Hi Steve, I am a listener and reader of your stuff from really far away. 4 years ago I was on vacation in Canada and saw the season of Rachel on tv. I don’t know, where the faszination came from, but I startet to watch older and the recent seasons of the franchise. I like the english language and Iam a huge fan of America. I wanted to learn more and so I startet listening to a lot of different podcasts and came across yours. I am a 67 year old widow with a lot of time I guess. I listened to all your podcasts and heard every live with Ashley, because I learned a lot of the American lifestyle, politics, the black live matters and the me too movement. That is so interessting, because it is very different to the German Lifestyle. People in American are not better or worse, just different. So I thank you for that.
I am sorry, that people turned on you in the last weeks because of some mistakes you made in the past. Everyone makes mistakes in a lifetime.
I really hope, you take that in consideration, wenn you hear bad things about the contestants, some of them earn the benefit of the doubt as well and a chance to do better in the future. Just an opinion of an older woman.
So I hope, I didn’t make so many mistakes. And perhaps you like the fact, that in Germany is someone, who is waiting every week for your content.
All the best, stay healthy
Comment: I love this email. How cool is that? Sometimes you just never know who the hell is reading you. Certainly to think some 67 year old woman in Germany not only listened to me as much as she does, but really appreciates what I do. So cool. Thank you very much. Kinda at a loss for words.
You mentioned a few weeks ago that Julie Laplaca had left the show. Any insight as to why? Any other shakeups on the producer side that you know of!?
Appreciate any insight!
Comment: Haven’t heard the reasoning. And haven’t heard anything else regarding production.
Hi Steve!
Long time reader first time emailer. Before I get into my questions I want to send some love and support your way! The internet is a crazy place.
Not sure if this has been asked before, but two part question: First – Do you know of any instances where the Bachelor(ette)/BIP has changed a decision that they made because you spoiled it? They obviously can’t change what happened on the show, but for example choosing someone for BIP or maybe changing the edit because you leaked a storyline. If you don’t know if any instances, do you think it’s a possibility? I think the closest thing was all the Victoria Fuller stuff. I mean, it’s very detailed, but if you can go back to the day of Victoria’s hometown date with Peter, that column, plus the next day’s column explaining how everything went down with Merissa who ended up showing up and confronting Peter about Victoria, what I reported 100% played a role in that storyline. That’s probably the most egregious one.
The second part is after you’ve spoiled something, do you know/think the show has someone look through your website and comments/replies to see how the audience is reacting? I wonder whether they want an upper hand going into editing how people feel about people and storylines. I’m not sure how much they check reaction to what I say, especially if it’s my replies on my site. My site is not a place where people voice a lot of reaction. I see the number of comments and it’s so far behind actual readership, it’s kinda funny. You know how influencers get paid off engagement. Well considering the traffic my columns get, the engagement is like .000001% seemingly.
When I read that Becca was joining BIP this season I was surprised, and it had me wondering whether you spoiling would have them change their mind, or whether someone would go to your page to see how the audience reacts.
Comment: Change their mind as in taking her off the show? I mean, that didn’t happen, so there isn’t much they can do at this point.
I am a big fan of Juliet Litman’s podcast. I listen to all her Bachelor content. I listened to your reader’s emails on your podcast today and I want I say I have never heard Juliet say a negative word about you. In fact, I have not heard her discuss at all the negative press you received.
I went back through her podcasts just to double check and found nothing.
Just saying.:. I have no idea where that person came up with that.
Comment: This is in response to a Reader Email from Thursday’s podcast. That email said that in one of Juliet’s podcasts she told people not to support me anymore. This email is saying she never said that. I don’t know since I didn’t hear it. If she did say that, it’s unfortunate but not unexpected because it’s what a lot of people feel. They’re allowed to feel what they feel. If she didn’t say that like this email claims, then that’s nice to hear. So if it happened, I guess now someone should just produce the podcast where she said it and a time stamp.
Hi Steve,
Listening to your most current podcast now.
I want to reiterate what another one of your listeners said. You’re appreciated! One of the things that stands out to me most about you is what an incredible interviewer you are. You ask great questions, and most importantly, patiently listen to your guests’ responses. I started listening to you for your Bachelor related stuff, and while that’s still my favorite, I respect the choices you’ve been making professionally. I, too, try to grow and learn each and every day. Just know that despite the trolls, you are appreciated. Thank you. I just try to ask what I think a lot of people want to know and what I personally want to know that doesn’t necessarily have to do with the show.
That being said, this may be such a stupid question, especially for a woman in her 40s with one grown child and one elementary aged. But…why was Hannah Ann at LaQuinta filmed being driven around in the back of a golf cart? Was she a possible replacement for Claire? Again, I have much bigger things in my life to worry about, but I actually enjoy this mindless information!
