs (May-July) nor is it airing on the “designated” Bachelor Nation night, which has always been Monday nights. Hell, even when BIP runs 2 nights a week on Monday’s and Tuesday’s, Monday’s has always been the higher rated episode every week. So yeah, when you see me post ratings numbers this year, don’t be alarmed because you’ve already been warned that this season is not going to be very highly rated compared to past seasons. I’ll show you that once the numbers start coming in. I’m sure haters will go the ageist route and say Clare was too old, and why did they cast her, and that’s why the ratings suck, etc. Those people have no idea what they’re talking about.

Some other Bachelor Nation news that you saw broke last week was the fact that Madi Prewett is now dating Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. I showed a pic of them on a date at Las Margaritas in Columbia, Missouri last Thursday night and then, whaddya’ know, the next day all the entertainment sites (who hadn’t ever posted one thing about Madi and MPJ ever), within 24 hrs are running stories how they’re dating because “sources” told them. Uh huh. Makes perfect sense. Hell, I said on a podcast back in February or March that I heard they were seeing each other and had been sent a pic. But then the pandemic hit, things kinda died down, then MPJ left for the NBA bubble in Orlando. So this isn’t really all that new of news to be honest. Madi even posted videos during the NBA playoffs of her just happening to be watching Nuggets games. So yeah, this isn’t something that just happened.

In podcast/IG live news, I’m pretty sure this week’s IG live with Ashley Spivey will happen tomorrow night. I’ll keep you updated on that. We’re not gonna do one after the show tonight just because I will be busy at work writing (damn you again to ABC for not posting the episode to their media screener page) or else maybe we would’ve. Also, Kat Dunn and I did a podcast that you can hear on both of our platforms this week. She released hers last night on the Conspire Away Bitches Podcast, and I’ll be releasing it on mine on Thursday. We drank during it (well she drank more than I did), and we fought about Reddit. Look, I’m just not a fan of them. I’ve made that known for years that I’m not a fan of any forum where nameless, faceless people can say anything they want behind a computer screen with zero repercussions. I’ve said many a things in my life online. And everything I’ve said you can attribute to me. Steve Carbone. Reality Steve. Sorry. I just don’t respect people who can’t attach their name to what they’re saying. Nor do I really care what people who don’t know me, have never spoken to me personally, or haven’t met me, actually think of me. Why would I care what they think?

I don’t read Reddit, I don’t cater to Reddit, and I don’t write to appease them. I ignore them and they talk about every single word I say. Wash, rinse, repeat every season. I’m sure just that sentence alone will get their panties in a bunch but, well, it’s fact. And I mean that. I hope people truly understand what I’m saying here. They talk about me all the time, plenty of it negative. And I never ever have dedicated any of my column to discussing what’s going on over there. The only time I ever see Reddit is when people send me links to stuff they’re talking about. I open it, I start reading for :30 seconds, I see mindless drivel they spew, then I do something else. It’s just not for me. They don’t like me (even though they hang on every word I say), and they are a zero to me. But it sure is fun to make their heads pop off by just saying something negative about them. I’ve already been told about all the hate I’ve been getting since Kat’s podcast was released last night. Good. Let them. Doesn’t affect me or my business in any way, shape, or form. They’re a niche audience that has very little bearing on my audience as a whole. Oh yeah, Kat and I have been dating for almost six months in case anyone hasn’t been following. It’s been a lot of fun, and this podcast is…interesting to say the least. It’ll be up Thursday, but if you want to go listen now on the Conspire Away Bitches Podcast, you can. Go support Kat.

Like I said, not a ton of “Reader Emails” this week, so, next week I’m sure we’ll be back in full force. With that said, for the first time in six months, the return of “Reader Emails.” Enjoy…

Who was/is your favorite contestant on big brother and who do you think should win? I wouldn’t say I have favorites, but just based on what’s currently happening, I’d say Cody will probably win. Seems to be running the show, has allies in the jury, and really only see him getting voted out before finals if Enzo and Nicole team up against him. I just don’t see that happening.
Have you always watched or did you just start because of Kat? This is only my second season watching and everybody is saying how bad it is, so I’m interested to hear your take on it.

Comment: Well, last season was the only season I’d ever watched because I knew Holly and she was a former podcast guest. Ended up watching the whole season because as we know, she got to the end. Then once I started dating Kat, I got more into it and excited for this season to start. But I know none of these players past game play (other than what place they finished), outside of David and Nicole A. from last season.

I don’t have any season to compare it to other than last season, which seemingly people hated as well. Kat will even tell you that. But this season I just haven’t seen much game play. The Slick Six dominated from the very beginning, pretty much all the evictions have been unanimous or close to it, and there just hasn’t been much suspense. I don’t know a lot about where people rank the seasons, but I can’t imagine this one is up there amongst the favorites.

Hi Steve,

I’m new to The Bachelor franchise as a viewer, and I really enjoy your work! I was wondering if you could go over briefly with those of us who are newer how exactly you got into this line of work, what goes into it, and what a normal day may look like for you.

Comment: Ha ha, welllllll, that’s a long story. One I’ve told numerous times. The short version is, I just recapped reality tv shows 17 years ago, this show started, I added it to my list of shows, and then it just stuck. Didn’t get my first spoiler until 2009 for Jason Mesnick’s season and been spoiling ever since.

My days are pretty boring and monotonous. Just in front of my computer a lot typing. Well, during the season I am. Since COVID I’ve maybe written 5 columns total, but that changes starting today. Back to 3 times a week for probably the next 6 months straight.

