Always a fun conversation to be joined by Chad and Lizzy from the “Game of Roses” podcast, two people who have originally invented a new way to watch this franchise. We had them on at the beginning of the season for a preview, told them I’d bring them back at the end of the season, and here we are. Boy there was a lot to unwrap in this one. We try to hit on all the main storylines this season, without diving into stuff we covered ad nauseum while it was happening. Chad and Lizzy always have such an interesting perspective on the show and once again they deliver on this podcast. We talk about what this show needs to do moving forward, what’s in store for Dark Lord Harrison (we disagree on this one), the ATFR and Emmanuel as host, and much, much more. A little over an hour conversation that I know you’ll enjoy. If you’d like to respond to the interview, give them a follow on their Instagram (their handles are linked below), or subscribe to their “Game of Roses” podcast, on any platform you can listen to podcasts. I thank Chad and Lizzy for coming on this week, as I can assure you they’ll be back in the future.
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by discussing “Bachelorette” filming and Katie’s guys. Then Chad and Lizzy from the “Game of Roses” podcast join me (9:13) to go over the mess that was Matt’s “Bachelor” season, the many mistakes production made, who were their MVP’s, how does the show improve on it going forward, is there a future for Chris Harrison in the franchise and much, much more.
Instagram – @gameofrosespod
Instagram – @bachelorclues
Instagram – @pacecase
CampaignZero – link
8CantWait – link
PoliceScorecard – link
In the beginning of the podcast, you hear me say that the guys for Katie’s “Bachelorette” season haven’t been posted as of the time I recorded the open to the podcast. Well, they’re up now at the Bachelorette Facebook Fan Page. 34 guys total, probably 3-4 of which won’t make the show. 10 of the 12 guys I’d given you are on the list. Josh Munday (Maquel’s ex husband) and Samir Vogan are not. Not sure what happened. So that means 24 guys I still need to find for you, and I will update them throughout the day on my Twitter, IG Stories, and my IG Highlights. 2 of the guys were in the original cast list for Clare last season – Karl Smith and Greg Grippo. So 2 down, 22 more to go.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you next week.