Comment: We’ve never gotten an answer to that one. Not sure if we will unless she speaks on it some day. But she seems content on distancing herself from this franchise. She doesn’t talk about it at all really. Good for her.
Hi Steve,
I just wanted to shoot you a quick message. I listened to your podcast this morning and I really liked the email that someone wrote to you about being a good example of someone that self reflects and makes change after making a mistake (I can’t remember exactly how they worded it). I completely agree with this person.
We are all human and we make mistakes, but it takes a truly mature person to be able to look inward, admit they were wrong, apologize, and learn to do better. It can be very humbling to admit being at fault. Over the last couple years, I myself have been learning more about this. I messed up a lot over the years and I’m working to be better too. There is no shame in being open about self improvement. It is so powerful!
I know it must be so discouraging to get all of these horrible messages from trolls out there, but you’re right, your true die-hard readers know you have changed for the better and continue to work on yourself! Anyone who judges you for your journey probably has no maturity, or has never challenged themself to do better and be better.
Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re doing a great job.
Comment: At this point, it’s all I can do. I was called out for 1) past misogynistic writings 2) my dealings with Demi and 2) how I report on contestants. So what can I do in response to that? I’ve deleted those writings, I’ve apologized to those I offended, I don’t write like that anymore, I don’t make phone calls like the one to Demi, I’ve made changes in how I cover the show, and I’ve vowed to do better. That’s all I can do. If that’s not good enough for some people, then it seems like they’re just looking for a way to hate. I was called out for my behavior, and I’ve corrected it. It’s a work in progress. It’s ongoing. But I feel I’m on the right track. Just gonna continue to be better going forward by not writing like I did, change how I cover the contestants, and not involve myself with contestants off air anymore.
While listening to your podcast I thought of a question. I noticed Clare has been quiet on her Instagram the last few days. Could she be there in Mexico?
Comment: Not that I’ve heard. They have not appeared and there’s only a few days left of filming.
hi RS!
Very small scale and not super important question for you. I know usually the F4 contestants stay at the hotel/on location even after being eliminated to help prevent spoilers. Do you have any clue if that was the case with Katie’s season? If you’re unsure, was it confirmed that was the case for Matt and/or Clayshia’s season?
Comment: I didn’t hear either way.
Hi Steve,
First I appreciate the example you are setting in owning up past mistakes and being open to feedback and self reflection. I did not start reading your articles until maybe 2018 so I had no idea about the past things written and had always enjoyed your writings and podcasts. When I heard about the old writings, while I did not like them, I recognized they were not representative of the current reality Steve. You were clearly working on self reflection, being open to feedback, and working to change (and already had) so I have continued to read and listen. I have made mistakes in the past and cannot imagine having to deal with the repercussions publicly from people who don’t even know me or care about my future well being. My blatant misogynistic past writings were embarrassing, cringeworthy, and I hate that I did that. I should’ve known better. I didn’t. To me, that’s what “edgy” humor was because others were doing it. The thing is, it wasn’t edgy, it was just dumb. I had the humor of a college kid and I was in my early to mid 30’s. I hate that I wrote it and it will forever be attached to me. But all I can do is know that that’s not me anymore, hasn’t been for quite a few years, and move forward continuing to show it’s not me.
Anyway as for my question, on night one Katie started out the night saying something along the lines of she was stressed she would have to do this show alone. Then Kaitlyn and Tayshia snuck up behind her and Katie acted completely surprised that they would be hosting. Do you have any idea if that was really the first moment Katie found out she would have a host and who the hosts would be? Do you think production actually told her she would be hostless and she believed them? Just curious if you have any inside scoop or guesses!
Thanks Steve!
Comment: I don’t know what they told her. I gotta believe they told her we have a host, but maybe they just didn’t say who it was gonna be.
First time long time. Do you know when Survivor is coming back? I really miss that show!
Great job on your handling of the situations you have been through. Very encouraging that some people are willing to learn and grow from it. It is a great example to share with others.
Comment: Season 41 has filmed and is in the books. If you search online, you can find out who the cast is. No returnees. All new cast. It’ll premiere in it’s fall slot, usually 2nd or 3rd week of September, but CBS hasn’t given an official date yet.
Can you settle a debate? I have been pooping in the garbage disposal because our toilet is broken and the plumber can’t get here until Monday. My girlfriend says she’s going to break up with me if I do it again. She insists on asking to use the neighbor’s bathroom…WHO WE DON’T EVEN KNOW!!! I don’t see what the big deal is. It all goes to the same place and I clean the sink every time. Can you get the poop police off my back and tell her that she’s being unreasonable?
Comment: Speechless.