How much privacy do contestants really have in the Fantasy Suites? They seem to capture all the important conversations from there. They do? There are no cameras and no mics once the doors are closed. So all the privacy they need. We only see the before and after.

In Bachelor Season 1, there were night vision cameras. They had cameras when Jojo kicked someone out. They captured some conversation between Ben and Jojo in the bathroom. They captured audio from Kaitlyn/Nick sex (albeit not in Fantasy Suite yet) and some suspect they have audio in there all the time. If they do, we’ve never heard it.

I think we don’t need to panic about 21 year olds being old enough to marry. Statistically, any contestant would be in more danger of getting married if they stayed home from the show. Kit isn’t marrying Matt. We don’t have to worry about that.

In the past, you’ve said that the contract is mostly a scare tactic, since they haven’t actually sued a contestant before. Would Luke P now be the first?

Comment: Seemingly Luke would be the first, but I don’t have a clarification of what’s going on with that. I’ve reached out and I haven’t heard he’s had to pay anything. So I’m not sure if this is still being contested or what.

Any scoop on Tyler C and Hannah B?

Comment: Unfortunately until the end of time (or either one of them marries someone who’s not the other person) this question will always be asked. Especially when they keep putting out videos like they did last week which did nothing but muddy the waters even more. At least to me it did.

Hi Steve! Hope all is well with you. Quick question out of curiosity. One of the bachelor podcasts I listen to is Bachelor Party with Juliet, and she has thrown some subtle shade towards you! Saying you are more of a ‘nuisance’ (which you are not!). Not to get personal but did something happen? Bc as I recall she has been guest on your podcast and thought you guys had a good relationship. Thank you for doing what you do! Your live with Ashley has been very entertaining 🙂

Comment: I had no idea Juliet has been throwing shade. If she has like you say, I don’t know why. I’ve never said anything bad about her. I frankly haven’t mentioned her in a long time on my podcast. So, I’m not sure what she’s said about me or why she’s said it. However, I’d need specific examples before I’d respond to it.


Thanks for what you do. It makes watching this weird show more fun.

First question, I know everyone including you have said Clare definitely picks Dale. But I just saw a preview that shows their first meeting and she says I feel like I just met my husband. Would they really make it that obvious so soon? I feel like maybe it is trick and she actually picks someone else like the other guy that is shown a lot, Jason. Thoughts? No. Clare is with Dale.

Also, are there a lot of guest appearances by former bachelor nation people this season?

Comment: Yes. A lot of them just appearing a part of dates, or dropping off date cards, etc.

Hi Mr. Steve,

I’m pretty surprised to hear that the show has cast a woman that Matt was previously dating, especially after Clare left with Dale because she presumably went in with prior impressions. I was hoping you could talk a bit more about why they did this and whether she has an advantage or disadvantage. (They broke up for a reason? maybe the reason was he’s the bachelor?) Was Matt already in no-phone quarantine when the women were revealed, or does he know that she’s coming in?
Thanks so much!!

Comment: I think it’s a major disadvantage. We talked about this in my podcast last week and I agree with @BachelorClues. I don’t see Madison lasting more than a couple of episodes. I don’t see why Matt would keep a woman around that he dated last summer for a couple months. I mean, I get why she probably wants to go on, but I don’t think it’ll go over too well. Not that he’ll be mad at her, but I just don’t think he wants to go backwards. Whatever they had last summer is over, and I doubt her coming on the show will change his mind.

Hey Steve!

Who is the woman who voices the intro to your podcast? Her voice is like butter.

Comment: Showbiz Shelly from 103.5 KISS-FM in Chicago.

Hey Steve,

Writing this as a fellow Survivor fan. In absence of a new Survivor season, I decided to try Big Brother for the first time with this All-Star season. I REALLY wanted to like it, but am consistently disappointed. In my opinion, it’s been a snooze fest with no one to really root for, and I’ve found myself not sorry I never watched it before. I know Survivor has had its not-so-great seasons too. I’m curious what your perspective is. Is Big Brother usually worth watching three nights a week? Should I give it another chance the next time there’s a non All Star season? Or just continue to hope and pray for Survivor to return?

Comment: The 3 nights a week thing is why I could never get into it before. Last season was the first season I’d ever watched. Outside of the two celebrity editions because I knew those were only 3 weeks long, not 3 months. But yeah, just hasn’t been much suspense to this season. Everything’s gone according to plan. No blindsides, one alliance has dominated from the get go, no one’s jumped alliances, etc. Just too straightforward of a season. I’ve heard past seasons people played MUCH differently.

Hi Steve,

Great podcast with Game of Roses! That may be one of my favorites. On the podcast, you all pondered what might happen with someone who has hearing aids. One answer: water. Most hearing aids are splash-proof, but a little like cellphones, they aren’t that splash-proof.

My question for you is, would producers cross that line? Do you think they may put Abigail in a situation where she cannot hear? Or set up another girl to “accidentally” ruin her hearing aids? That would be devastating, as it would mean taking away her hearing, and potentially costing her thousands of dollars.

I’m hoping this is a non-issue what with filming in Pennsylvania during fall/winter.

Thanks for the columns and updates!

Comment: They’re already some of the shittiest people on earth. If they even dared put Abigail in something hearing related, that’d probably take the cake as one of the worst things we’ve seen in this franchise. It would just be unnecessary. But make no mistake, her being deaf will absolutely be a storyline on Matt’s season. They will do whatever they can to bring light to it. Some people will look at it as a positive thing. Some people will think it’s exploitative, I’m sure.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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