Crazy year. Up is down. Left is right. And frankly, quarantine season was a lot harder to figure out than I ever thought it would be. I could sit here and list the reasons why, or go over when I heard certain things and what the reasoning behind them was and what not, but it’s kinda pointless. I deliver the spoilers as I see fit. I get told a lot of things spoiler-wise during the course of a season that I never even run with. I have to vet out what I believe to be correct information versus, well, information that isn’t correct. There’s stuff I’m told that I don’t run with that ends up being true. It’s rare, but it has happened. Most things I don’t run with never end up happening though. But if I report something that’s wrong, I’ve always told you, “Hey, that’s wrong.” You don’t care why or how. At least I don’t think you do. But unless I were to divulge who the source was, you’d never know anyway. This season has been all kinds of confusing to be honest. Did I tell you the final four before the season started? Yes I did. And that’s correct. After that, well, you’ll just to have to read on…
First lets get to your spoilers for what you’ll see in tonight’s episode as for the next two weeks, we have Monday and Tuesday episodes…
-1-on-1: Blake Moynes. They go to a crystal guru to have their crystals and chakras read. They don’t even make it to the night portion of the date. Tayshia doesn’t give Blake a rose and sends him home.
-Tayshia visits the guys after sending Blake home and is crying and upset. She asks to speak with Riley, they go outside, and she sends him home. So now heading into the rose ceremony, we have 6 guys left: Bennett, Zac, Brendan, Noah, Ivan, and Ben.
-Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Ben is already safe with a rose from his 1-on-1 last episode. Tayshia gives roses to Ivan, Brendan, and Zac at the rose ceremony.
Noah and Bennett are eliminated.
-Men Tell All (Filmed at Nemacolin resort over a month ago)
9 guys in attendance: Bennett, Noah, Riley, Demar, Ed, Yosef, Blake, Kenny, and Jason.
The biggest storyline to come from the MTA is that Yosef gets put up in the hot seat, and when given the chance to defend how he spoke to Clare and defend his actions on the show, he doesn’t apologize for them, and pretty much every guy lays into him calling him out for how he acted on the show.
-A MAJOR SPOILER CORRECTION heading into tomorrow’s nights hometown dates:
1. I reported at the beginning of the season that Brendan’s family doesn’t show for the hometowns and that he self eliminates at either #4 or #3. It’s his PARENTS that don’t show. His brother Dan, sister in law Christi, and niece Aliyah are who shows up.
2. Brendan doesn’t self eliminate at #4 because Ben gets eliminated tomorrow night at the hometown dates rose ceremony. Your final 3 this season are Ivan, Zac, and Brendan.
3. Which then means that the final two I originally reported this season, Ben and Zac, does not happen.
So yeah, at this point, if I can find out anything in the next week, I’ll try and report that, but as for Brendan self eliminating, I don’t know. Maybe it happens. I just don’t know with any confidence at this point if it does. There’s a lot to go over in terms of where we go from here but give me tonight to get everything together, gather the info that I do have, and I will tell you tomorrow what I have going forward. But as for the end result this season, at this point, it’s anybody’s guess. I do not know for sure what happens as of now.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.